a966fd No.39421
Well, /pol/ here's the real question for you; was it isreal that released the virus?
—The Zucc
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cd1c2f No.39426
Yes, it's definitely the jews behind it. I don't like the narrow focus on just "israel", though. That's simply the primary base of operations – as the Fuhrer told us so long ago. That screencap also tries to absolve Trump which is wrong on every level. Trump is only reigned in by crumbling American power. Everything he can possibly do for the jews he does, without hesitation.
Trump was responsible for instigating those protests in Iraq trying to topple the Iraqi government because Iraq formally chose China to rebuild its electrical infrastructure after years of failures/refusal/price gouging from the US to do it. Trump in turn threatened to seize Iraq's foreign account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where Iraq keeps its state oil revenue [not by choice, obviously]. China then extended a formal offer of in-country military assistance to the Iraqi state.
Now we have corona virus. You put it together.
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ffb542 No.39447
If any of this were remotely true and that currently the world is a theater with all sides pretending to battle it out with full knowing they're all one and the same just testing how to fully ensnare the entire world for all eternity in something, lets say, more lasting? If that's not the case then I'm calling bullshit on nukes and everything else. Why wouldn't you play Russian roulette with these kikes and just go full purge mode in nations supposedly not at their whims?
I don't believe this muh end of life nonsense or reversion back to stone ages setting us back 1,000 years either. We have the material to climb back fairly rapidly with a very small and solid core of individuals in certain fields. If all these nations weren't "in on it" then I don't see what this game is that's just for the masses to gulp down since nothing would set their electronic judeo-world domination plans back than a society without them or power for even a few years or decade.
tl;dr Nukes and the entire military-industrial complex is fake and gay largely funding the "prison planet" as it will be and not to actually deal with real threats. Everyone's on the same side using proxies to achieve a larger agenda in typical jewish fashion so that it doesn't look like one party is deliberately sabotaging themselves to meet their end for the greater Judeo-NWO project.
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7852df No.39469
trump would happily go along with it bc a crumbling chinese economy lets him proclaim that america has returned to being the sole world superpower under his watch. remember though that "jews" are not one homogeneous bloc, they're split into 2 man spheres of influence, the rothschild controlled bank/media cartel which hates trump and is aligned with more progressive leftism, and the carfunkle/netanyahu/kushner sphere aligned with likud/orthodox religious/social conservative background. i know the shills on pol are trying to sow anti-trump sentiment, but under his watch the power split and infighting within the jews has become very obvious. a divided house does not stand, and the infighting has weakened them significantly.
as far as coronavirus, usa/jews in the usa have waay more to benefit from it than israel. its not as clear as you think though, major corporate interests stand to lose a lot in the short term if trade with china halts. the gain would be long term with supply lines shifting outside china and moving to friendlier territory.
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cd1c2f No.39491
This is a jewish shill.
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738c7b No.39496
> Narrative that assumes ZOG only wants to punish the CCP
What if there was a plan to release additional infectious agents, globally, targeting different ethnic groups. I keep thinking of the Q-tard video from Feb2019. WTF was that? MP4 related.
It's also possible that it was a rogue element within ZOG. Most of (((them))) would prefer that the shekels continue to flow, and they're not interested in upsetting the existing order. But (((somebody else))) might see advantage in taking out the CCP.
The (((media))) response to (((Trump))) is a little odd; if (((they))) really were all on the same team, then the kvetching against (((Trump))) should have abated by now. It's been three years, and he's given the kikes everything they've ever wanted.
Could there be active conflict within ZOG, and the Wuhan Red Death Coronavirus is part of the campaign?
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e2fca4 No.39497
Yep and this was 22 years ago. Since then they had more funding than they could spend and they have access to all US and Russia bioweapoon labs.
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b0be45 No.39501
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cd1c2f No.39506
>Most of (((them))) would prefer that the shekels continue to flow, and they're not interested in upsetting the existing order.
The issue is that the shekels aren't flowing because the present owners of productive capital [China] aren't allowing access for parasitic capital or its instruments in their country. They also aren't accommodating their rents on "IP", which leaves the patent/property owner stuck mining his own crumbling market from which he's already exported the productive capital in the first place.
>The (((media))) response to (((Trump))) is a little odd; if (((they))) really were all on the same team, then the kvetching against (((Trump))) should have abated by now.
It's not odd at all. Trump is built up specifically because he goes nowhere the establishment isn't comfortable with. The more radical he is portrayed to disaffected plebs, the more potential dissidents get attracted harmlessly to him and the exact same postwar order we've had for 70+ years.
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e2fca4 No.39513
I remember hearing about this in one of Pierce's American dissident broadcasts. It was at the very ends and he sounded uncharacteristically frantic.
IIRC the final words from that broadcast was him pretty much shouting "God help us". I assume it was not meant in a religious way but as a figure of speech. Nobody had a better read on the Jews than WLP.
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738c7b No.39516
>> China is tight-fisted with the shekels
Good point.
