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The apocalypse isn't all that bad

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8fce23  No.43666

The left's war on whites, men, and western civilization is literally destroying our world. https://www.unz.com/article/the-green-new-right/

Second and third world countries are far worse about most environmental problems than white majority countries.

We need immigration controls to keep third worlders from coming here and bringing their destructive, irresponsible habits with them.

We need hard working men to put food on people's tables and roofs over their heads. Construction and agriculture are the deadliest industries in America, and they're both worked overwhelmingly by men. If you want to solve climate change and reverse wildlife loss and deforestation, you need more manly men doing those jobs that most women can't do.

If we don't exterminate leftists who want to flood our countries with shitty people who are destroying their home countries' ecosystems and who push men to become soyboys and take estrogen instead of becoming hard workers, literally all life on earth will die. The Nazis must win or all life on earth will die when our ecosystem collapses due to overpopulation, overconsumption, and socialist bullshit that enables those things.

Fighting for white survival isn't just about saving white people (not that there's anything wrong with saving the most responsible, creative, curious race of people on earth). It's also about saving literally all life on earth. You are the greatest people in the entire history of life on this planet and we need you more than you know. Thank you to every single Nazi!

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8c68dd  No.43678


There are two ways we can go about this, two options minus civil war: that is our very last option (which could end either way, it's a 50/50 chance for both sides winner takes all).

The two other options, besides a winner takes all civil war, would be either moral tough white men infiltrating the establishment political parties and flipping them to our side by replacing the ZOG puppets or we start our own third party in the US (which honestly would take a couple decades to mount enough support needed to compete with the two party system: if it's not already too late). We either do it by political infiltration or outright competition…. or, as last resort, we wait till the population is so fed up that society ignites and we go to war against the establishment in armed insurrection. The danger of civil war must be very clear: the winner takes all.

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8fce23  No.43701


Civil war is better than 50/50 odds. The right owns 3/4 of the guns and has the support of almost 2/3 of active duty military and 3/4 of vets as well as solidly controlling the parts of the country that are hardest to take by military force and which produce most of our food and fuel. At least in the US, we have a solid advantage. Our advantage is shrinking demographically in the long term but has grown significantly in the last few months as people wake up to the Israeli pedo cabal (Epstein, NXIVM, Colombia, etc.) and see all the corruption from the Dems (fake Russia investigation, fake impeachment, faking the Iowa caucus results).

Seems like a better option than the others but it depends on whether the Qtists are right or not, if they're right then infiltration already worked. If they're wrong then we'd better hope the civil war starts anyway.

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1eeae9  No.43722


I think you, and others, really overestimate how useful the average gun-owning "right winger" in America actually is. They are a thoroughly poisoned people. Nigger lovers, philosemites, coal-rollers, rent-seekers, cubicle coolies.

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8fce23  No.43733


I'm not expecting them to usher in the ethnostate. I'm expecting them to take us from 60% white and shrinking to 80% white and growing.

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1eeae9  No.43740


Part of the problem with people who see the American "right" as a path towards a solution is they suffer from cognitive dissonance and are unable to recognize how wedded, structurally and ideologically, the American "right" is to the forces that have delivered the country to this state.

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e40cf1  No.43763


That's true but it's all about how you marshall them. Right now they are largely useless but have a lot of potential. Wait until whites in the USA truly are a minority and the economy is devastated because of it. Those fuddy duddy cuckservatives are going to give a whole lot less of a shit about being called 'racist,' and there has been a lot of redpilling these days on the right as far as Epstein and shit of that nature going mainstream. The environmental pressure necessary to cause people to change isn't there yet, but a lot of the important groundwork is getting laid.

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ebe9dc  No.43768


There are more than three paths we can take. Infiltration is certainly an option I would recommend but political infiltration is the last thing that should be pursued because of how ruthless participants are vetted to ensure they do the elites' wishes.

Politics is downstream from culture: to bring about change I'd recommend a "reverse long march through the institutions," in particular education, and to get more of /ourguys/ in positions of economic influence. If we had several Henry Fords (albeit much more guarded in speaking about the JQ) then the battle would be much more even.

As for grassroot activism striking at the legs of the State is crucial. The Virginia counties have stood up for their people and that is why local politics ought to be the starting point. Jury nullification is something that we ought to make known far and wide to strike down unjust and unconstitutional laws (it's the "People's Veto"). Agorism in the form of counter-economics also holds a lot of promise as it reduces the power that government and corporations have over us. My point is, don't limit yourself in alternative strategies and many of these can be pursued simultaneously.

