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e94972  No.3452

Ok frens, you may remember the huge thread where some anon read the first chapter of Julius Evola's Ride the Tiger and stated it sounded like Evola supported accelerationism.

It is clear to me that many anons in that thread hadn't read the book, because they were just pointlessly speculating based on the book's opening.

To put it concisely, Evola did not support accelerationism as a pathway for the "differentiated man" he writes about.

>Once all this is recognized, we can see in a different light the present crisis, both objective and ideal, of the concepts and sentiments of homeland and nation. Again, one might speak of destructions that attack something already having a negative and regressive character, so that they could even signify a potential liberation, if the direction of the whole process were not toward something still more problematic. Therefore, eνen if οnly a νoid remained, it would be nο reason for the differentiated man to deplore that crisis and concern himself with the reactions in the "realm of residues." (Evola, Ride the Tiger, 182-3)

HOWEVER, Evola does also say this:

>We must equally reject the more general and bland ideal of "sociability" that today often functions as a slogan even in the so-called free world, after the decline οf the ideal οf the true state. The differentiated man feels absolutely outside οf society, he recognizes nο moral claim that requires his inclusion in an absurd system; he can understand not only those who are outside, but even those who are against "society" -meaning against this society. Putting aside everything that does not directly concern him (because his way does not match that of his contemporaries), he would be the last to endorse efforts to normalize and rehabilitate within "society" those who have had enough of the game and are stigmatized as "unsuitable" and "asocial"-the anathema of democratic societies. (Evola, Ride the Tiger, 179-80)

Thus, it would appear that while he does not support action from the differentiated man, he does not advocate the condemnation of those who act.

In any event, you should just read the book.

Also, its nice to be back.

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6db108  No.3465


>read the book

Please post all your Evola PDFs that aren't the shitty OCRs from archive.org.

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e94972  No.3469

File: a6be19cea605caf⋯.jpg (211.21 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, ImpC.jpg)


I'm afraid that will have to suffice, anon.

I just printed out the chapters as I read them, that way it is easy to annotate.

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2579d4  No.3644

Evola is small brained. Read Guenon

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ce38b2  No.3954


Please elaborate, suggest some readings, etc.

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dbf81e  No.4187


Have more respect for the people you're mentioning

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dbf81e  No.4200


Accelerationism is literally the ideology of the satanists that push for more and more chaos for the coming of their "messiah".

8ch was the place were foreign intelligence pushed for terrorist attack and school shootings, for their agenda. There is a reason why people pushed accelerationism so hard after the attack against the mosque. The more chaos, the more conflicts between the communities artificially being brought together through immigration, the better. 8ch /pol/ was SO shilled, people didn't seem to even be aware that they were pushing for the agenda of their enemies.

The only way the "right" people pushed for anything close to that is with having the cycle doctrine in mind, stating that we're close to the end of the cycle, so it's not really useful to fight against evil, but rather stay silent and walk your path towards the light.

But if you truly think about this, that the first men knew since the beginning that things were only going downhill, why would they have made kids, and build a civilization, and try to slow down the march of time as much as they can? Yet another proof that it doesn't make sense.

They did, because it's not the result that counts, but what YOU DO. The point is not the result of the fight, but the fight itself and how it makes you a better person, and educate you spiritually to reach higher stations. This earth is just a passage, and you need this support to learn and develop yourself spiritually. It's not the other way around.


Just to add, Evola started to write on tradition after reading Guenon. So your post shows that you know nothing about these authors (or have ever read more than their simplest books). And the way you have no respect for them ("brainlet").

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ce38b2  No.4321

File: 50af70d65cac4ee⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 335x261, 335:261, tant.jpg)


Nice dubs. I think Evola's point is that the type of conflict and shilling we see is more a sign of the times than an active front for us to become entangled with.

Additionally, I think you're right about the cycle doctrine when it is interpreted in a strictly Vedic sense, but more practically we've entered into this era of dissolution recently, and as such our forefathers were not under the impression that things were "going downhill".

