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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: e2df0bc44879101⋯.gif (365.76 KB, 446x483, 446:483, chaos.gif)

0600ff  No.3050

How you like them apples?

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0600ff  No.3051

-France is paralyzed by worst nationwide strike for decades

-N. Korea says denuclearization ‘already off the table’

-Israel Conducted Nuclear Missile Test "Aimed At Iran"

-Germany: Antifa Radicals Threaten To Assassinate AfD Member Of Parliament

-much more to come, stay comfy!

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33221e  No.3061


Kill yourself. This isn’t a thread.


Hi, paid jewish shill. No one said that. Commit suicide.

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0600ff  No.3079

Moving on…

Considering the faggotry in the United States my guess it is safe to say that we will get the next round of Rothschild vs the World in Europe next year. Balkans are said to be the igniter and will trigger a mass assault of Russia on NATO and Europe.

Israel will fire a Nuke at Iran and they will respond in kind with all they have.

This will then activate the Almonds of the Orange Faggot, and in turn they will launch their Bioweapon drones from Africa to stop the Russian onslaught.

The fiat money system is set to collapse by said kikes also and thus the perfect storm is created.

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0600ff  No.3081

Of course, this is all known and follows Pike's script to the letter. There is nothing new or accidental in the world of (((politics))), it's a sham after all.

Now here is where it gets interesting though. War is Chaos, the big equalizer. In war, nothing goes the way things are planned by them, Hitler almost smashed their NWO. This time, it will truly collpase, as Chaos now has the ultimate weapon at it's disposal.

You all stay comfy now you hear. It will be over soon for you all.

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33221e  No.3084


No, kill yourself. This isn’t a thread. You posted nothing of substance and nothing to prove any of your claims. You’re literally just making shit up. There was no fucking Pike letter, you fucking idiot. That’s a post-war hoax.

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33221e  No.3103


>keeps posting things literally no one said

Hi, paid jewish shill. No one said that. Commit suicide.

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319a99  No.3140

File: e2c08831998a8e4⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 500x375, 4:3, e2c08831998a8e42eaa0a2f43c….jpg)


>/pol/ existed in 1960s and '70s

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934405  No.3143

Please watch out for D&C Shills.

Do not reply to D&C Shill Bait

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0e8214  No.3157


Shill Detected

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df106e  No.3164


Manson did

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086ba7  No.3169


The only event that has the highest risk of triggering WWIII in 2020 is when that international flotilla starts to officially patrol the Strait of Hormuz. Ripe conditions for a false flag to occur that can escalate out of control very quickly.

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5a8306  No.3171


>half assed OP

>Facebook frog

Yep this sticks of cuckchan

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175183  No.3178

Never going to fucking happen

t. Reality

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175183  No.3180


>I am unable to argue without buzzwords!

Remember when you were talking about a jewish "70 year cycle" or whatever the fuck back in Sept. 2015?

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