The thing is, you're totally right that civilization end up being modern when they go degenerate. It happened to the roman empire and many many other empires. That's why too this society take these periods as model, and talk only for example about the last phase of the greek civilization, about stoicism and epicurism (right/left), and not much about Aristotle and Plato and such (and especially not about their metaphysical work).
But this time, it's not just a civilization, we're talking about the world. Today, there is no longer one nation that is traditional. Modernity is global. And it has been spread by the west into the world, through globalization. We're at the dead end of the Kali Yuga. China is going fully modern and overtaking, so we're gonna experience what's late stage modernity through China too. It's not gonna be fun (soviet russia was another "nice" modern experiment).
As to why it has been born in the west, I would say that it's because white people are much mental than others, but at the same time, especially in the west (not a thing in the east), much more sentimentalists. And this last part is truly their greatest defect, spirituality speaking. Being mental can thrive a great civilization and tradition, ie. hinduism, and a great obscurantism and revolt against god, ie. western europe with humanism. Humanism is about man thinking that he's good and smart enough to be his own god, his own center. (just to be clear, white people, if you separate races in 4 categories (black, yellow, red (extincted) and white) goes from western europe to the north of india through middle east).
Another fact is that it's a circumstance of time. Modernity can only exist and be in a world, a time that "authorize" this degeneracy. If it was to happen in the past, some cataclysm would have happen since a very long time that would have destroyed everything (like it did for so much degenerated cities in the past, the Atlantis for example).
Some happy thoughts in this darkness, it seems that the first nations, men that went modern, would be the first one too to get out of the darkness. I don't know yet exactly how the transition between cycles work though. Some say that it's a huge reset, ie. the material world would be wiped and recreated, others say that the earth would stay the same and some men will be the foundation of the future cycle. I would take the first guess, because the latter would mean that some men hidden in some mountains would have preserved perfectly their primordiality. I don't see it to be a thing.