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The apocalypse isn't all that bad

166fc4  No.44888

They killed him. One of the greatest Americans to ever live and they killed him. Rockwell's books should be required reading for everyone in our sphere. I always knew he was based and memeworthy but after reading them I see that he really was on Hitler's level in terms of intellect, character and conviction. After his murder the ANP splintered into various factions which all became impotent, defunct jokes. James Mason went to prison at 42 for threatening his 16 year-old gf and her spic lover. Last year the leadership of NSM got turned over to a leftist nigger of all things. I haven't read Siege yet but am getting so incredibly blackpilled at the fact that things are EXACTLY as Rockwell described them 60 years ago, but SO MUCH WORSE. I legitimately wish I had a time machine to go back to '67 and fight with Rockwell. I wouldn't have the ability or know-how to save the Third Reich, but I could at least save him and give America a chance. I'd rather lay my entire life on the altar of being a stormtrooper in the hate bus than keep subsisting in this bugman's world. I can't fucking take this timeline.

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c2ee8b  No.44959

What did you expect? Of course they killed him, why wouldnt they? Anyone who tried to ensure our people's survival and had a real chance of getting real support has always been killed, JFK, Rockwell, Malcolm X for his separatism and survival of his people, the list goes on. There was never a political solution, and now we know. The only question left to ask is what will we do about it?

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166fc4  No.44972


Kennedy was hardly /ourguy/. Commies only killed him with the intent of pinning it on the right wing. Dallas was known as a hotbed of "hate" after all.

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169489  No.45011

File: f72b32d109a9362⋯.png (523.13 KB, 457x738, 457:738, Rockwell Hooker.png)

File: ec163b59dec8832⋯.png (1.02 MB, 652x988, 163:247, DeWest Hooker TTTW.png)

File: 8aae7cb02ca637a⋯.png (508.14 KB, 2005x1024, 2005:1024, DeWest Hooker Kennedy.png)

File: 2efa0a5a0b7287e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 621x957, 207:319, Final Judgment.png)



Read Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper. There's a whole chapter about how Rockwell's mentor, DeWest Hooker, used the ANP to help get Kennedy elected.

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ffa6f4  No.45017


Shekel added to your account. Well done, agent.


Thank you. Good post.

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085bc2  No.45034


Very interesting. I had wondered why in Rockwell's 1961 autobiography he demonized Kennedy, but then in White Power seemed unpleased about his death. Thanks for that info.

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a85209  No.45442

File: 41a0bfcc3203b21⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2400x3070, 240:307, Why the National Socialist….png)

File: 1a840d50ea216ee⋯.png (864.94 KB, 1378x708, 689:354, 1a840d50ea216eecb578914390….png)

File: d5ccf752d957bf2⋯.png (355.17 KB, 1000x400, 5:2, Rockwell.png)

File: d9138dd5caf3e2d⋯.png (490.78 KB, 2476x1004, 619:251, truc.png)

Yeah, he was pretty based…

But that doesn't mean he's gone forever, he lives on within you, as long as you don't forget him, he's immortal.

Like Hitler.







He was seriously based anon.

But don't worry, just wait for your time anon, this country cannot stay as it is forever, sooner or later, it will break BECAUSE it was always against Nature's laws

pic related.

Then it will be your time.

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6f8fac  No.46136


>Is there any coming back

Welp, according to those sick ass trips of yours, I'd say we're at least on the right track. Keep the faith.

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66ff19  No.46601

File: 8d07cafbc0a18a3⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2000x1330, 200:133, p6za8fp.jpg)


Rockwell was a good man, but like many intellectuals of his measure, such as Yockley, they have earned their respect among the dissident right and are often read, what is lacking however is action. It is very rare that the great thoughts of these men are made manifest through actual struggle, put into practice.

It is all good and well to learn and grow from philosophical and theoretical literature, from ancient wisdom to more contemporary dissident thinkers, but the most important thing will always be to get something done. To not passively let the world pass you by and your enemies seize the moment.

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fe0b22  No.46659


>this country cannot stay as it is forever, sooner or later, it will break BECAUSE

Imagine actually fucking believing that.

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2e23ab  No.46701

File: dc9d080c57b9b4e⋯.png (144.63 KB, 1032x774, 4:3, derletzteman.png)



Thanks anons, those posts really bolstered my spirits.


That was kind of my point with this post, that Rockwell was the last person to both believe it AND accomplish it. Even libcuck biographers admit that he was assassinated right on the cusp of posing a legitimate political threat.


I finally started Siege and can say with certitude

>read Siege faggot

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fe0369  No.46757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Him and Dr. Pierce were my biggest inspirations. His public appearances were great too, he'd have a room that initially hated him cheering by the end minus a handful of seething jews and racemixers. I'm not American so it's obviously not a realistic view but in my eyes GLR was the quintessential American patriot.

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0441d7  No.46794


>no argument, just the same spam as all jewish shills

Okay, thanks for confirming what I said. The future is Rhodesia.

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54da13  No.46924

File: 02165b35c085499⋯.png (199.45 KB, 616x480, 77:60, 02165b35c08549912d51c62901….png)

File: dce20b23c593646⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 558x344, 279:172, dce20b23c593646562b8f98f66….jpg)


Schizospergs have been calling GLR and his disciples jew shills for half a century so there's no debate to be had with another feckless illiterate.

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61f6a8  No.46944


Do you have the source on that first pic?

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a0b3aa  No.46963

>OP's image of GLR was (((deleted)))

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a30bb4  No.46969


Tell Hitler to explicitly clarify to Mussolini that he should not attack Greece before Barbarossa was through and internationally broadcast concentration camps' conditions.

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54da13  No.47206


Nah. There's an innuendo about Co-Prosperity Spheres there somewhere but I'm too tired to formulate it.


It wasn't even of him, just a generic reaction pic. No clue why it got shoah'd

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