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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

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8c7570  No.44

Letters to politicians go straight in the garbage bin. My vote doesnt matter. Im deplatformed from all media because my worldview doesnt fit into the overton window. How do I stop the gradual decay of my country?

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000000  No.45

Become a blue checkmark'd journo

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4a3ded  No.88

File: 2d495d8d203a500⋯.webm (382.22 KB, 600x480, 5:4, ganbatte kudasai ne!.webm)

The best thing you can do is improve yourself, anon! Realize the futility of participating in national-level politics and build your own community!

Look to the middle-classes of Latin American countries, or the German ethnic enclaves in Central Asian countries, where little German boys and girls go into town to sell pork to the Russian ethnic minority, who view it as a delicacy in a majority-muslim country! These groups are islands of higher culture surrounded by an ocean of filth.

Become a man that the people in your life can respect! From your neighbors, to your friends, to the lady at the DMV. That's the key to raising daughters that won't sleep around and sons that won't become passive betas. As long as you're a repectable man, people will listen to you and want to emulate you, and be more responsive to your worldview.

TL;DR: get a haircut, exercise, read books like crazy, build capital. don't be dependent on gov't to save you, like a zero-agency nog

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676937  No.107


On the contrary, anon should exploit the system as it expands and heads towards systems collapse. Change your name to an african name such as Jamarcus Weebasa, submit your unemployment claim, go see a few therapists and let them know that you've been hallucinating recently. They will likely categorize you as either bipolar, schizo, or autistic. Once that happens apply for ssi disability with a good lawyer working probono (easy to find and get subsidies from uncle sam). While you're doing this find a group home to stay at which should be less than $100. Food stamps should give you $500-$1000 a month. Apply for low income housing credits after. After a year you should be receiving around $2k to $3k a month in gibs with your own house/apartment. With this money move to a rural town once you get accepted for low income housing there. If you took out some high interest loans before heading to the disability life and put it into precious metals or bullets you'll be living like a nubian king. Do not contribute to an economy that wants you dead.

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8c7570  No.111


>change name to nigger speak

>collect passive income

Actually, that reminds me. The Defense Minister of Iraq was caught doing that a few days ago.


Apparantly he was flying to Sweden every few months to collect welfare checks and harass young boys. In Swedistan's rush to get culturally enriched they apparantly forget to ask for any form of identification from self proclaimed migrants. So if you really want to leech the system, get a spray tan and head on over to Scandanavia where you will get paid to exist and only slapped on the wrist for raping beautiful hwite women.

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6d23f0  No.118

create a peaceful but heavily armed no-go zone with people that share your culture and values. Trump is the last breath of western civilization in the american continent so you better prepare now.

if you can get about 200-300 people with guns that share a faith or a race in a town and are willing to look at each others back, you can hold the fort against government.

good luck amerimutts. i foresee bad times ahead for everyone in the west.

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7f2fd8  No.540


>How do I stop the gradual decay of my country?

You can't save your country, but you can save your race, or at least a few individuals.

We can't stop immigration, dysgenic fertility or leftist politics on a national level, but we can build a parallel society, consisting of a few persons. There, you can effectively ban racemixing, divorce-and-money-grabbing, idiocracy etc. Set up some rules, and if they get broken, exclude this person.

It's perfectly legal and our best bet. Basically, imitate what the orthodox jews are doing at the east coast, form your own state within the state (as much as it's possible without violating the laws).

See here, for a detailed explanation: http://archive.md/9K9qa

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3ce22c  No.587


>it's over for America. For the west.

it is a pity that our ethnic homogeneity is lost, but the loss of America or the West is not. Let's face it, it was an NPC-cuckfest anyway.

Public mainstream culture is now dominated by (((media))), self-mutilating trannies, fat landwhales or other degenerates.

Oh, and Jews descend only from 350 individuals from a few hundred years ago. Still they managed to rise to power again very well.

Your mistake is to try to save concepts like the "West" or "America". We can't, but we can build our own parallel culture as >>540 already said. We should take an example from the Ultra-Orthodox Jews or Mormons. They define themselves only by their own group, not by a (((value system))) (aka 'the West') or a whole continent (America), and that's why they thrive.

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3ce22c  No.588

File: cce5a5675b5d93d⋯.jpg (165 KB, 887x945, 887:945, take the blackpill, goy.JPG)

they never took the blackpill, stopped procreating and died out

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e3cb64  No.623



Or, even better, don't contribute to the economy that wants you dead and work to build your own economy. Build up an ethnic enclave, make sure it leeches off of the dying corpse of our country.

