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File: 87eaf5fff20efcb⋯.png (10.92 KB, 418x359, 418:359, 1498571970015.png)

d8f257  No.3583[Last 50 Posts]

Holy shit cripple fag who founded 8ch white knighting so hard in this vice video. Fuck cripple faggot.



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937ab5  No.3598


Nobody cares about vice, man. If it wasn't George Soros bankrolling them, they literally wouldn't exist anymore. That's how sustainable globohomo is.

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d8f257  No.3600

File: 3f116db5e59f4c4⋯.gif (825.59 KB, 600x367, 600:367, ultraRarePepe.gif)


Fuck niggers, jannies, faggots and trannies.

Fuck cripple fag and vice, i was just laughing at how cringe it was. Tarrant was a fucking HERO.

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35d22e  No.3629

File: 95dd412a8d5b937⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 255x219, 85:73, usorthem.jpg)

We don't know who struck first, us or them, but we know that is was us that scorched 8chan.

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ad4d0d  No.3687


>white knighting so hard

I don't think he actually believes in this. He just personally dislikes Jim and the people associated with him. It's kind of a personal crusade. Plus he seems to love attention, he has become a lolcow.

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d8f257  No.4333

File: 44cf2040db0b8df⋯.png (81.33 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1570854598375.png)


Does anyone have the meme of cripple faggot hotwheels being kicked down the stairs?

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ad4d0d  No.4790

File: 4401d9d6bd66d7d⋯.png (859.54 KB, 880x1038, 440:519, 1572711961540.png)

File: e1e7639228178eb⋯.webm (5.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1417643087185.webm)

File: 0d1c43700cfff82⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1418888030448.jpg)

File: de3ac4b6e4f887d⋯.jpg (269.37 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1418888055724.jpg)

File: 913a5a32f5d1ff8⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1418888059520.jpg)

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ad4d0d  No.4792

File: a46dbf32178e900⋯.jpg (75.92 KB, 680x510, 4:3, cripplecourt.jpg)

File: b3a8984bcb9518c⋯.jpg (364.2 KB, 1080x1623, 360:541, crippleirc.jpg)

File: 0fa01f4c863081f⋯.png (85 KB, 957x499, 957:499, cripplelogz3.png)

File: 3b798ee4a834837⋯.png (36.49 KB, 584x376, 73:47, cripples adress.png)

File: e2419b03d4463ae⋯.jpg (114.95 KB, 961x600, 961:600, cripplesmug.jpg)

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40ff8b  No.5261

Cripple fag created 8chan and you????? did what exactly??

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207b88  No.5264


Stand for its principals while cripple abandoned them

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e563bd  No.5272


Or he benefits from paying lipservice. Still a cuckold for sure, but at least a paid cuckold.

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0e181c  No.5408

It's pretty sad that a man would abandon his principles and attack freedom itself merely for a business grudge.

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ef82a0  No.5420

Didn't bonewheels have some kind of religious "awakening" and become a born-again Christian? I thought that's why he completely abandoned his former principles.


I still don't understand what his beef with Jim is. He sold the site fair and square. Took the money and ran.

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63082c  No.5430

File: 7730da13924e5ab⋯.webm (2.16 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 1568653439507.webm)

File: d99144ba68c939c⋯.mp4 (976.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 5d26f2102dd04e13fea96ef302….mp4)

File: 8ea3aed3fc0b966⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 640x640, 1:1, f296f7e55216481ea34ac078d….webm)

File: ec8db00b288532a⋯.webm (2.33 MB, 480x848, 30:53, 1570336542044.webm)

File: c87a523a71e7d8a⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 320x252, 80:63, cf72d599328226699a6f601f83….mp4)

Who cares what that little shit thinks? I didn't even know you faggots existed until another anon said there were a bunch of weak-willed pigniggers on the new pigfarm in need of a bit of gore to normalise them to what they're going to see daily soon. **My only regret is having just my phone gore folder which is about 10 GB less.

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63082c  No.5435

File: 809e7f7d3f38a83⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 640x356, 160:89, Kiwi of Peace.webm)

File: df4fc72751533db⋯.webm (1.97 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1568591657859.webm)

File: 4fe6e7a8dc68e8e⋯.webm (1.57 MB, 450x450, 1:1, 761e4298c2e9a4cda755a5ab0….webm)

File: 84518e940312263⋯.webm (2.71 MB, 480x400, 6:5, a69b76b3b996c2aa0da6ddaf8….webm)

File: 31e0bdcc9b5aaac⋯.webm (2.58 MB, 220x400, 11:20, d8a5886a4f75de4d1922b3709….webm)


>No ending **

>No hiding

I really hate using this old form of imageboard; it's not as lame as 2ch, but still bretty awful.