>> Trump is the perfect shill
Yes, but if he doesn't deliver to his base, they'll dump him. They've already had 70+ years of fake candidates, which was crumbling for lack of support/results. The (((media))) and (((congressional))) reaction against him is evidence of weakness within their system. The voice of ZOG is disharmonious, full of discord and conflict.
The ZOG is fighting within itself, squabbling over the crumbs of (((their))) weakening empire. The Red Death is just another campaign within (((their))) ongoing conflict.
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cd1c2f No.39521
>Yes, but if he doesn't deliver to his base, they'll dump him.
They haven't yet. They're still the same nigger loving faggot accommodating simps shilling for the "only democracy in the middle east" they've always been. Trump has made it perfectly clear he intends to replace the thin margin of dupes who he convinced to vote for him with hindustanis and homosexual capital. That's the nexus the postwar order sees itself surviving through.
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e2fca4 No.39523
Hahaha confirmed Jew.
I was suspicious when you blamed the Germans but when you tried to get sympathy for Israel's "weakening empire".
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738c7b No.39544
> calls me a kike, doesn't clearly indicate why
Huh? Where did I blame the Germans? Quote, please.
And fuck ZOG. Fuck democracy too. I just want my kids to have the things that my parents discarded.
Please don't confuse cousins of the Volk with ZOG. We were brothers, once, and can be again. We just need to deal with (((the problem))).
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73d513 No.39546
Not /pol/.
Not cuckchan.
Get the fuck out.
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7a5ce1 No.39587
diseases are by their very nature and the laws of evolution generally tailored towards affecting and infecting local populations of prey (in this case, gooks), immune systems are one of the most genetically diverse components of the human body and avenues of attack/infection can vary wildly between whites, africans, arabs and asians, it's no wonder that it affects one sub-species more than another, much like ebola targeted nigs.
Just another uneducated /pol/ster assuming its da jews because he's not smart enough to do general research or have a well rounded intellect.
Also for the record if there is going to be a humanity ending anti-biotic immune supervirus, it'll come from SEA or china, they're the ones abusing strong anti-biotics you can get over the counter and engaging in unhygenic food and living practices the most, nigs dont take medicine or get vaccines much so they wont create any superbugs like gooks will.
I mean, ffs anons do any of you read? plenty of sci-fi books and short stories i stumbled across over my childhood years wrote about this exact sort of shit happening, anti-biotic immune superbugs are an inevitability of the nature of modern medicine. I dread the day anti-biotics wont cure me of my next chest infection.
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d4940e No.39605
> jew at harvard sells chinks bioweapon
> soon after it arrives in wuhan plague happens 5 miles away
> who always benefits from financial turmoil?
Donno anon, it was probably the Russians.
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238ca6 No.39612
Reminder that Israel tried to develop a virus that would kill Arabs but not Jews. The problem, if I recall correctly, was that heebs and sandniggers are genetically so similar it couldn't be done.
Maybe those unemployed germ-warfare kikes have finally gotten back on their feet? Based yids.
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e2fca4 No.39619
>diseases are by their very nature and the laws of evolution generally tailored towards affecting and infecting local populations of prey (in this case, gooks)
No it's not, it's always the Jews.
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b5a02b No.39622
>Donno anon, it was probably the Russians.
>implying it wasn't russian Jews aka Jews in Russia
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37cca1 No.39700
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cd1c2f No.39737
This is the wrong way to read this. China and Russia are trying to checkmate israel because that's the only way to checkmate the US. Really, you're stuck in the negative feedback loop of Anglosphere conservative retards who pretend, against all evidence and logic, that they aren't the dog on the jew's leash.
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37cca1 No.39762
Israel was/is a Soviet satellite state;
- USSR was the first to recognize Israel at the UN (and the home of arguably the real first jewish state, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast)
- David Ben Gurion famously once said "I am a Bolshevik"
- Israel was founded by Labor Zionists - the leaders of Mapam (second largest party in Israel's first government for a number of years) praised Stalin and Mao
- every single Israeli PM and most of their government have come from Russia or former Soviet nations
- the sizable Russian/former-Soviet population there has had a considerable influence on everything from culture and media to politics - keep an eye on the two Putin-linked possible future candidates for Israeli PM, Benny Gantz (close friend of oligarch Viktor Vekselberg) and Avigdor Lieberman.
Virtually all of Russia's oligarchy are also Jewish and/or work with Chabad Lubavitch.
Look into Trump/Kushner's connections to Chabad, especially Trump's former business partner and two-time Chabad 'Man of the Year', Felix Sater; what the first speaker says in vid related is EXTREMELY revealing once you know who these people are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSpFtCmoD5o
If you agree that Israel did 9/11, you will also have to concede that Russia helped, vid related: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CZjIhPndAKmy/
The problem here is that 'Israel' and 'jews' are not necessarily the same entity, and neither are the 'Soviets' and modern 'Russia'. When I speak of the nation/government of Israel here, i'm talking about Soviet/Chabad-Israel, who I personally believe are the real ruling class of jews, if only in Israel itself, but also in Russia and the US.
