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File: 6b7e7ab37f9c11d⋯.jpg (4.33 KB, 250x134, 125:67, 1565062350142s.jpg)

94701e  No.33101

A few years ago I moved away from the Detroit area, due to all the useless ghetto people moving up to Macomb County from the city and making life intolerable for me and my family. My wife was also sick of having to work in the city, and she got a good job opportunity in the southwestern part of the state. I now live in a heavily white area, which is far preferable to living near Detroit. That being said about 20% of my county receives food stamps, and while they are not as much a nuisance as blacks generally, these white trash can be a big problem that needs to be deal with harshly. And the problem is I have some of them as neighbors.

What I am mainly talking about is this woman who lives next door, a single mom who lives in a filthy trailer and is a notorious slut who is always bringing men over to sleep with. And her 14 year old daughter is always coming over to my house giving me sob stories about her mom doesn't love her, and whining that she doesn't get to eat a lot of times because mom wastes their food stamps on beer and weed (at least it's not meth!) and she begs me to help her and make her feel loved and take her out to eat at a restaurant and bla bla bla. Of course I repeatedly tell her "no". I explain to her that she is nothing more than the daughter of a useless leeching whore, and it isn't my fault that she is from a genetic garbage family, and that my wife works incredibly hard and we pay very high taxes so that blacks, mexicans, Arabs, and useless white trash like her can live on the taxpayer dime. She still keeps coming back to bother me, somehow thinking if she shrieks loud enough I will turn into a bleeding heart liberal and do what she wants. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

What I'm wondering is what course of action I should pursue if she doesn't get the message that she isn't wanted and never will be? I don't want her to start pestering any of the other decent middle-class folks around here. Should I sue to get a restraining order? Ideally if she keeps knocking on my door, since she is basically trespassing on my property, I could give her a taste of the Second Amendment. That would certainly save the taxpayers a lot of money in the future. However I am a strictly law-abiding citizen, and I need to know what exactly are the rules under our state's stand-your-ground law before I have to resort to that, since I would never break the law and go to jail.

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d424e1  No.33103

How is it he fault her mother is a coal burning piece of shit. I would help her out and try and to install a degree of work ethic. She's 14. A fuckin child.

You're just as much of a nigger, you prop up a system that is based on debt slavery (Private Banks loan the Feds operating money with intrest) and are proud of it?

This isn't an economy where the most productive succeds it's one where kikes make money through possesion and use it to enslave the people through inflation and loans (ursury).

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d424e1  No.33104

You have the perfect opportunity to red pill a youth, why pass it up?

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dec2ac  No.33105

Pay her to housekeep, she'll learn skills that will benefit her in the future and become more independent to get away from the negative influence of her mother and you'll get a maid at a really cheap price that clearly sees something in you so they'll be motivated to not half ass their job in order to impress.

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174b36  No.33107



>genetic garbage

Rhetoric kike tricks don't work on me.

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174b36  No.33108


>I could give her a taste of the Second Amendment.

Say that again and I'll report you to the FBI.

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79c747  No.33125


YOU are responsible

YOU are responsible for helping that kid

YOU are responsible for red-pilling that kid

YOU are responsible to your race and folk

When nobody else is there to do it, YOU are responsible.

Don't shrug your shoulders and say, "Not my problem."

That's what animals like jews and niggers do because they have no conscience.

YOU are responsible for not acting like a self-centered animal

Invite the kid in for dinner with you and your wife

Let her see what healthy family life looks like

Give her the desire for health and happiness

Once she has the desire, she will eventually work for it

Its in her blood

Your wife has to go along with it.

The both of you on parallel courses.

This way, you can also learn what it takes to parent a child.

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17dc25  No.33127

File: c0efe19b1e246be⋯.webm (2.17 MB, 640x358, 320:179, 1580422455339.webm)


you are worse then niger faggot

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b481a1  No.33141

File: 42ef009df40d641⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 418x541, 418:541, Fag_Gay_OP.jpg)

>Hi, /Paul/! I am OP, the noted Alt-Right racist blogger. Would any of you fellow white racists care to join with me as I denounce a white family I'm not doing shit to help on my own? Ha-Ha, what silly trash these rural white goyim are!

Neck yourself as hard as possible, you fucking faggot. Assuming your tl;dr blog shit is even half true, you owe the genes in that family your loyalty and respect. This is our kin, you goddamn urban yid fag.

And now, since you're obviously baiting for this, here's your pedoshit quote, you fucking journalist:

<Lurrr. . . why not wife the 14-year-old white girl?!?!? See, Jared Holt? We're advocating underage sex on /pnd/ now. Better write an article about racist pedophiles!!!!!