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4b0167  No.5596


>hurr durr real pol duh gore

>weakass babby tier gore

nice try fed

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05ab24  No.5616


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40ff8b  No.5624


>Stand for its principals while cripple abandoned them


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0a7335  No.5636

File: aed2775b2bfa7e0⋯.png (137.4 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Cripplekike.png)


Nah, faggot. Anyone can write code. Cripplewheels is a bitch. He'll be forgotten as soon as his girlfriend gets bored of playing with dolls and decides to poison his food and collect the insurance.

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40ff8b  No.5663


>Nah, faggot. Anyone can write code. Cripplewheels is a bitch. He'll be forgotten as soon as his girlfriend gets bored of playing with dolls and decides to poison his food and collect the insurance.


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05ab24  No.5664

File: 047a57b24ef9fb6⋯.jpg (272.11 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 459ec0f772841959123961213d….jpg)



Fred plz.

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63e122  No.5665



Where do you think you are?

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05ab24  No.5667

File: cca03c4cf8a2221⋯.jpg (136.09 KB, 598x900, 299:450, 1520ca61244ea220d00d283f48….jpg)







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f400c8  No.5668



He just wrote an extension for the shit code called Tinyboard made by SaveTheInternet (which is an extension of vichan). His code is shit as well. No suprise anyway, STI and Cripplewheels were both high as fuck when they did it. Cripple isn't much more than a scriptkiddie with some PHP and bash knowledge who tries to gaslight people into thinking he actually knows what he is talking about. People like him are the lowest tier of tech there is. He thinks he is the new Lain because he can install htdig.

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40ff8b  No.5689


>Where do you think you are?

On 8kun a reboot of 8chan that never would have come into existence if it were not for cripplewheels.

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40ff8b  No.5690


>He just wrote an extension for the shit code called Tinyboard made by SaveTheInternet (which is an extension of vichan). His code is shit as well. No suprise anyway, STI and Cripplewheels were both high as fuck when they did it. Cripple isn't much more than a scriptkiddie with some PHP and bash knowledge who tries to gaslight people into thinking he actually knows what he is talking about. People like him are the lowest tier of tech there is. He thinks he is the new Lain because he can install htdig.

And you didn't create 8chan…….. because you never could …….. All the great coders in the world for some reason didn't create 8chan even though they could code better than cripplewheels. Some people need to be shot for claiming they could do things they never would or could.

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40ff8b  No.5692

This all feels like I am listening to Sam Hydes Fans shitting on him after the break up of MDE by claiming they could always do everything better than him….. and then not wanting to financially support Hyde for anything.

It is like listening to blacks talk about how they independently invented the computer.

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40ff8b  No.5693

The only reason I will call him cripple fag is because he is a pedophile.

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000000  No.5726


I dont feel like watching any video with cuckwheels made by Vice based on personal principles could some anon give me the highlights?

Also I dont know what specific defect the crip has, but isnt their usual life expectancy like 25 years max?

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605bf7  No.5735

crippleberg is one of the most autistic pieces of shit on the internet. He is worse than Chris-Chan and I hope he dies some day.

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0a7335  No.5740


There are thousands of image boards on the internet, nigger. You seem to be arguing just for the sake of it.

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0a7335  No.5742


It's pretty ridiculous from what I heard. They did some unintentionally hilarious illustrations to tell his life story. Something about how cripplewheels became an internet troll because he couldn't get his crippledick wet and how he's now a good person tormented by the ghosts of his past.

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1aee86  No.5769


Apparently he has crippling depression.

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05ab24  No.5772

File: 65ce14a54204358⋯.jpg (4.75 KB, 295x171, 295:171, rimshot.jpg)

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1cbfc4  No.5787

Hotwheels is now one of the most hated fascists in history. His selfish little vendetta to stifle the online community was futile; while directed at Jim, has consequentially stolen my dreams and my childhood. Day of the Stairs indeed.

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77a87d  No.5793


If 8chan is your childhood, you're too young to be on the internet.

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40ff8b  No.5869


>There are thousands of image boards on the internet, nigger. You seem to be arguing just for the sake of it.

You didn't create or maintain 8chan mate. 8chan was a unique image board, unlike the thousands that do exist and you know that.

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40ff8b  No.5870


"Some people need to be shot for claiming they could do things they never would or could."

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40ff8b  No.5899

It is a very effeminate, gay left-tard, shit-skin view of the world to think you could have done anything anyone else has done, without first accepting the reality of your own ineptitude.

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f400c8  No.6038


That doesn't make the cripple a fucking saint, especially not when he has become a traitor.

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000000  No.6043

How about not giving him attention?

