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File: a0fce13517c6ad5⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 325x462, 325:462, 90d18b76f9794134e9cc930188….jpg)

9692fa  No.34870

You're all lovely people and i'm very thankful for all the time iv'e spent with you guys.

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831c73  No.34872

I feel like I'm missing 75% of happenings because I don't visit cuckchan anymore

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c412af  No.34966


you are not missing anything

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1ced7a  No.34985


that's a worthwhile trade-off

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f1af4e  No.35074

File: d96bcfbc5844209⋯.webm (3.79 MB, 480x336, 10:7, d96bcfbc58442090c47bd8e53….webm)


lol you really don't

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cb05f1  No.35638

File: abc04a5bce00d30⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 432x431, 432:431, 1576126179447.jpg)


I'm glad to be home with my friends.

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25abee  No.35660


Same. It's insane how much better this place is than 4chan's /pol/. In the months that 8chan got deleted I almost started to believe that it is normal for the catalog to be filled with stupid questions, b8, repetitive threads and other cancer.

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e83174  No.35699

File: 3cf8cea707f5871⋯.png (32.7 KB, 218x218, 1:1, i'm bad.png)

File: 4804b86bd3fc131⋯.webm (13.57 MB, 480x360, 4:3, evil nazis celebrating th….webm)

File: c23ebb42e8bb2ec⋯.webm (884.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Führer Fun Bus™.webm)


You're a very lovely person too, OP.

Remember, if you feel down or worry a lot, you can always come here and tell us what's bothering you. If you get v& by the alphabet soup for posting funnies in this section of 9GAG, try explaining them that it's not your fault that you were born with assburgers.


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dc634d  No.35764


But that’s what our catalog is full of.

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1999af  No.35836


hey, at least there aren't 5 daily bbc bait threads

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