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File: 34634dc3cdcd523⋯.jpg (88.31 KB, 650x441, 650:441, Theculturalenrichmentoflas….jpg)

af297e  No.36105


>Most Americans never have heard of "Obamazoning," but the Obama administration's effort to control local neighborhood planning now has been defeated.

>It was a "utopian" concept under which federal government bureaucrats would use rules and regulations to make sure neighborhoods are "evenly distributed" based on "racial composition and income," according to Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, which fought the plan since it was proposed in 2014.

>It took years of meetings with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary Ben Carson and HUD stakeholders before the plan was dropped.

I have a feeling the ObongoZONING would never have applied to jewish neighborhoods.

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9add91  No.36114



What makes you think it’s not going to continue being enforced everywhere? Why do you believe that?

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98af55  No.36117

It's not necessary because the country is like 90% brown already anyway.

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3f0dfe  No.36170

File: 63c09feca407c81⋯.png (188.49 KB, 808x466, 404:233, menachem quote master race.png)


"american" will mean the same as "arab" in a few decades. Already does mean that to many people.

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f8ba49  No.36187

File: dc71b015718a122⋯.jpg (181.61 KB, 1034x689, 1034:689, Kang_Library.jpg)

Reminder that Obama is half kike on his mother's side, which means he's 100% Jew. Pic related is his hideous presidential library, which was specifically designed to have as little "European influence" as possible except for the technology to build it, of course

The punchline is that he had to fight the zoning board in Chicago to get it started.

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6df34b  No.36191

File: 795349f9bce8aa4⋯.jpg (136.51 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, IMG_7799.jpg)


yeah lol fuck european influence an sheet

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f8ba49  No.36209

File: f73ed72328e8de4⋯.png (198.79 KB, 640x530, 64:53, Smug_Expression.png)

Imagine being such a savage that you can't figure out cesspits. I'll bet they think it's evil white man magic that keeps filling that beach up with shit.

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a2dcd1  No.36237


>Looks up the studio behind Todd Williams & Billie Tsieng (The firm designing the library)



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ae85c4  No.36268

It had to be defeated. The jews would hate it if 30,000 Chaldeans were moved into their neighborhoods and took over the city government.

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