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e9c216  No.6051








>All the great coders in the world for some reason didn't create 8chan even though they could code better than cripplewheels

Holy shit you're retarded. Just because the cripple had a good idea doesn't mean he was a good programmer. Your use of ellipses, all caps, and question marks as well as your shameless thought dumping are proof that you're a schizo nigger.

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de9c82  No.6120


>Holy shit you're retarded. Just because the cripple had a good idea doesn't mean he was a good programmer



>>All the great coders in the world for some reason didn't create 8chan even though they could code better than cripplewheels

Meaning……being the worlds best coder in the universe does not equal being able to come up with and create 8chan.


>Your use of ellipses, all caps, and question marks as well as your shameless thought dumping are proof that you're a schizo nigger


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de9c82  No.6121


>That doesn't make the cripple a fucking saint, especially not when he has become a traitor.

He isn't a saint or a traitor.

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d4959e  No.6148

File: c2fa7bd52a8bb58⋯.png (55 KB, 420x300, 7:5, POINTING PORTAL.png)

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9e30a8  No.6434

Fuck that Judas cripple.

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40ff8b  No.6439


>Fuck that Judas cripple.

Maybe the cripple was forced to make bad decisions just like Hitler. And nothing is actually his fault.

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40ff8b  No.6440

Just trying to apply retarded 10 yr old autistic /pol/ logic to the situation at hand here…..

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9f439d  No.6527

File: 456c67d24dfe424⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 500x447, 500:447, hot wheels.jpg)

File: d8ebca5c2bd5248⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 628x583, 628:583, cripple boy.jpg)

File: 6d3aca7ce4273a4⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Retard Sandstorm Dance-WbP….mp4)

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5d54a5  No.8528

File: 9b7c6614742024a⋯.gif (3.07 MB, 360x278, 180:139, 1E3DB7E6-6239-430E-9860-A1….gif)

I assume he (not unlike Moot) found another way to turn a buck off of a rice carving site albeit now the most notorious rice carving site.

On another note:

What’s up with Hot Wheels and his bullshit with Font all the time?

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77a87d  No.8533

The important thing is that he lives rent free in your head.

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07d5ad  No.8539


>I don't think he actually believes in this. He just personally dislikes Jim and the people associated with him. It's kind of a personal crusade. Plus he seems to love attention, he has become a lolcow.

It's this. Sort of like how he never actually cared about muh freeze peach when getting 8chan rolling – it was just a way to entice people to his site away from 4chan. Fred's motivations are extremely superficial, transparent, and short-ranged. He has no principles whatsoever, and he literally only cares about lording power over people that made him feel bad for short periods of time, even if the long term consequences fuck him over royally.

Incidentally, he is a kike on his mother's side. He doesn't advertise this, and I don't think many people know it.

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8dce16  No.8582

He had a debate with Black Pigeon Speaks recently


I'm 100% sure this guy has been bought. He spent the whole debate shilling for various (((moneyed interests))). This is the kind of guy who justifies having a child porn drawing board by saying his site wouldn't be competitive without it. In short, he has no morals, it's all about the money and his Christian act is most likely part of the scam too.

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d20272  No.8812


In a way, I don't blame him. His funds are drying up, and he's facing the possibility of having to defend against multiple lawsuits if he decides to keep his bullshit up. He's looking for some kind of financial boon, and I suspect this is his way of putting out feelers to get funding as a Leftist public advocate. I don't think he understands the kind of people he is pandering to, though. It's almost painful how naive and self-unaware he is.

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662388  No.8824

File: 43ce9e7d28e70b0⋯.png (44.22 KB, 740x272, 185:68, 7XoWjNf.png)

Did hotwheels have a change of heart or did the kikes pay him a visit? That is the only question. He is super salty on twitter like he is mad about 8kun on his own volition.

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514380  No.8830


>Incidentally, he is a kike on his mother's side. He doesn't advertise this, and I don't think many people know it.

Yeah, I thought people were just calling him a kike to insult him. With his medical condition half-past dead it seems he has nothing to lose. And he has quite some crypto, so he probably just does what he feels like (like a woman) without really considering consequences. He can just superficially say whatever helps him most to achieve his goal in a given moment because he probably won't live to have to deal with the long term consequences anyway. The left, the right, the pedos, they're all just tools for attention whoring.

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b4c6c4  No.8835


>And he has quite some crypto

He wants people to think that, but he's not rolling in cash. It's why he's doing autistic pro se legal LARPs instead of actually hiring legal representation.

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514380  No.8838


If you are right that's even better. He has lost by now either way. He had his fun for a while but now 8kun is online and he must feel like having a hangover.

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77a87d  No.8844


He found Jesus and became Baptist. Born again Baptists have knots in their panties bigger than the biggest, pantiest knots to ever to knot up some panties.

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d20272  No.8868


>He found Jesus and became Baptist.