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174b36  No.33144


Wanna bet the >>33105 housekeeping underage work was supposed to be an opener for just that, anon-kun?

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d5149b  No.33150


She wants your dick

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dec2ac  No.33152


The guy has a wife already, not everyone is arnold schwarzenegger. But of course on a site full of retarded american feminists like this the idea of a woman learning to be a housewife rather than forced into advanced education by lack of legal alternatives to become a career woman that no man is interested in so shes destined to be a single mom just like her mother has to be the only option, fuck yourselves.

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4c71df  No.33156


NO shit… Help the girl out she will benefit from it for a lifetime. OP is a fucking selfish asshole.

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73448f  No.33158

File: b12c6ae6a99bdbc⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 435x250, 87:50, WatchfulPaltryDouglasfirba….gif)


You had better kill yourself, OP.

YOU are the problem.

That girl comes to you because she has nowhere else to turn.

You are a stranger and judging from the way you type, you are an absolute sociopath, so she must be in dire straights.

If you close your door on a child begging for help, you are worse than any kike or nigger, you are a devil. At least kikes look out for each other, you on the other hand are so self-obsessed that you wouldn't even lend a hand to a most vulnerable innocent child that doesn't even get to eat.

Please, OP, kill yourself right now.


seconded. I will be monitoring this thread.

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4d011e  No.33194


Never, ever help any woman, no matter her age. Use a gun to keep her away from YOUR property, and don't bother with the corrupt law.

Or if you are still a law cuck, at least be straight with her and forbid her to ever coming to your property again.

You can also incite her to commit suicide, as she will grow to become another leftist waste that will try to ruin people's lives.

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c8023a  No.33195


This. Ready to get me-tooed by a 14 year-old, OP? Don't let her into your house.

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272b49  No.33197

File: ce788725b5036a9⋯.png (41 KB, 1689x553, 1689:553, E529AC38-5ACA-43AA-A213-B0….png)


>Probably like .01% of people get caught.

>Pass up that prime rib goy, the shiksas are for us merchants.

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a115fe  No.33198


>…these white trash… …I have some of them as neighbors.

>her 14 year old daughter is always coming over to my house giving me sob stories about her mom doesn't love her, and whining that she doesn't get to eat a lot of times because mom wastes their food stamps on beer and weed (at least it's not meth!) and she begs me to help her and make her feel loved and take her out to eat at a restaurant and bla bla bla. Of course I repeatedly tell her "no". I explain to her that she is nothing more than the daughter of a useless leeching whore, and it isn't my fault that she is from a genetic garbage family, and that my wife works incredibly hard and we pay very high taxes so that blacks, mexicans, Arabs, and useless white trash like her can live on the taxpayer dime. She still keeps coming back to bother me, somehow thinking if she shrieks loud enough I will turn into a bleeding heart liberal and do what she wants. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

So you told a pure, sweet, little white child, who has absolutely no control over her station in life or the actions imposed upon her, TO HER FACE, that her mother is useless, her family is garbage, and that you’re not going to help her in any way.


>What I'm wondering is what course of action I should pursue if she doesn't get the message that she isn't wanted and never will be?

Kill yourself. YOUR task is to kill yourself. Find out from her who her family is and if any of them have any worth whatsoever. See if she can be legally transferred to the household of someone who will love her. Then kill yourself for ruining her even more.

>Should I sue to get a restraining order?

>I could give her a taste of the Second Amendment.

Everything you’ve written reads exactly like something said by some autistic child on Voat who doesn’t comprehend what being white is. Either you’re trolling or you’re a disgusting piece of trash yourself.

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c6304f  No.33212


I know the shit that these white trash types are like. Lazy nigger-like sacks of brain dead meat. They'd fuck a corpse if it was hot enough.

That being said, this is not an adult. This child's experiences will be that her mother gets by by fucking through life and since nobody will show her an alternative, that's what she'll do as well. You can either show her that alternative or sit by while another nigger-like white is created and your community is more shit.

If you aren't willing to try to improve your community then just fuck off into the middle of the woods, because you are useless to a community.

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da43c2  No.33214

File: 1aabcfa567e559b⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1aa.png)

>Complains about white trash

>Is white trash himself

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da43c2  No.33216

File: cffa1c0f0d7434f⋯.png (3.7 KB, 242x208, 121:104, images (1).png)

Wait a minute



You almost fooled me there OP

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c16d1c  No.33245

OP is a faggot

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000000  No.33248


This story is almost certainly made up, but on the off chance it's not I just want to echo the sentiment that you should neck yourself. You probably whine about how 'muh community is dead' too, and yet here you are, actively refusing to be a contributing member of your community. You should move back to Detroit and be among your own kind.

