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File: c4f60ad0828b865⋯.jpg (185.31 KB, 820x550, 82:55, peterbutt.jpg)

0bb17d  No.40941

My sister loves this guy. Her head assploded when I referred to him as Peter Butt the other day.

So I have been doing it in public and getting all sorts of dirty looks.

Just passing it along in case you were bored and wanted to have fun.

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ac50de  No.40946


He's an openly gay man with Butt in his name. I'm pretty sure he's heard literally all of the jokes. Your sister needs to toughen up.

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69f70d  No.40952


Ask her if his last name is fagspeak for "up my butt."

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0bb17d  No.40954


>Your sister needs to toughen up.

If it was just my sister, I wouldn't have made a thread about it.

Dems are starting to get really sensitive in general.

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837b29  No.40955

lmao democraps am i right?

he's ONI like bannon.

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733137  No.40957



I didn't know it was still 2008

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fcceaa  No.40960

“I have opinion one, and my sister has opinion two, but I have the right opinion so i owned her by saying she is wrong xd 7492848384838284 upvotes”

Ok room temp iq

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733137  No.40962


>when you try to pretend not being from plebbit

>but you don't know how

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000000  No.40965

I pronounce it Pete "Butt Gig."

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9c724b  No.41018


This is the correct pronunciation. It triggers the fags.

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7773e6  No.41202

File: b26fb8292b59955⋯.jpg (429.94 KB, 2210x1390, 221:139, It_Has_Come_to_This_Mermai….jpg)

>Peter Butt

That's pretty funny. Like, Drumpf-tier. I've just been referring to him as "that fag." I should sharpen up.

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b11d1a  No.41224



not realizing that it is 2020 and that everyone filters sagefags, and only sees you when they change IPs

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ac50de  No.41252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time to break out this old chestnut.

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c550b0  No.41320

Peter "Penis In My Ass" Butt Judge

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c550b0  No.41321


holy shit


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c550b0  No.41322

File: a66cab15ad1bc2a⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB, 324x240, 27:20, Samwell - 'What What (In t….mp4)


dl'd mp4

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000000  No.41328


Same. Butt-gig or Butt-judge.

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c550b0  No.41332


booty judge

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806871  No.41338

On a serious note (but also sage because holy shit what a low effort thread) did anyone even know of Butt's existence before the Iowa Caucus fiasco? I literally never heard of him until then there's no way he wasn't propped up by the jews or bought his way into cucking Bernie.

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b66ba2  No.41683


>Peter Butt

My mom is now in tears with laughter.

+1 OP

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8413c5  No.41687

File: 8d5f0b25da54b6d⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 460x326, 230:163, dinosaur saltasaurus.jpg)


>Dems are starting to get really sensitive in general.

They sense the pendulum swinging back, but they don't understand why. Whenever they've held power in the last few decades, they've behaved terribly and even the most docile of sheep have started to notice. Calling people racist/sexist/whatever to get their own way is no longer an effective strategy, because the shit they're talking about started dying out in the mid-80s at the LATEST and everyone's been mostly cool with everyone else from the 00s on. They're dinosaurs watching a meteor approaching, screaming "Check your privilege!" and wondering why it's still getting closer.

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8413c5  No.41688

File: fcc03b95987ee19⋯.jpg (72.72 KB, 850x960, 85:96, gay dickcheese.jpg)


>booty judge


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4932ef  No.41696

File: 518b74c1b04cf58⋯.png (49.98 KB, 512x271, 512:271, saltoposuchus.png)


Why is it called Salta-saurus when it obviously could not jump?

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ac50de  No.41725


Well, yeah, if you only pay attention to Fox/CNN, then you'd not really have heard of him. If you actually pay attention to politics, however, then you'd know more about him. I first heard about him when he fired the first South Bend nigger police chief and got sued for firing a nigger.

Then nothing for a couple years until he ran for chair of the DNC.>>41338

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968830  No.41730

File: 2272c967e04b567⋯.jpg (91.05 KB, 700x478, 350:239, 1491793792663.jpg)


>+1 OP

This is the most reddit thread I've ever seen.

At least call him "Buttplug" or Anglin's "Anal Pete".

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715946  No.79656


>Do i fit in (((fellow))) (((goyim)))?

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