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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 50315bee94ef13b⋯.jpg (790.71 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, tribulus terrestris.jpg)

a50d1a  No.3248

The government rules with the consent of the governed. When the government gets out of control you have a constitutional right and a duty to bring it back under control. As I travel across the United States I eat at the local restaurants. I read the local newspapers and listen to the locals talk. Many of these communities are having problems with their governments so much so I estimate 1 percent of the nations sheriffs have been recalled in an election or arrested while in office. These communities think they are doing something that has never been done before and are terrified of retaliation. What I propose is communities start sharing information on how to bring the government back under control. There will eventually be a national magazine and website called the consent of the governed. I'm going to get you started here. If a government is involved in civil asset forfeiture you must make sure they don't profit from it. Hit them with fines. I suggest you start with the ADA. These are best done when a disabled veteran reports them. ADA fines can be $100000.00 each and local governments can't push around the ADA.

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c3b12b  No.3254

Your opinions mean nothing if you refuse to attain personal power.

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4ae3d9  No.3256


Retarded idea.

>Dude /pol/ needs to just start a magazine

Trust me, a radically anti-government publication isn't anything new

>Then we'll fine the tyrannical government for doing tyrannical things

Using what? The government court system? You're going to rely on the government to keep the government in check?

Shit thread. Try harder next time

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f6d538  No.3302

I like this idea.

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b33d01  No.3305


It took communist jews almost 100 years to seize control of America. The long march through the institutions ain't going to work for the right sweetie.

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e5cae6  No.3350


Is this thread why glowniggers are spamming furry porn?

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f6d538  No.3459


They were? I didn't notice.

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55529a  No.3510


Fining the government, huh? Interesting.

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7b7112  No.3542

File: c3c027cd75b6585⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 381x602, 381:602, dotr_.jpg)


>regain control of government

The system is agonizing and must be replaced

Revolution is necessary

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375719  No.3553

File: a4715a209bab237⋯.jpg (17.4 KB, 338x450, 169:225, working class.jpg)

Nobody should be in control of the government. The whole reason the world went to shit is the fact that a handful of people run the lives of everyone on the planet. We should balkanize every nation and set their new governments against each other. That way while the castrated dogs fight each other, the common man can finally be let alone to get along with his life.

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e1cf7d  No.3558


The common man will immediately be pressed into military service while the brown and black scum rape their way through his family, land and resources. If he returns his nation will not be the one he left. There will be nothing to fight for.

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375719  No.3560


Pressed into service by whom? The government is to be defanged. And from whence will the brownies come? If we're going to fracture all nations, demographics will become more homogeneous

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7b7112  No.3579

File: eb64235ad168c5c⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 512x511, 512:511, peace.jpg)


We will replace this rotten effeminate system with a hierarchical, Faustian aristocracy and the "common man" proletarian snowflake of today will evolve into the Übermensch Nation of tomorrow.


>demographics will become more homogeneous

If, with present-day demographics, the World's population get homogenized on a Pro Rata basis, humanity will regress badly. We need to address our demographic problem first.

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f6d538  No.3623


What gets them fined? Not having a wheelchair ramp at the police station or something?

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f6d538  No.4038


And you'd still need to deal with local governments.

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eca95a  No.5271

The west is infected with an invasive species called puncture vine. It is generally illegal to let an invasive species grow however what makes this an ADA violation is it punctures wheelchair tires. You don't need to go after the police any government building that allows this to grow can be fined. The thorn breaks off under the skin so you can also fine them if it injures a service animal. Cruelty to animals can also be charged. Allowing a police dog that is trained to kill people to have an infected paw because of this plant is very dangerous. I don't know the relevant law but a good lawyer can come up with something. Governments break so many laws they technically meet the definition of organized crime. Just when they think they won get the department of agriculture involved. They can order governments to remove invasive species if it poses a financial threat to agriculture. Governments demand I give them the exact law when I accuse them of violation it. What they fail to understand is if I go to the trouble of looking up the law I will find other laws they are violating. The best strategy is one person should read one rare law book. Then they can be charged with the rare laws. The last thing a government will do when informed with a law violation is obey the law. Rather they will conspire to retaliate. Then you can hit them with criminal charges.

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722aaf  No.5277


Anything that doesn't involve mass spread violence will fail. The way to win is to murder all of the enemies and their associates and families. Nothing else.

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798906  No.5282


Local governments are much better than national governments. The smaller a government is, the more closely it reflects the will of the people in its jurisdiction. Also usually it can accomplish policy changes faster and better, since it can specialize to the situation of a small area, instead of having to general policy for an entire country. It also makes politicians more accountable, since they live down the road instead of across the nation.

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50abbd  No.5429


I personally support bringing down the system to

the dust.

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3cb6ab  No.5490


That sounds like sovereign citizen mumbo jumbo.

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f6d538  No.5591



Would be good to have some specific laws cited.

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