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8e00f7  No.41451

Yes, I see US government donate 100 million dollars and 17.8 ton medical supplies, and your medical company Gilead even gave remdesivir to CCP for free, but as you all know, the CCP government won't take your country's effort to doing something great for regular people in China, they are bugs, vampires, all they want to do or doing now is squeezing us as much as they can, make us barely alive. Most of the donated money, will go in their own purses, and you all know. And those medical supplies, will be used to protect CCP's special people. And remdesivir, well, you think a country which rather celebrate their lunar festival, and let the disease spread and let human beings just die by themselves, than cancel that celebration to treat and help their civilians, will use your medicine and your kindness for good?

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1d1396  No.41977

save this - it might be a chink - in china

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0a47d8  No.41996

A britbong already got infected so the ACE-2 theory is no more valid or it was but the Virus mutated again but this time infecting other races, if fungal, this spreads quickly but easily mitigated, if bacterial-viral this gets treated with basic anti-biotics although might've been a superbug or resistant (thick skinned virus).

China is doing great mitigating stuff (spraying stuff all over the city) but its just selective journalism that gets treated very well (like those wechat niggers posting videos of how 'corrupt' the system is /hospital/house jailing).

The only problem here is firstly the virus itself and how WHO seems to just yawn and lol at it because le china lmao.

This is your world run by psychopathic pedophiles. Who knows, it might be the end times, all be purged again in the great extinction which happens every 2160 years (mind you BC is not accurate) but it's not this virus that causes the end. It's the flashes.

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0a47d8  No.41999


The end times do not necessarily mean 'death to all' but the end of times like the 2012 mayan shit which was wrongly interpreted. It's the beginning of a new age, the golden age or Krita Yuga but it depends on how we do it, deities guide us instead of helping upfront and showing up so it doesn't fuck the karma (they are careful not to show up since it would mean we will believe in deities and shatter this reality) back in the days they were de-scribed stone/wall drawings and interacted with hvmans and mostly the wisemans but now they have left us and all are left with moloch worshippers that bind us in this system, the same people also track these likely 'wisemans' rebirth and molest and/or kill them (pedos killroom) to destroy the soul memory this is why most molested children have memory loss.

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