However, environmental problems are overstated and they exist primarily as a distraction to white genocide. "Muh environment" is a carefully constructed narrative to turn idealistic millennials and zoomers into watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside)

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4a28c4  No.43771

The world cannot be saved by people so enslaved they cannot break free of something as weak as nazism.

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e40cf1  No.43782


>to bring about change I'd recommend a "reverse long march through the institutions," in particular education, and to get more of /ourguys/ in positions of economic influence. If we had several Henry Fords (albeit much more guarded in speaking about the JQ) then the battle would be much more even.

I actually agree with this. I think a big part of it is also going to be creating our own separate parallel social structures even if it has to be somewhat under the radar. The system clearly does not represent us and in fact wants us gone or enslaved, the best thing we can do is start separating from it and creating our own alternatives. The Marxists took over western white society over the course of decades, even a couple generations basically, until they could get their disciples into important positions in government, education and media and take over. We basically need to do the same kind of strategy, just one that is more 21st century and incorporates the internet, etc.

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4a28c4  No.43786

White society rose to the top of the would on the back of an idea so basic, any civilization could do it: don’t be niggers. It wasn’t because of the color of their skin, but the simple refusal to be niggers that exalted white people. Racists were sent off to die overseas where possible; at home, they were driven from power and relegated to becoming the ancestors of the kind of people we now know as hill people and trailer trash.

Meanwhile, the core of society thrived in compassion and growing specialization. As populations grew cleaner and healthier, they also grew smarter through the elimination of traumas and the opening of opportunities. While niggers were murdering and enslaving each other in other parts of the world, white people were growing strong in the ways of killing nobody.

Unfortunately, we’ve run into something of a Commodus problem, and modern cultural leadership doesn’t understand the centrality of the ways of killing nobody. Hate-enslaved thinkers are being exalted in culture; spineless submission to hatred and lies is being cast as defiance. Whites have cast down the anti-authoritarianism that raised up our ancestors and then have wondered why their societies are in danger of collapse.

It is time to give up racism and remember again the power of not being niggers. Let the niggers murder each other in ghettoes, and wax strong again in the wats of kindness and honesty. Learn once more that lies and force are both coercions, and define around yourself a society free of coercion so that you may build again the foundation of greatness in your society. For it was never the nigger’s clenched fist “might” that raised our cathedrals and our skyscrapers, but it was in rising above primitive authoritarianism that we found world-shaping forces with which to define the very ground beneath our civilization.

That again is the force we need, that force which finds power in honesty and compassion. Even the great industrialists were moved to bring their products to the masses; they did not serve a few privileged people only as niggers and nazis are inclined to do.

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1eeae9  No.43789


>Right now they are largely useless but have a lot of potential.

I don't think they do, but we're probably not going to change each other's mind on that.


>a "reverse long march through the institutions,"

We don't have time for that. We are quite literally in end game active genocide stage right now.

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e40cf1  No.43795


Agreed, we have different viewpoints but we don't need to fight. I just think that frankly, because people are such easily riled, emotional reactionaries that during times of extreme stress and duress it will be easier to galvanize people as they start to cling to any kind of power or authority to follow, because that's just the way most of humanity is. If you and your group of like minded anons are already somewhat organized and have your shit together, it will be that much easier to sway locals to your side and way of thinking. If we can get little independent things like that going in every town and city we would be able to rock the boat on a lot of things, especially with the zoomers, the new western white minority generation, literally 1/6 to 1/4 of those fags are basically just /ourguys/ in their larvae form, needing to be fed redpills to grow.

>We don't have time for that. We are quite literally in end game active genocide stage right now.

Honestly, I want to argue this point but I'm afraid you might be right. I wouldn't say "endgame" of it's all over, but certainly it's just now revving and fully kicking into high gear. I've had the same conversation with other folks on other boards, and a lot of them say the same thing, we don't even have ten years that it would take to get our people into remotely important or influential positions. I stick to my guns that it is still something we should be pursuing just because it will still help overall, but I also acknowledge you might be right, the situation is dire and we may not have time for that approach.

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ce8ede  No.43797


That really all depends on the scenarios that play out. Right now, no we are not any threat. However, flip to a hypothetical scenario where law enforcement actually do try going door to door from one neighborhood to another and that will most certainly cause standoffs and shootouts between LE and civilians (maybe not in every single situation but it won't have to in order to send a very strong message to the government that people are fucking fed up and not going to lay down). All it takes is a few shootouts, a few dead citizens and a few dead cops and the nation wakes the hell up and takes notice, and so will the federal government. And if the government won't back down? It's on. I can tell you right now a lot of people are pissed off as it is, all it takes is some kind of action that pushes them into a corner and a lot will find no reason not to fight back.

