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008b08  No.34944

okey guys, so I was wondering - If/when out nations are reborn, how will the legal process be carried out?

I mean, if it's DOTR of course extrajudicial happenings will take place (that or mass detainment until further changes), but consider what will need to be done if this rebirth is a more "peaceful" process?

As you all know, we're waking up and the next generation is going to be split, polarized and angry etc.

What's the legal process going to be? Are we going do formal proceedings? What about law - are we going to go through the laws already on the books

and no, not America, I'm talking generally, across Europe and the west of the white world. I could see this being the case with the jews, as they will be expelled and banned from entering the continents constitutionally. I could also foresee trade deals as to exclude countries who do not live up to our set of guidelines (such as cucking and letting in migrants). This might sound like rambling but I'm seriously in doubt what the end goal is going to look like.

Are we going full Ex post facto law on the lemmings?

And to all you law guys in here - I'd like to see examples of formal laws we could implement.

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5f3f1a  No.35657

facism will not come through democracy, but tyranny. Look to NAZIS germany. You will vote the tyrant in, and the first thing he will do is stop you from taking him out.

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36a7e8  No.35662

File: 872e70321b8a590⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1200x805, 240:161, ClipboardImage.png)



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fd55c0  No.35670

File: b66670f0f9c1f0b⋯.mp4 (933.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, CIA nigger.mp4)


You already live under tyranny, retard.

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586d92  No.35895


Gov. Ralph "Coonman" Northam

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