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000000  No.4522

Reasons to hate France!

>extreme taxation

>cucked le civic nationalism

>bans Nazi symbols

>retarded language and its protectionism

>militarized police state because of imported mudslime terror attacks


>wannabe superpower

>foreign interventions

>nuclear weapons

Fuck! France is the crappiest country to have nukes, except maybe "Israel"

>permanent UN security council seat

>occupies overseas territories

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e6ca9d  No.4525


It is in the best interest of the elites that one hates and despises the brothers, in order to disperse power, and focus attention on such nonsense, instead of important things. Don't hate, don't fall for his game, I know you are more than that.

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000000  No.4531


I hate the government, not the people.

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315781  No.4535

File: a17cf5676ffc11f⋯.jpg (161.31 KB, 1200x1189, 1200:1189, a17cf5676ffc11f8042d7b46e0….jpg)


lol another kike D&C thread trying to divide White brothers and sisters. I wonder who is behind this post?

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293d6d  No.4539

I don't hate any french person because I know that the french people are the ones struggling because of everything the jews have done in their country.

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c030e5  No.4540

how did shills find this place so fast ?

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293d6d  No.4544


when you get paid 900 coins a month to "troll" natzies i guess it makes you put some effort into it… nah jk these guys are pretty basic, they just got the link from whoever orders them around and they got to work

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6b110e  No.4733

File: 2f5d7833b5f0f06⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 676x380, 169:95, maxresdefault.jpg)

I used to think that way then I remembered that France is about more than what it seems to be. If you want to be deceived in believing that France can be described by what you wrote, suit yourself. But you are missing the point.

The French lifestyle was destroyed by the anglos. They used the Arabs to cause a climate of fear. This made any hope of integrating migrants a fantasy when it was at first feasible. Their kids went on a rampage in the Middle-East after being trained by the Brits in Turkey or Northern Syria (lost the source). Those who benefit are the ones milking the country dry from abroad. Now if the French tax foreign companies fairly as they should, Trump made it clear that a fair amount of Isis fighters would be returned home - the word for it is theft. Threatening violence if you refuse to give your money is theft.

As bad as it is, France will eventually manage somehow. What will be more interesting is to see how the US/UK shareholders fare in a few decades when the $ loses its reserve status.

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315781  No.5145


>This made any hope of integrating migrants a fantasy when it was at first feasible

lol it was always a fantasy. wake up. migration is just a PC term for "soft invasion"

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9fa489  No.7791

Why is Israel in quotes?

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