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4358d8  No.37346

I've finished reading Mein Kampf, and am taking a break from the mind-melting Myth of the Twentieth Century by reading George Lincoln Rockwell's autobiography, This Time the World. In it he describes his marriages and the numerous children born from them. His second wife was supportive of his worldview and active with him politically. A cursory look on the internet brings up almost nothing about them, and even the Stormfags couldn't turn anything up. It's almost as if they entered witness protection or were otherwise unpersoned. It's a long shot but I'm wondering if anyone on here has knowledge of what happened to Commander Rockwell's children after his assassination in 1967. Considering his infamy it wouldn't be surprising if they laid low or even changed their names/identities, but knowing how someone like Gudrun Himmler continued underground activity/dissidence after her father's death, the fact that GLR's children seem to be an info black hole is both intriguing and disturbing.

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2dfb8f  No.37350

>Björgólfur Hideaki Takefusa (born 11 May 1980) is an Icelandic former football forward.

>Takefusa's mother is Evelyn Bentína Björgólfsdóttir, daughter of Margrét Þóra Hallgrímsson and American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell


Learn to dig better, anon. One daughter betrayed him and married a jap, unless you consider them honorary Aryans. Couldn't find anything on the rest, but do some digging and you may turn more up. Probably they're just "in hiding" and aren't a part of public life, may have even requested some of their personal shit be covered up or sealed. I only found the one daughter due to the minor sport celebrity connection.

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53d22a  No.37951

Jews declare their enemies Amalek. This is a call to assassinate their entire family and the animals they own. There is no way his children would still be alive if they acted like their father. This is regression to the mean in action. He would need to have around 1000 children to find one who is able to do what he did. You only see that kind of fecundity in professional athletes and their children have no idea who their father is.

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