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File: 187f255d5fe780c⋯.jpg (505.22 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, house americana brick.jpg)

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75df75  No.42495

Has anyone else the implicitness of DIY culture?

As if in recent 60 years, people stopped fixing and tinkering with things (activity that requires creativity and problem solving). People as consumers became more passive and ecologically polluting throw away technology became standard.

This is a huge loss of capital and we became poorer because of it…how many people fix their own cars or fic their own house today?

Lets talk about diy, craftsmanship

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75df75  No.42503

File: da95c74ecc01a85⋯.png (1.01 MB, 807x499, 807:499, unabomber1521918639168.png)

File: 0c4db1b1ad08735⋯.jpg (116.68 KB, 959x1360, 959:1360, low tech.jpg)

File: 862e702005b1472⋯.jpg (325.11 KB, 1249x1226, 1249:1226, technology review.jpg)

Modern technology is making us poorer and stupider. Only in rare cases is new superior to the old, in most cases its just a case of optimalization or gimmicks.

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