I'm not trying to blackpill you here, but here's my take:
We tried. Everyone tried. And we failed. That's it pal, we simply lost.
Not that the majority of the people have noticed it yet, but they will, in due time. Some of them anyway.
You should, however, chin up, stand tall and move on. The world is about to get more corrupt and dangerous, but that doesn't mean we should give up. If you can't save your country, the second best you can do is save your family. No family? Save yourself.
Start looking out for you and your loved one's. The country is done for, now is the time to hunker down and weather the collapse.
And no, I'm not talking about building a bunker and stockpiling on ammo. I'm talking about preserving or getting a good job, working outside the system as much as you can, keep savings and resources hidden and keep your head down. Facebook? Twitter? Ditch them. Friends? Count the good one's, ditch the rest. Anyone needs a favour, they can ask their precious "government".
And don't feel guilty: you'll not be the first person doing it, and you'll not be the last. A sure fire sign that this is starting to happen:
>Charities get less money and resources from people, more from the state
People are stockpilling or simply can't afford to give, the state steps in as stop-gap measure to placate social problems.
>lotteries and gambling on the rise
If your country has one or more thriving National Lotteries, it's a sign people are have so little, what little they have is worthless and they're willing to gamble it away hoping for an escape from this hell.
Casinos see a rise in clients, but the biggest sign is how many people you can find gambling actual money in a bar near you.
Picture Weimar. Imagine you're a German living there. Now imagine that instead of Hilter, some form of mass hallucination caused the people to elect a black, gay trans activist with no notion of politics or economics and a marked disdain for white people. If I was in that situation, I'd stop fighting, consider the whole government beyond salvation and work on my life above all else for as long as it is possible. Things get bad enough, I'd start sending CV's out to other countries. Maybe those countries are also shit and have commies running rampant, but as long as they weren't AS bad as the one I was, there's a chance the collapse and catastrophe that befell it would spell a dire warning for others in time to stop them.