The cycle doctrine establishes that the forces of creation and order were once dominant, and this is the time during which White Western Civilization came to power.

Now that civilization is in decline and whites are their own worst enemy.

They openly embrace their defeat, and I see all claims that they have been victimized by external parties as secondary causes for their downfall.

The seeds were planted when they lost vigilance towards the concept of preserving themselves and their civilization.

Its not like they're going anywhere in some apocalyptic sense; the trve Romans, the Maya, and many other civilizations of old didn't have all of their populations die, they just lost their identities.

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dbf81e  No.4332

File: 37f65b7ce3ba90a⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 660x900, 11:15, working-hard.jpg)


>The cycle doctrine establishes that the forces of creation and order were once dominant, and this is the time during which White Western Civilization came to power.

>Now that civilization is in decline and whites are their own worst enemy.

You seriously need to get more information because that must be the most wrong thing I've ever seen. The Kali Yuga started around 6000 years ago, and the center of the world was moved to the east. It's not in the west. Jerusalem is not in the west.

And there is a reason why the west is the most nonspiritual place on earth.

You rather should ask yourself why modernity (starting in the 14th century), this ideology that destroyed the world and brought it into obscurantism was born in the west. For example, colonialism was the beginning of globalism.

Again, like a lot of people here, you're worshiping a race rather than god, and you consider yourself as some kind of elected people. You're no where better than jews if you believe this. I'm truly tired of people thinking that they're chosen people.

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ce38b2  No.4342

File: 4ac200cbaad0fe6⋯.jpg (686.74 KB, 752x1090, 376:545, 1443317703392.jpg)


Anon I'm not talking about some strict Vedic interpretation, I'm talking about the Kali Yuga as the time past the French Revolution, or the collapse of the Third Estate, as Evola writes.

>As in so many previous occasions, it is also necessary here to see clearly what exactly is suffering the crisis, and to define its value. Again, it is not about the reality of the traditional world, but of conceptions essentially born and introduced with its destruction, and above all with the revolution of the Third Estate. (Evola, Ride the Tiger, 180)

Furthermore, Evola insists that race as a concept no longer holds any meaning in this time. I see where you're coming from, but I do not consider whites an elected people. Rather I see that their time in the sun is coming to an end and the cycle continues.

I am curious about your point:

>You rather should ask yourself why modernity (starting in the 14th century), this ideology that destroyed the world and brought it into obscurantism was born in the west. For example, colonialism was the beginning of globalism.

What idea do have as to why modernity spread in the west, other than by natural occurrence in a civilization coming to its demise?

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dbf81e  No.4520


The thing is, you're totally right that civilization end up being modern when they go degenerate. It happened to the roman empire and many many other empires. That's why too this society take these periods as model, and talk only for example about the last phase of the greek civilization, about stoicism and epicurism (right/left), and not much about Aristotle and Plato and such (and especially not about their metaphysical work).

But this time, it's not just a civilization, we're talking about the world. Today, there is no longer one nation that is traditional. Modernity is global. And it has been spread by the west into the world, through globalization. We're at the dead end of the Kali Yuga. China is going fully modern and overtaking, so we're gonna experience what's late stage modernity through China too. It's not gonna be fun (soviet russia was another "nice" modern experiment).

As to why it has been born in the west, I would say that it's because white people are much mental than others, but at the same time, especially in the west (not a thing in the east), much more sentimentalists. And this last part is truly their greatest defect, spirituality speaking. Being mental can thrive a great civilization and tradition, ie. hinduism, and a great obscurantism and revolt against god, ie. western europe with humanism. Humanism is about man thinking that he's good and smart enough to be his own god, his own center. (just to be clear, white people, if you separate races in 4 categories (black, yellow, red (extincted) and white) goes from western europe to the north of india through middle east).

