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File: b20ad8f11f18784⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 300x369, 100:123, 2075.jpg)

41773f  No.41346

Can I be a communist if I hate Russians as ethnicity, hate their language and believe that Russia must be nuked? And if racism is absolutely not allowed in Communism, can you explain why some specific ethnicity is required for building Communism, and we cant build Communism with it?

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0a0615  No.41353

File: aa5815e1d6a56da⋯.pdf (181.25 KB, BASICECONOMICS.pdf)

Communism is inherently degenerate and a religion founded on secular humanism. More than that, it is founded on totally wrong economic presumptions.

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478ce2  No.41362

Communism the ideal isn’t linked to Russia as a nation, and modern Russia is a nasty oligarchy rather than a communist nation.

Racism is almost but not quite intrinsically anti-communist; it’s impossible to be thoroughly egalitarian while also being a racist, and most people who would be described as merely “relatively” egalitarian are anticommunist. Racists don’t tend to go for egalitarianism either - they’re more about the rightful advantage of the so-called superior. So if you’re trying to sit on that fence, you might be able to have a leg dangling off each side, but you might find it hard to hold onto people on both sides.

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000000  No.41388

Only if you're a good little goy and capitulate to jewish power.

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cc0606  No.41418


>Can I be a communist if I hate Russians as ethnicity, hate their language and believe that Russia must be nuked?

t. communst USSR jew exploiting russians

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4555f6  No.41433


>Can I be a communist

Just as long as you're a dead one

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effbaa  No.41577

Go to china, good luck and perish.

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787bb0  No.41585


Best post in thread.

(((Communism))) was never Russian. Russia was just a victim of it.

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663dc7  No.41587

File: 138807c3f626fac⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 728x468, 14:9, LvCm7uKg.jpg)

>Can I be a communist if I hate Russians as ethnicity, hate their language and believe that Russia must be nuked?

It's pretty much a prerequisite, Schlomo.

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663dc7  No.41590

File: ef5aa08ad0a1e8f⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 496x599, 496:599, filthy-dumb-NEWFAG-SCUM.jpg)


It's sad we even have to point that out in [CURRENT YEAR]+5.

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67ff00  No.41602



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7aee1f  No.41653

File: 33f0d3de15d7924⋯.png (202.25 KB, 900x600, 3:2, BEJNIEW.png)

Fuck the rich.

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ba3713  No.41659


Russians are great.

Communism is shit.

Die kike.

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663dc7  No.41666


>the left tries to appropriate meme

>their idealization still looks like a cuckolded kike weakling

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2e3e5b  No.79654


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