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File: 8c6b0fa892bf96b⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 800x480, 5:3, investigatin.jpg)

d8be24  No.33745

Please understand Chaos theory is a serious branch of mathematics and not some new age crap. Catastrophe theory and factor analysis are also in this category. Think of factor analysis this way. Make a big ball of clay and stick a bunch of arrows feathers first into it. Then thinking of each arrow as a vector find a new vector which is called the principal component. The vast number of people think the principle component as liberal or conservative. I can't see this component and see the whole 100 dimensional mess. Something is going on I don't quite understand but according to Catastrophe theory some thing is about to break. This break will take the form of a new kind of government or a civil war. Don't blame me for any of this I voted for Nader who is the only person qualified who never flew on the Lolita Express. The Election after Trump will be between a super Trump and a super Obama. So I calling on the .01 percent of those of you who have a higher mathematical ability than me to help me under stand the problem. Look at the graph and read the article. https://phys.org/news/2020-01-dynamics-democratic-elections-physics-theory.html

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848ead  No.33750


There’s not one word in that article or its paper about the decoupling of the US dollar from gold, despite your chart diverging EXACTLY when that happened. Not a word about the federal reserve, fiat currency, or Keynesianism, either. Sorry, man. Can’t take it seriously when it doesn’t even comprehend WHY the change happened.

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4097e6  No.33751


>I voted for Nader

Nigger, this is 2020. Either update your copypasta or stop copypastaing forever.

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3ed643  No.33787

Nader ran last in 1996 what time machine did you just step out of?

It doesn't take a mathematician to see this country is on a downward spiral.

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34711e  No.33927

File: 23906b5a0b5d7f9⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Waveform collapses into bu….jpg)


>Please understand that Quantum Mechanics is a serious branch of physics and not some new age crap.

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3d2eb8  No.34212


east and west rome 2.0 if I had to guess

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