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939bc7  No.43799


paid to post

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ebe9dc  No.43800


>We are quite literally in end game active genocide stage right now.

That stage would be closer to South Africa where the government is explicitly anti-white and we are under constant attack. THEN it would be time for civil war.

Infiltrating important institutions effective at a high enough level would take at least a decade though, so I can see your concern. Of course, it would be valuable anyway because were war to break out at that point these institutions would be compromised and all their information could be leaked.

An alternative is to set up a parallel structure of institutions which is already in its early stages. The problem is that to have institutions that can't be (((shut down))) we need our own payment processor, which requires our own bank, etc. However, homeschooling itself is an alternative institution in education and it has been on the rise in the United States. We already have alternate media so I think that's the lowest priority; I think that finance-based (large income translates to a lot of possible funding for /ourguys/ if done carefully) and academically influential institutions are quite important to get hold of.

People who say "civil war is the only way" rarely recognize that to have any sort of success they need to create alternative institutions in the form of militias and PMCs, except highly secretive (or otherwise innocuous on its face) with sufficient logistics. Speaking of which, alternative intelligence organizations that work for us are absolutely necessary too. Logistics and intel are two oft-neglected aspects which decide wars.

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ce8ede  No.43805


A lot of people are awake and angry. And we do have the numbers and the guns on our side. However, a Bolshevik takeover of the government and military is all it will take and they'll send out the drones and national guard forces and all their MRAPs with machine guns. So that is the main threat of a civil war. A commie takeover of our military and government is completely possible thanks to the radicalized Democrat party. However, if they did start such a civil war there will be death toll on both sides and it will be very hard for America to recover, it would crash the economy, it would tear the nation apart ideologically for decades to come. No one really wins from this, not even the commies who took over the nation.

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ce8ede  No.43813


>I don't think they do, but we're probably not going to change each other's mind on that.

Not him, but food for thought. Please put yourself in this situation: right now you are relatively comfortable, you own a rifle and a couple shotguns. No one right now is busting your door down, but there are rumors they will at some point to take your guns. Right now everything is peaceful. Suddenly you wake up one day and hear there have been a couple shootouts right in the same county you live in, a couple miles away from where you live. You read it was about gun confiscation and hear there are federal agents / LE going door to door in your county. OK, you have the heads up "it's going down soon!" You have two choices, give them up and become a slave, or get ready to fight them and take as many out with you as you can. What do you do?

Now put tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands or even millions in that same position. 50/50 change. Some will fight back, some will lay down and give up.

Now consider this: all it takes to spark a civil war is for some to start fighting back.

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e40cf1  No.43814


There is some dork running around posting politically correct nonsense in all the threads right now, just ignore.


One of the most bitter pills to swallow is going to be that if you aren't starting or doing your own thing, you basically need to look at financially supporting someone who is. I know it's hard to find decent guys you really believe are genuine or even just agree with enough to want to give up your hard earned shekels. We aren't going to get anywhere without money, either. Part of the reasons our enemies are so powerful is of course that they have so much money, plain and simple. We eventually will have to start pooling money and resources for bigger things, but also have to try to keep it on the down low as much as possible for as long as possible.


I also think a civil/revolutionary war could potentially be disastrous and a no-win for anyone that just ends up in society fractured with no decisive outcome. Also, even if the marxists "lost," the (((corporatocracy and banks))) would likely still survive and be the dominant force in whatever society emerged.

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c4c40f  No.43819


Well consider the Middle East before we got involved over there lol, there is some truth to what he says. For example many nations in the Middle East were very Westernized with free markets and happy people before we started dropping bombs all over them. He has a point, typically it's governments that keep people miserable and in third world conditions (if not domestic ones, then foreign ones).

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4a28c4  No.43849


Nah, I’m a hobbyist. It’s fun. It’s my vice that I have to hold in check. Other people do drugs, get drunk, or prowl for sex, I write probably-idealistic veil-tearer posts where they’ll “never” be read.

Sex is boring; booze is barely better. I like what I do. Be the light, y’know? It’s fun to stomp on taboos and think unacceptably. Of course it’s still a vice, hehe. Like ethical sluts have to maintain boundaries and straight edgers have to keep themselves clean enough to sell sobriety, I can’t bust out the rhetorical superweapons just anywhere. This place is good for it; the audience may be unimpressed, but they can rarely kick me off the stage.

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4cc5d8  No.43852



Nazism has nothing to do with Jewish Neo Con politics you faggot. The NSDAP was an ally to sovereign middle easterners.

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000000  No.43858

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939ca3  No.43871


Well fucked no matter what then, right? Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. Got any solutions other than those already mentioned in this thread?