Another fact is that it's a circumstance of time. Modernity can only exist and be in a world, a time that "authorize" this degeneracy. If it was to happen in the past, some cataclysm would have happen since a very long time that would have destroyed everything (like it did for so much degenerated cities in the past, the Atlantis for example).

Some happy thoughts in this darkness, it seems that the first nations, men that went modern, would be the first one too to get out of the darkness. I don't know yet exactly how the transition between cycles work though. Some say that it's a huge reset, ie. the material world would be wiped and recreated, others say that the earth would stay the same and some men will be the foundation of the future cycle. I would take the first guess, because the latter would mean that some men hidden in some mountains would have preserved perfectly their primordiality. I don't see it to be a thing.

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e3d3fd  No.4542


>Accelerationism is literally the ideology

Isn't accelerationism a methodology as opposed to solely an ideology? The right used it before and after the 2016 election because the left had way overextended themselves, and couldn't keep up that pace. They still are overextended, and are circling the toilet bowl with their clown world fake news, russian collusion, impeachment, accuse everyone of everything without evidence while guilty of of it at the same time, drag queen storytime etc. insanity. The corruption stinks so bad, their base is realizing they've created a disgusting monster. They will lose the next election.

>8ch was the place were foreign intelligence pushed for terrorist attack and school shootings, for their agenda

That communist subversive gun control stuff has been going on long before 8ch was even thought of. It's a multi-pronged attack, but look at the history of gun control legislation, specifically gun free zones, and you'll see the long game.

They had to make children vulnerable with gun free zones first, and subvert Christian morals to an extent, before they could use their deaths as an impetus for gun grabbing.

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dbf81e  No.4588


>The right used it before and after the 2016 election

Wait, you're in the left/right understanding? You don't see both parties are controlled by the same peoples? You truly think that Trump was elected against the deep state interests? Clinton/Trump is just an internal oligarch fight between two views of globalism. People never ever were a thing in the process. They never were. Democracy does not exist. Things might change when people will stop voting, and start to disobey.

>Isn't accelerationism a methodology as opposed to solely an ideology?

A method for what? Just bringing chaos is a method? Don't you see how nihilistic it is, and how it supports their agenda, them that wants the most chaos possible? A lot of people were pushing for more and more terrorist attacks. Where do you think it's gonna end? There is no winner in a civil war. And I've never seen one attacking the powerful. Or Israel. Totally understandable since there was so much israeli shills.

Accelerationism is the pinnacle of 8ch shilling. It's so blatant I don't understand how people do not see it. And there is a leftie underlayer, since it's more or less based on the fact that capitalism would fall under its contradiction at some point, so let's help it fall.

>That communist subversive gun control stuff has been going on long before 8ch was even thought of.

How does it go against what I said? Government wanted to control their population long before internet existed, so they would not use internet for that purpose? Doesn't make sense. Now I can agree that it's just a tool that works combined with a lot of other actions.

Confusion. That's their goal. The more contradictory news, directions, the better. The more false conspiracy theories, the more news outlets just contradicting each other. They seek confusion.

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ce38b2  No.5688

File: d4540159f765c28⋯.jpg (221.09 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, panth.jpg)



If you two would just read the book you would comfortably look beyond superfluous things like the elections. That kind of stuff is all Clown World, as you also admit, and isn't worth the involvement of Evola's Differentiated Man.


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6c5acb  No.5746


Why not both?

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dda539  No.5749

File: ef2f277a554d450⋯.png (164.16 KB, 1752x883, 1752:883, Hitler on accelerationism.png)


Who cares? Adolf Hitler did. Pic related. Besides, read Metaphysics of War. Evola should be understood as a whole, not just a specific book or quote.

Finally, everyone saying accelerationism is somehow a ruse, "false flag" or "plays into hands of the enemy" is illiterate retard who didn't spent an hour with a history book.

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dda539  No.5750


Also OP, you are for some reason comparing incomparable. Political plane, spiritual/personal plane and philosophical plane. Nonsense.

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000000  No.8975


>Adolf Hitler did.

And Adolf Hitler lost.

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