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File: 4fdd777ef8d295c⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9GEtBYi_ndE4NQVx.mp4)

8cf5fb  No.396

>What the fuck? Joe Biden suddenly starts babbling about children stroking his hairy legs in the pool and how much he loves to have children on his lap. Also something about roaches?


Why are they letting an obviously senile man run for president? Are they that desperate to beat Trump?

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d5c212  No.1487

nigglets love hairy legs

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692a0d  No.1516

File: 2cb06e14219c4be⋯.jpg (430.94 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, Biden.jpg)

File: 1da6e13ed455d4a⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 759x566, 759:566, OAC Biden.jpg)

File: cf36cf7f6604337⋯.png (505.31 KB, 720x717, 240:239, Biden.png)

File: 7e6536a70d4cea1⋯.png (43.99 KB, 998x1158, 499:579, Jewish influence.png)


Joe Biden is the king of America.

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32a468  No.1594


Go suck off your ZOG emperor somewhere else, yid.

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2ccfe3  No.1619


t. jew

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d95ff7  No.1672

Why are democrats afraid to let someone else run other than a whyte male? I thought they cared about minorities? I mean real minorites not 1% cherokee whyte wyman.

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692a0d  No.1712


>his right arm is much stronger than his left arm

Was Stefan Molyneaux the original coomer?

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f1fe76  No.2133

File: 08a9fae78de5e96⋯.png (3.71 MB, 10000x5617, 10000:5617, 08a9fae78de5e96af90b65b244….png)


>Are they that desperate to beat Trump?

No, they're intentionally throwing the 2020 election to Trump because it suits their agenda.

>2024 onward, there will not be enough white people left to elect a Republican president ever again; the Democrats already have guaranteed victory in the long run

>having le bad orange man in power fires up their base, creates polarization, promotes hatred of white men and amplifies the more extreme far-left ideas, which ties into the next point

>it gives them the opportunity to normalize radical ideas that would have been considered insane only a couple years ago- such door-to-door firearm confiscation, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, abolishing ICE, prosecuting white nationalists, reparations for blacks, universal basic income, Green New Deal, etc. so that they may actually advance these ideas in a few years once they have total power

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6a5d1e  No.2159


>it gives them the opportunity to normalize radical ideas that would have been considered insane only a couple years ago- such door-to-door firearm confiscation, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, abolishing ICE, prosecuting white nationalists, reparations for blacks, universal basic income, Green New Deal, etc. so that they may actually advance these ideas in a few years once they have total power

None of that sounds bad.

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000000  No.2170


>Why are democrats afraid to let someone else run other than a whyte male?

I am afraid the opposite is true

>More than one-in-five voting members (22%) of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate are racial or ethnic minorities, making the 116th Congress the most racially and ethnically diverse in history. There has been a long-running trend toward more racial and ethnic diversity on Capitol Hill: Each of the previous four Congresses broke the record set by the Congress before it.

>Overall, 116 lawmakers today are nonwhite (including blacks, Hispanics, Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans), according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the Congressional Research Service. This represents an 84% increase over the 107th Congress of 2001-03, which had 63 minority members

read it for yourself https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/02/08/for-the-fifth-time-in-a-row-the-new-congress-is-the-most-racially-and-ethnically-diverse-ever/

You are being replaced, wake up.

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000000  No.2171

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ac0757  No.2186

File: ca359756510bec4⋯.jpg (206.34 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, blacked.jpg)


what will Joe say when he finds out how they treat thier helots?

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4ca835  No.2190


I’d say go to trannypol, but it doesn’t exist.

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e81c72  No.2212

File: 9732361afa8f12b⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1497x2126, 1497:2126, 8ch k gun guide.png)


Joe proved himself a senile boomer from the moment he suggested biometric locks on guns a la MGS4, or any kind of gun control at all for that matter, as a viable option in the future.

With technology 10 years from now at the latest, creating guns will be as trivially easy as creating knives, in any tiny nook and cranny of the country including the woods or desert. There's no stopping it, regulation is futile. I cannot believe how stupid some people are on the topic of guns in the west.


>ideas that would have been considered insane only a couple years ago- such door-to-door firearm confiscation

That's also hilarious and reminds me Beta O'Rourke is as retarded as Biden. Breathing oxygen is an accomplishment for these mental midgets, to be honest.

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b8ff69  No.2223


> Joe proved himself a senile boomer

> Born before the end of WWII

> Boomer

Sounds like someone should learn some history.

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1297c4  No.2225



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d5c212  No.2229


Neither does /pol/ on 8kun. See the d in the board name? That's for debate, something that happens between people with different views.

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19e203  No.2241


you are mistaken, pnd stands for poor nigger dabbing

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1e9ede  No.2322


this is /pol/ until /pol/ is added back, or if Jim says no then /pol2/, dumbass

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455ff6  No.7097

File: 32e601392fa6313⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, quidprojoe.webm)

joe biden admitting to his own quid pro quo


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da60c1  No.8034


Because they are left with

>pro-Israel good-goyim liberal old white boomers

and with

>anti-Israel socialists who hate both whites and zionist jews.

The first one is less radical and will catch more votes from both centrists and radicals.

The second one will catch only non-white and accelerationist votes.

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6b976c  No.8041


Well shit! We better impeach him!

… oh wait

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4f34be  No.8791

File: 1f65dfda5619c83⋯.png (105.59 KB, 943x617, 943:617, 1a.png)


The media let the 'roaches' thing go under the rug because of how much they hate Drumpf, but it's actually a pretty wild racist slur that no one has called him on. Biden's lucky he's a boomer using antiquated racism most of these young bucks know fuck all about.


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4622d0  No.8806

File: 30a1995c09b13f4⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 500x504, 125:126, blackpillfag.jpg)


Shouldn't you be saying something about asses and elbows too?

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deef23  No.9757


>They let a brain dead sock become president

His real name is barack soetoro, just a heads up.

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0c92d2  No.9776



You haven't given any reason as to why any of those policies are good, yet you're acting like you're upholding the debating aspect of the board? You sound like a hypocritical leftist stooge.

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0d9e07  No.10002

File: 8019b2659aea30e⋯.jpg (283.57 KB, 800x730, 80:73, biden_brian.jpg)

File: 439c019b76eb010⋯.png (94.08 KB, 500x506, 250:253, biden-gun-free.png)

File: 928ac947e869874⋯.jpg (600.92 KB, 1310x1611, 1310:1611, fuckgoebbdbgaltchildsexp2p….jpg)

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9e00aa  No.19661


South African white guy here. Really isolated black children sometimes touch your arms and legs because they don't have hair there so it's something novel for them. Had it happen to me a couple of times they touch you and run away laughing.

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