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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 380cf8d78de3773⋯.png (433.9 KB, 468x630, 26:35, vv25y12ailx31.png)

a76c76  No.3524

It is a shame to see 8chan go but i am glad to see that it is now reborn , when did this launch? I was following the official twitter but i was not informed on the exact date and when i did try to access it early on it was still under development, but yeah it is good to see all you faggots again. So is this basically the new /pol/? And to make this thread political what are your thoughts on esoteric Natonal socialism and satanic Natonal socialism, yes satanic Nazism is a thing that actually exists.




I suppose this could be considered more religious than political but i am sure the mods will decide this thread's fate.

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8ba8d5  No.3526

>when did this launch

Like a week and a half ago. 8chan never mentioned it on the official twitter. I dont know how everyone else found out but I found out by looking at Jim's website

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f085d1  No.3528


The way I found out about this place was by following the links of Q's posts here:


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a76c76  No.3529


I see, so i am not too late to the party, i just looked it up and found the link on the Wikipedia page. Hopefully this is a fresh and successful start and that the weaknesses of Chan were eradicated.


We have to be careful not to make this site too mainstream, that is how 4chan died and how 8chan began to be corrupted by the plebbitfags.

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a76c76  No.3530



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0ab1bd  No.3533

File: 66d28311dc1b1f6⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Back.jpg)


I'm glad to be back too, based /pol/acks

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0ab1bd  No.3535


fuck, looks like the d&c kikes are already at it

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0ab1bd  No.3546

File: 8efbba42ab836d8⋯.jpg (121.73 KB, 678x482, 339:241, Dutch.jpg)


Have another Schwarze, nigger

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0ab1bd  No.3552



Strategically invading a pedo-tier board will manage to keep normies out? Will give it a try.

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c79c19  No.3615

It doesn't feel the same. Maybe its the post speed because even the first exodus back on 8chan was faster than any board here.

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1f76e4  No.3760

File: 5987b7d506bd2e7⋯.png (101.14 KB, 1080x449, 1080:449, wp1.PNG)

File: c1d0dae8f0d9a56⋯.png (407.79 KB, 987x755, 987:755, wp2.PNG)

File: 07653fde3b2ebc6⋯.png (336.44 KB, 398x513, 398:513, nazi.PNG)

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