Contribute to the economy only in negative ways, such as selling trash to niggers and degenerates. Make sure you're not providing anything of value to niggers and degenerates - ideally, selling them poison would be best.

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aa3863  No.662

I'm not trying to blackpill you here, but here's my take:

We tried. Everyone tried. And we failed. That's it pal, we simply lost.

Not that the majority of the people have noticed it yet, but they will, in due time. Some of them anyway.

You should, however, chin up, stand tall and move on. The world is about to get more corrupt and dangerous, but that doesn't mean we should give up. If you can't save your country, the second best you can do is save your family. No family? Save yourself.

Start looking out for you and your loved one's. The country is done for, now is the time to hunker down and weather the collapse.

And no, I'm not talking about building a bunker and stockpiling on ammo. I'm talking about preserving or getting a good job, working outside the system as much as you can, keep savings and resources hidden and keep your head down. Facebook? Twitter? Ditch them. Friends? Count the good one's, ditch the rest. Anyone needs a favour, they can ask their precious "government".

And don't feel guilty: you'll not be the first person doing it, and you'll not be the last. A sure fire sign that this is starting to happen:

>Charities get less money and resources from people, more from the state

People are stockpilling or simply can't afford to give, the state steps in as stop-gap measure to placate social problems.

>lotteries and gambling on the rise

If your country has one or more thriving National Lotteries, it's a sign people are have so little, what little they have is worthless and they're willing to gamble it away hoping for an escape from this hell.

Casinos see a rise in clients, but the biggest sign is how many people you can find gambling actual money in a bar near you.

Picture Weimar. Imagine you're a German living there. Now imagine that instead of Hilter, some form of mass hallucination caused the people to elect a black, gay trans activist with no notion of politics or economics and a marked disdain for white people. If I was in that situation, I'd stop fighting, consider the whole government beyond salvation and work on my life above all else for as long as it is possible. Things get bad enough, I'd start sending CV's out to other countries. Maybe those countries are also shit and have commies running rampant, but as long as they weren't AS bad as the one I was, there's a chance the collapse and catastrophe that befell it would spell a dire warning for others in time to stop them.

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aa3863  No.664


Quick note:

Qoomers and assorted idiots who still believe there's a solution should be swiftly ignored. Not fought against, not convinced, not even engaged.

The pied piper is playing two tunes, and they believe that because their tune is different than the other, the fate that awaits them is any different.

Don't lose time with people like that. They'll at least have a few more years of hope and happiness. That's something I envy until I remember the rest.

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15a8f5  No.920


Get out in your local community and start picking up trash. Don't expect credit, just do it. Get out in your community and talk to people. educate them on what fascism is, not what fascism isn't. Get out there and realize that this fight might last a hundred years. Realize that you might only know darkness, but continue fighting anyways. because you are fighting for something bigger. We will save the world and they won't know our names, we need men who simply don't care for recognition and credit. We need men who are willing to live in darkness for the greater good. We need men who will humble themselves and serve. Be a man. Serve fascism.

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2b80a9  No.1011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>How do I stop the gradual decay of my country?

You can't

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2ac028  No.1021


>start picking up trash.

Where could I send it to? is there an organisation? I can't overfill on my thrash bin, I don't pay more thrash fees, I don't have the money.

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81c3ae  No.1024


I imagine some of it can be brought to a recycling center, possibly sold for profit. As for the rest, maybe ask a local business if you can use their dumpster. I know a guy who allowed to use the dumpsters at city hall because there's 8 of them and they're always empty. He just walked in and asked if it's okay

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000000  No.1042


>submit your unemployment claim

Don't it will ruin your disability claim, none of the lawyers will take you if have to go to court

>Food stamps should give you $500-$1000 a month.

Food stamps is about $135 for the maximum but it's not uncommon for the (((socal workers))) to low ball you so constantly look at your balance

>If you took out some high interest loans before heading to the disability life and put it into precious metals or bullets

don't get caught because precious metals is resources according to gov, you can't have more then $2k under your name

here's how to get on disability without getting to trouble https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/2019/06/12/how-to-find-and-follow-the-ssi-regulations/ read it, this blog saved my ass.

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000000  No.1061


>work to build your own economy. Build up an ethnic enclave, make sure it leeches off of the dying corpse of our country.

this is the best option, I am tired of having dealing with welfare social workers and the government in general but don't know how without being the next ruby ridge.

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