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File: e1265ec70bd461a⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 720x404, 180:101, hq720.jpg)

2178fe  No.37678

This image was shown on state-owned television in Germany. It shows the flag of the United Kingdom being urinated on.

This is the official stance of the German federal government on bilateral relations with the UK.

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7c766b  No.37717


They're likely pissed because the UK plans to flip West rather than flip East on future trade deals. Germany already flipped East towards Russia-China-Iran. UK will likely do opposite and support trade with US.

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34a631  No.37730

File: 8a8a5f7edee0e56⋯.jpg (99.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, German_Women_in_Reichstag_….jpg)


Who gives a fuck? The official position of the German state is that Germans should go extinct. Fuck them.

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98e43d  No.37742

Anglosphere is a niggerkike culture bloc. It deserves to be pissed on.


Correct. UK is joining with US in a niggerkike terrorist sphere to wage race war against the EU-Russia.


Once the relationship with the US/UK formally flips to hostile, all of this will fade away and these representatives of the US MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL GOVERNMENT will be disposed of.

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6bb6c6  No.37750


>Anglosphere is a niggerkike culture bloc. It deserves to be pissed on.

After WWII, Germany became a vassal state too. But understand Germany, as far and race-mixing and being flooded with African scum, that shit is happening to them as much as it has in many other Western nations. So siding with one Western nation over another seems kinda pointless at this point. Unless that is you support Poland or Hungary which are the only two nations actually protecting their culture and peoples.

>all of this will fade away and these representatives of the US MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL GOVERNMENT will be disposed of

This is questionable, I think some nations might be successful passing laws to throw out US troops and abandon the bases. The question is will our government give a flying fuck what they vote to do? Iraq has tried it, and we are still occupying Iraq regardless. Empires don't tend to care about other nations they have treated as vassal states. In all reality they can declare them enemies for defecting and target them via regime change. Matter of fact, Putin has warned Europe about this for many years.

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98e43d  No.37753


The only part of Germany that was flooded with niggers was the part under US occupation. This didn't happen in the East. It was done to make Germany, and Western Europe, MORE LIKE the US – full of nigger kike faggots who would kill Russians for being White.

If Germany is more formally aligned with Russia – it will be more like Russia. Non-Whites in Western Europe are there solely to prevent a German-Russian alliance of industry and resources, just as Mackinder outlined over a hundred years ago.

This is so fucking simple.

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78e322  No.37758

Hehe, it’s not an official stance. Just a cleaver bitch of imagery.

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000000  No.37818

You should see Hitler's stance of on bilateral relations with the UK!

The simple fact is that UK (and by that I mean England) have repeatedly pushed for isolation. It seems the stance is quite mutual.

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98e43d  No.37875


You get that prevailing public opinion from your jew-owned media? Huh.

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5b4022  No.37902


>MORE LIKE the US – full of nigger kike faggots who would kill Russians for being White.

You're unreasonably glorifying Russia/Soviets. Ethnic replacement was going on in a lot of soviet states. Just in Germany the DDR wouldn't have hold up against the people if they tried it.

US zone could start the replacement faster because of the bonus that superfluity brings.

In reality US and Russia are ONE KIKE FORCE. That's why they didn't fight each other after Germany was beaten.

>muh cold war an shieeeeeeeeet

Fuck off. I won't buy into it.

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e4542c  No.37922



We’re not falling for it.

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98e43d  No.37928


>Ethnic replacement was going on in a slot of soviet states.

No, it really wasn't. Not even in places like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, or the Baltics, which had high levels of Russians working/managing Soviet industries and businesses. The DDR had a full blown NS riot in the early 1950s and policies changed. The simple reality is that "right wing" conservatives from the Anglosphere can't come to grips with being the actual vehicle that jews work most successfully through. The idea that the Soviet system was more effective at combating the jews than their own fries their synapses.

>In reality US and Russia are ONE KIKE FORCE.


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5b4022  No.37940




>No, it really wasn't.

>After World War II, the German population of the Kaliningrad Oblast, former East Prussia was expelled and the depopulated area resettled by Soviet citizens, mainly by Russians.


And that's just one of the things they did to Germans.

You should be shot on the spot!

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98e43d  No.37948


There's a timeline you're ignoring. I'm not excusing or denying the specifically German experience in the immediate postwar period. The USSR in 1946 is not the USSR in 1953 or 1959.

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d1dda6  No.37960

oh nooooooooooooo the german government, which totally represents the german people and isn't a kike-run conglomerate of foreign hostile actors, is bitching at britain what a tragedy

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e4542c  No.37962


>No, it really wasn’t.

Jew confirmed.

>The simple reality is that "right wing" conservatives from the Anglosphere can't come to grips with being the actual vehicle that jews work most successfully through.

Jew confirmed.

>The idea that the Soviet system was more effective at combating the jews than their own fries their synapses.

Jew confirmed.


Jew confirmed.