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27bf6e  No.33287

I noticed OP never stated his race… Probably a jew.

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41e876  No.33288


A) This is 4chan-tier bullshit.

B) You aren't even trying to make it plausible.

C) Nobody here cares about you and your problems no matter what they are.

D) Reported for being non-pnd spam.

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1813e1  No.33322

File: 3091c819bb648f0⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, die.mp4)


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bc228f  No.33325


>See if she can be legally transferred to the household of someone who will love her.

Good idea.

Teach her how to grow potatoes: https://invidio.us/watch?v=GlratwBT5OI

and some other vegetables so she can feed herself and become more self-reliant if there isn't anyone. Gardening is good psychologically as well.

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c6ee68  No.33332

File: f09eb59923e6028⋯.png (152.41 KB, 680x681, 680:681, ClipboardImage.png)


>nobody talked about coalburning

>bring it up still

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11c7b9  No.33338


He lives in the USA

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a115fe  No.33365



>not deleted

>OP not banned

One and done blogpost that is clearly a made up story which FOLLOWS A VERY, VERY SUSPICIOUS WRITING STYLE, and nothing is done about it. Nor about the amerimutt spam being posted. Mods are fucking comped.

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84abc7  No.33477



it is obv shillpost to bring the board down

mods let it stay

bo stands by mod bad call

this is why boards die tbh

no filter for stupid

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746a77  No.33620

>>33101 Be DAMNED CAREFUL, Anon-kun. This type of trash will get into your home, then call the po-po on you. How would you like to be accused of child rape? Put some hidden cameras in your house, if you insist on letting in garbage. You need to protect your family, first.

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3b3ab3  No.33746


>all these cunts bumping an obvious fednigger thread

man this place has really gone down the shitter

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d92e66  No.33764

>a prime 14 year old comes to you for help

>you push her away because "I GOT MINE FUCK YOU''

Gas all boomers.

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43c37c  No.34462

File: e3301a84cf3bb13⋯.png (121.98 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, 4b1.png)


The fact that whites have continually cleansed ourselves of our genetic garbage is the reason we're superior. Standards have slipped and the white garbage population is rising.

We need desperately to bring back the death penalty. This was the primary method of removing ooga-booga "I want but I lazy" drives from our gene-pool. You steal, you die. You rape, you die. You be anything but a productive team player, you get banished. Which is pretty much a guarantee you're going to die.

The apple almost never falls far from the tree. If This girl's parents are garbage, there's a strong chance she'll grow up to be garbage. And even if she isn't, there's a strong chance her kids will regress to the mean. The same thing happens in nice neighborhoods when a negro lawyer and his corporate department manager wife moves in. They're polite and well spoken, but all of a sudden cars get broken into because their kids have gone back to the default programming.

Where traditional conservative thought has erred is in thinking we need the masses. We just need a few good men.

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67be20  No.34806

File: c89e35a27f196f0⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 491x491, 1:1, (((you))).jpg)

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43c37c  No.35261

File: 52667b6d740b62f⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1491601736697_shitpost_dru….jpg)


>we need to tolerate shitty white people, go….guy

Fuck of Schlomo. Appealing to the masses of shitty white people is a time-honored commie tactic. Helping some THOT whose mother is a THOT and whose father is probably smocking crack under a bridge somewhere is hurting the white race.

The only people who defend shitty people are shitty people. The fact you identify with some whiny child of a welfare queen tells the rest of us you're garbage too. I don't owe you shit. Jews actively encourage people like you breeding so white numbers are diluted by scum.

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8a8e84  No.36257

This board is for the Jewish Trash Problem

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cbe6aa  No.41442

>bitch about white trash neighbor

>do nothing

>answer to your problems literally knocks on your door

>don't tell her to secretly record the shit that's happening

>don't call CPS

>tell her to fuck off

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1d5886  No.42853



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85b287  No.43715


Did you tell her not to come to your house?

Also, you sound like real piece of shit. You should have stayed in the ghetto.

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000000  No.43905

It's a good thread because it exposes how big the problem is right here. The first step to changing anything is an honest, self-assessment, and you aren't going to find many people here willing to do that. '

This thread would have worked on hotwheelschan before 2015. It's over. Rent that Tavor. Vote Trump. Embrace the betaness. Embrace Israel as a white ethnostate. That's what chans are all about now.

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7e5542  No.44278

>killing the 14-year-old


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c767ac  No.44414



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c767ac  No.44416


kys fag.

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