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8d62a6  No.43874

File: b23ca3e628922b3⋯.webm (4.43 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Nazi_party.webm)


On the contrary, it's 80 years later and the global kvetching is still going heavy.

You won't be long for this world, Himey :)

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000000  No.43875


There's only one solution: the Final Solution. Or you can vote koshervative, sign up for the US Army, learn Krav Maga, and rent the Tavor at the range. I'm betting you'll do the latter.

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08671e  No.43878

File: 5a1952da9cecc83⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5a1952da9cecc8342f87a985eb….jpg)


That's not what they're breaking free of

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4cc5d8  No.43891


talk to your neighbors.

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8fce23  No.44535


That was true 10+ years ago when the neocons were primarily in control. The Tea Party removed some of the corruption, Trump is removing some of the corruption, but I will give you it's still partly true of establishment conservatives. However, your average working or middle class conservative is steadily waking up in ways that surprise me.

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8fce23  No.44539

Fuck yeah ecofash. Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong!

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8fce23  No.44540

Fuck yeah ecofash, Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong

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1eeae9  No.44600


You're exactly what I'm describing.

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9b260c  No.44611


>That was true 10+ years ago when the neocons were primarily in control.

So it’s true today.

>The Tea Party removed some of the corruption

They did nothing whatsoever.

>Trump is removing some of the corruption

Kill yourself, Q-LARPer.

>but I will give you it's still partly true of establishment conservatives

There are no establishment conservatives. They do not exist.

>However, your average working or middle class conservative is steadily waking up in ways that surprise me.

No, they’re not.

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40c08a  No.44843

While true, to be completely fair it was the west that moved all our shit factories to these nations to produce plastic shit. We buy their products. They make the waste there because the manufacturing is all there.

Just saying.

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1927cb  No.44849


we also send all our plastic to china for processing (though it looks like china stopped taking it in 2019)

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000000  No.44850


A winner-takes-all is a better situation than allowing our enemies to live among us. Even if the civil war escalates and goes completely out of control, it is still better to have everyone (from all sides) killed and everything destroyed than to let even a single one of our enemies (jews, niggers, leftists, faggots, etc) alive.

It must go beyond winner takes all: it must be either we win, or everybody loses.


Better than living among communists. Everything crashing down and everyone losing is still preferable than winning a partial victory with communists still allowed to exist within the land.

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12b5ff  No.44870


You don't need the help of the average guy to retake your country. They just have to think you are better than the current leaders.

A million of highly motivated white men are enough, even for the USA.

A massive purge is required in all our lands, and we do not need pussies anyways.

And if it does not happen during the zoomers' lifetime, then it is game over for whites.


> I also think a civil/revolutionary war could potentially be disastrous and a no-win for anyone

Yeah, slow death is better.

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8fce23  No.45050


Fair point but as I address in the article, nationalism and trade policies that make outsourcing less profitable (part of nationalism) will help with that.

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a84577  No.45061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2feb9a  No.45090


>It must go beyond winner takes all: it must be either we win, or everybody loses.

I would love that to be the case, but unfortunately it is not the civilians who own the nukes or bio-weapons. Then again, the government may think that same way and that becomes a realistic outcome for everyone.

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685f1b  No.45106


>And if it does not happen during the zoomers' lifetime, then it is game over for whites.

I agree. Then again, I think the establishment knows this too. So the smartest thing they can do is to continue incrementalism. By doing so, there would be no mass gun grab thus avoiding sparking a civil war. However they'd still be setting up traps like red flag laws and such to ensnare one person at a time over various reasons. If they can stall a civil war from sparking a few decades, the demographics will change enough that we will become a minority and then they will swoop in and kill off any remaining resistance.

>Yeah, slow death is better.

That could happen too. Civil wars have to spark. It's not about individuals shooting up some random place. There has to be a fierce wave of public resentment combined with pushing people way too far until they fight back because they feel they have nothing left to lose. I really do think mass gun confiscation would ignite something like that (not gun bans but gun grabs).

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3afae9  No.45149

>Even if the civil war escalates and goes completely out of control, it is still better to have everyone (from all sides) killed and everything destroyed than to let even a single one of our enemies (jews, niggers, leftists, faggots, etc) alive.

That is a fatalistic and nihilistic view that doesn't actually care for the well-being of the White Race. If you cared about our people you would want to minimize harm they sustain while ensuring their survival. Leftists and faggots need to be eliminated, but (in the U.S. at least) secession into different ethnostates is the only realistic option.

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e40cf1  No.45174


>Yeah, slow death is better.