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cd1c2f No.39775
>Israel was/is a Soviet satellite state
Not after Suez it wasn't. Like I said, it's impossible to get through to conservative retards like you. You believe in a false reality where everything stayed static at a moment in time and from these points you work off of everything. Pierce and Yockey had it right, you don't.
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83b894 No.39799
>Oy vey drumpfs a kike puppet
<meanwhile on twatbook
This is how shit they shill. Nigger-tier OP derailed.
Shills never discuss the OP.
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cd1c2f No.39807
Labeling Trump an anti-semite serves two purposes: 1) it builds bona fides for dimwitted dissidents who can be attracted to his status-quo platform under the guise of anti-systemic radicalism and 2) it prosthelytizes jewish victimization in support of the national narrative and foundational myth.
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83b894 No.39813
So what does labeling him a kike shill here do then when normalfags don't see it?
>pic related
>kike shills told to call him a kike shill on imageboards
It's pretty obvious what is actually going on.
First president to not start a war for ISISrael
Did nothing to stop kike mercs getting squashed in Syria
<he does everything for the jews, goyim
Sure thing, chaim.
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cd1c2f No.39817
>So what does labeling him a kike shill here do
It gets Tel Aviv part timers like you ruled up.
>First president to not start a war for ISISrael
This is not accurate. He has expanded operations in Afghanistan – the military put a complete media blackout on that country/front. He is maintaining an active occupation of Syria. He attempted to overthrow the government of Iraq in the same manner the previous administration did to Ukraine. He sent $400B worth of heavy weapons to the Ukrainian front. Billions more to Yemen. You are confusing other actors with agency confronting an deterring Trump/US with refusal to act.
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83b894 No.39821
I didn't label him a kike shill, you are the one doing what your jewish document says to do.
It's Hashem's will, right?
>Active occupation of Syria
A few CIAnigger bases around oil fields in north eastern Syria isn't shit and you know it. He probably has zero control over what those spooks do they are not USMIL most of the time.
You are confusing other actors with agency confronting and deterring Trump with refusal to act.
He has not started any wars. That is accurate, chaim. Stop twisting words you lying kike.
400 billion of weapons to ukraine?
Don't you mean 6 shektillion?
But that's to fight russia, I thought he was a russian-jewish puppet?
Get your story straight, chaim.
>A-stan the eternal mineral rights war
No surprises there
>Billions to Yemen?
What, the ones fighting the saudi-kikes? So now he's a kike too for fighting against the house of (((saud)))?
>Iraq overthrow
Oh please explain this one, I can't wait to see how they've been overthrown
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cd1c2f No.39825
>I thought he was a russian-jewish puppet?
Really? Where did you read "Russian"? Quote and link the post. I'll wait.
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83b894 No.39834
>Russian-jewish puppet
>orange man is a Russian puppet (MSM shilling)
>and a kike puppet (you shilling)
>russians are controlled by jews (lot of jews in the stack is true)
>putin works for/is a jew
<by flying interference missions helping SyAF up and down the kike border
<squashing kike mercs
Why would they defeat their own aims in Syria and lose significant territory, allowing the eternal kike thorn, Hezbollah, who retained 90% of CnC vs Israel in 2006, forcing them to withdraw after heavy armor and manpower losses, to be within 80km of the Jewish border on a new front?
Obviously both trump and puting are serving the greater Israel plan with these actions or inactions. It's 4D q-chess goyim! Trust the plan!
Get the fuck out of here
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73d513 No.39835
>oy vey defend trump
>oy vey goyim this is a real document
>oy vey jews totally hate trump
>oy vey ignore everything that trump has done since 1990 when he sold his soul to jews in exchange for them not killing him
>oy vey ignore that jews are on public record saying they were going to kill trump because he owed them money
>oy vey ignore that every action he has taken as president has been for jews alone
>oy vey ignore that every action he has taken has harmed whites
>oy vey my piece of paper says jews hate him therefore they hate him i say so
>oy vey he’s totally against jews I keep repeating it
>oy vey Q-LARP will be true any day now
You should be banned for posting proven hoaxes. You will never get us to do what you want.
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cd1c2f No.39836
Okay. You're just working entirely off of straw men. I asked you to provide the exact quote and link the post containing it where he was called "Russian puppet". You didn't do it [because it doesn't exist]. That's the problem with accusing someone of saying something in a format where every post is visible to the thread and tied to a unique number. You're filtered.
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73d513 No.39839
It’s fucking amazing how these faggots think no one can see (or remembers) their posts, isn’t it. You see it everywhere. This fucking site works MAYBE 5 seconds out of every minute. if you attempt to post anywhere outside those five seconds, the post is guaranteed not to go through.
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b149b4 No.41385
don't be stupid and stop memeing, yes israel are and have been for many years designing weaponised viruses, but the only hope in hell any of them have at success is if you tailor them for genetically isolated humanoids like sub-saharan nigs or maybe papua new gineans, any other race is too genetically close to too many other peoples to risk it, nano-tech based viruses would be 100x more viable, i sadly don't see some based anon creating a jew and nig ending super virus anytime soon, no matter how smart he is, we are very genetically divergent but there's just too much similarity for weaponised viruses to be anything but world-ending.
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