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98e43d  No.38001

File: c1c45e93fbfc533⋯.png (519.67 KB, 626x5185, 626:5185, Screenshot_2019-12-11 The ….png)

File: 993ec7dadd2880d⋯.png (651.65 KB, 630x6362, 315:3181, Screenshot_2019-12-11 The ….png)

File: d1fef150f7c64e2⋯.png (524.22 KB, 626x5298, 313:2649, Screenshot_2019-12-11 The ….png)


I know you won't read them. They're for the lurkers.

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df638c  No.38037

File: 8156209366a0a95⋯.png (10.53 KB, 516x233, 516:233, British East India Company.png)


>The simple reality is that "right wing" conservatives from the Anglosphere can't come to grips with being the actual vehicle that jews work most successfully through.

Yeah there's a horrible amount of truth to this that most of the world sees. Basically the ""ruling class"" uses whatever is most convenient. Venice, London, USA. Imagine following TV conservatism like a dailymail faggot

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2178fe  No.38046


Hitler wanted friendship and peace with the UK.

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e4542c  No.38049


You’re literally just pulling judaism out of your ass and thinking that we’re going to fall for your shit. Anti-white D&C is over. You’re on the wrong site.

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c69dae  No.38053


>written with an apologetic attitude towards kikes that it presents as innocent victims

Read the first two paragraphs, too kosher for me.

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349ded  No.38086

File: 9b292320a3ef582⋯.webm (7.18 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Michael Collins Piper Rea….webm)


>second image

>Fred Ferral

His "Unwinding the jewish Mysteries" is one of my favorite things ever written about the jew party system.

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34a631  No.38099

File: 76bcea39afa19d1⋯.jpg (260.68 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Modern_Germans_5.jpg)

File: ca8531c2e5a2478⋯.jpg (247.11 KB, 1060x834, 530:417, Modern_Germany.jpg)

File: d454fab924b29e9⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Modern_Germans_1.jpg)

File: 0616fbfaea092ee⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Modern_Germans_3.jpg)


Imagine being a modern German. Imagine paying that much in reparations for the Holohoax. Imagine living in a society run by such openly treasonous cuckold traitors who don't even pretend to like the country they are kike-fucking into hell. Imagine getting prickly about this and trying to defend this.

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98e43d  No.38101


You're right – anti-White D&C is over. That's why it's so important to expose Anglosphere conservatism for what it is before it does any more damage. I don't think we need to look much further than this thread where the logical conclusion of every obvious Anglosphere conservative is to just murder Europeans and Russians to make sure we "get the jews".

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d278bb  No.38234


The only thing Britain should be doing is getting rid of all the niggers and pakis. Anything else is a waste of time.

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744ea7  No.38280


Imagine falling for staged psyops and jews protesting for invaders while pretending to be White like you, you goof.

Or maybe you're a jew…

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970bf7  No.38281


>soviets who were already antiwhite commies actually giving a shit about whites

No the Soviet Union waged the largest genocide against whites be they Germans, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Hungarians, etc.

The Soviet Union was one of the most destructive hellholes in history destroying much of white culture and killed off the most intelligent or resistant whites that Russia and many former Soviet countries are barely getting by because their most intelligent people were systematically killed off and the communist rewarded brutish stupidity.

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98e43d  No.38291


And yet, it's everybody on the OTHER side of the Iron Curtain who lives in a nigger country. Huh.

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6016de  No.38342


Sometimes geopolitics do be like that. Basically the entire white race got fucked.

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594ce7  No.38351


Slavs ain’t white

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df638c  No.38371

File: bd1bf13d09f38f6⋯.jpg (134.29 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, bay of pigs was a doublecr….jpg)



>sometimes do be

Good god you've got a lot to learn

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e4542c  No.38372


Wow, almost as though that was the jews’ entire fucking plan or something…


Paid shill confirmed.

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e4542c  No.38373


>literally doubles down on things only jews say

>INSTANTLY after being exposed

This user is paid to post here.

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f81503  No.38376


>we ruined your country goy

>haha it's so funny, don't gas us please

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0a59d2  No.38437

File: fc85208f9dbccbb⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 977x1200, 977:1200, apress.jpg)


Up until World War I Britain and Germany were pretty cordial. Even being allies in the Napoleonic wars, with specific units (Example: The King's German legion) being under the control of King George.

I prefer the Germans to the fucking frogs, current political climate nonwithstanding.

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3b12bf  No.38442


>Poland or Hungary which are the only two nations actually protecting their culture and peoples

barely and they are forced to suck on zionist dick

let's see, name one white country that is anti-jew and pro-white


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3b12bf  No.38444



consider putin's real plan, his ties with israel and his position on white nationalism, then you will see that we're fucked this way too

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3b12bf  No.38446


does it matter tho? you make it sound like the younger ussr was better

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3b12bf  No.38447


>muh rothschild funded legions

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98e43d  No.38453


The level of cope you retards are operating under is embarrassing.

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