What you describe as slow death, I describe as slowing DOWN our death so we can have time to prepare properly. There's just no way to "force" your war, you can only prepare for it (which we should also be doing.) But the fact of the matter is, if there's going to be some violent, climactic war or battle it's not going to happen for a VERY long time, anywhere from 10 - 30 years, at which point we're facing the "slow death" for a very long time anyway until this potential conflict starts. My argument is that it simply behooves us to prepare by creating our own separate social structures and apparatuses now because if there is no war, we will need separate institutions and organization to survive the future globohomo dystopia at all, and if a conflict does break out, we'll be a million times better off if we already have our won separate thing going from the society and establishment that wants us gone or enslaved.

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086275  No.45290


This. "Accelerationism" through violent means will only serve to get everyone participating killed and put non-participants in a worse spot. Were revolution to be inevitable, parallel institutions would 1) funnel arms and supply to partisans, 2) recruit more volunteers and demoralize opposition, 3) collect intelligence through insiders, and 4) provide a framework for the future that people were to rally behind. Even if everyone in the West were to rise up in revolt tomorrow and successfully overthrow government, there is no guarantee that /ourguys/ would come out on top because in Europe leftist revolutionaries would have a numbers advantage and in America insufficiently redpilled conservatives would be the most powerful militia force. Moreover, politically we still lack unity and even a military victory may result in backstabbing and power struggles; just look at the conflict of different philosophies on this board.

We need to 1) grow, 2) network and establish institutions, 3) unify under common cause (common leadership would lead to innumerable plants), and 4) win with the least cost possible.


>A million of highly motivated white men are enough, even for the USA.

The U.S. army has a million men alone and they will be better equipped, better coordinated and better trained than you. That doesn't of course count militia movements, white or otherwise, that would try to stop you as well.

Cocky would-be revolutionaries would do well to review the many failed revolts of history and learn from them.

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12b5ff  No.46224


I agree but I don't see how this would materialize in practice. Preppers ? Raising redpilled families ? Anybody with basic common sense or anybody who is aware of the jewish question is already doing it.

My country went from 20% African to 50% African in only 20 fucking years (among newborns). The damage done is incredible, and if there is no option to fight and retake control, then fleeing will be the way to go.


Equipment means absolutely dogshit when fighting rebels hiding in the population. And in the case of a white revolution, at least half of the military will join the insurgency. All this has been common knowledge here for almost a decade.

Not saying it will happen, the USA is too big and your immigrants can not provoke enough trouble to spark a revolution or anything alike. The USA will face slow death, guaranteed. Europe is where it will happen, for to many reasons but particularly these:


>African population quadrupling to 4 billions in 80 years

>dense population fighting for less resources

>stronger nationalism

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1eeae9  No.46230


>And in the case of a white revolution, at least half of the military will join the insurgency.

The military isn't half White and the White people who join it aren't on your side. The military is your enemy. Permanent, intractable enemy. Feeding people bullshit like this is going to get them killed.

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e40cf1  No.46264


>I agree but I don't see how this would materialize in practice.

I know it's not much, and I don't want to sound Varg tier, but basically this. Like minded people need to start getting together to pool resources. IE, people who live in urban areas need to get together to buy or rent their own building which from the outside looks like (and is) some kind of innocuous and nonpolitical invitation only gym/clubhouse type of thing, which it is, but it's also a lounge and loosely HQ for like minded, red pilled guys to hang out and talk, help each other out with various exchange of skills and trades, etc. All without being some overt, gay political movement or proud boy tier shit with demonstrations and symbols and names and crap that draw heat. Rather than a big, nationwide thing, we just need to start setting up regional independent little things like that. The long term goal being for urban people to try to move closer together, or at least be networked with like minded, nearby people to help and support each other.

And likewise, rural and suburban people who live outside major metros and closer to the country can pool their resources to buy a chunk of land and develop it with others to create a little oasis with an increasingly independent and autonomous functioning sustainable living plot, giving said group a place to retreat, disappear, or just otherwise organize at if necessary.

I know it's not some brilliant master plan, but by just getting various peoples together to start building their own little separate, insular societies within or without the mainstream, depending on where to you live geographically. Not some big, nationwide movement, but just getting a bunch of local people all over the place to come together so we're no all scattered and alone as things continue to fall off the rails. Once we have our own little places we can also begin alternative training and education in young people etc. get people working out and teaching them actual life skills instead of public education bullshit, etc. I don't claim it's the cure all solution to our problems, but it's a low key thing that can be done without any central planning that's actually realistically achievable, and something we should be working on moving forward as it's one of the few actual viable things we can do that would help us.

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a17c93  No.46388

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