His "newfound faith" is another pragmatic LARP to ingratiate himself with the locals and bureaucrats. Fred is engaging in the Judaic cripple's equivalent of taqiyya, hoping this gets him a seat at the political table. He doesn't understand that Filipinos aren't actually Christians either, and their corrupt officials only care about how lavishly you can grease their simian paws.

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77a87d  No.8872


In the Philippines he'd have done better to convert to Islam or become Catholic, but I guess he wanted to feel special by becoming part of a super tiny minority.

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d20272  No.8886


Protestants are double the population of Muslims, aren't despised by Catholic population, and don't have nearly as many hoops to jump through to convince people that you're sincere. If you look at it like a Jew would, it's a very pragmatic choice.

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77a87d  No.8907


Don't let a Baptist hear you call them Protestant. Baptists believe they were the first Christians and they use a book published in 1611 to prove it.

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18bace  No.8931

File: 8d5481f5a1ad715⋯.png (246.28 KB, 480x486, 80:81, kwk.png)

How is it even possible to be a larger faggot than luggage boy? This insipid crippled superfaggot should just fall down a stair.

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9c1d01  No.8935


The stripper had fake tits.

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18bace  No.8936


day of the pillow boomer, be wary

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d7a201  No.8945


>8chan was a unique image board, unlike the thousands that do exist and you know that.

It sure didnt get that way because of cripplekike. He may have created it, hell ANYBODY could have created it, but what made it special were the people who used it and the information that was shared there over the years. It had literally less than nothing to do with cripplekike.

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db677e  No.9311

File: 009b8eaf08dd3c8⋯.png (466.69 KB, 1655x1121, 1655:1121, 1.png)


>4th video, the freefalling guy

What is the history behind it? One of Pinochet's fabled helicopter rides?

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db677e  No.10758

There should be a


at the top of the front page

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7c0e07  No.10819

File: a8d2126cf6b6470⋯.png (128.5 KB, 614x1011, 614:1011, hotwheels twatter.png)


>How does Cripple Fag feel were still up?

(pic related)

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68b53f  No.10821


<infinity Copyright © 2013-2019 N.T. Technology, Inc. based on sources from Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group"

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accee5  No.10828

File: 1bdd925e0d6a077⋯.png (75.8 KB, 785x731, 785:731, jewboi.png)


Imagine this pathetic, limp, bedridden cripple trying to intimidate Russia into complying with his will.

>w-we willl s-s-shame you"

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84d123  No.10850


No it's here because Jim and FBI niggers want our IPs.


Yeah it should. I don't know why he isn't proud of us keeping his place up and bringing it's valuable ideas he liked into reality.

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30127d  No.10883

File: 50cb605d75f2dc4⋯.jpg (206.32 KB, 1185x1029, 395:343, 30519-1q1hit3.jpg)


Sad indeed.


Ok, ID: 40ff8b boomer.

He betrayed all he stood just to enact his vendetta revenge. I remember he blamed 8ch for gun violence or whatever when 8ch was inactive and was undergoing migration days before that.


Actually agree with you about it. He sure love attention.


And looks like he became furry now. And blaming 8kun even before anything happen. Kinda like Clinton blaming all but herself.


That would be funny. Don't forget to add this too:

>Any shooting happening goes to his credit, he could have prevented it since he is prescient

Because of pic in >>10819

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5f1f58  No.10905

Holy Beautiful

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de985e  No.11128


he's a worthless traitor fuck him

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295ded  No.11149


Top kek!

Russians keeping 8chan alive

We sukas now!

More importantly how stable is the site now?

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40ff8b  No.11502

It is A very effeminate, gay left-tard, shit-skin view of the world to think you could have done anything anyone else has done, but for some reason didn't……

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e213a2  No.11677


No different than the (((journalists))) that kept crying about the Joker movie causing mass shootings, and when that didn't happen they pretended they never said it.

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59415a  No.11733

File: 3b9a2d970c8a63c⋯.jpeg (810.84 KB, 1200x1508, 300:377, HotMeals.jpeg)


>In the Philippines

Don't they have a lot of large constrictor snakes over there?

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05ab24  No.11738

File: 8d54720b9ae2533⋯.png (132.26 KB, 372x340, 93:85, nani the fuck.png)


>An actually funny XKCD comic

They must be lining up to buy jackets in hell right now.

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99f328  No.11797

File: f8c39d4100c2486⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 693x493, 693:493, f8c39d4100c24861be6294637a….jpg)


literally this meme

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1f7107  No.12327


He will definitely die some day, I'm 99% sure.

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02bae4  No.12559



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02bae4  No.12574


Cripplekike turned into a MUH RUSSIA tard

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d1d54a  No.12580


>quoting the whole post. kys subhuman retard

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