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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 61298e56ce201bc⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20200127_073924.jpg)

d3de30  No.29697

Hey anons,

Thought I'd start a thread to help provide other anons a bit of an inside look into China.

I'm based in Beijing so thought I'd share a few pics. Won't be as exciting as anything going on in Wuhan but I guess it could provide some insight into how the rest of China is reacting?

There's a few reddit AMAs (I know, I know) from Wuhan residents which might be interesting to check out - I won't link them but a quick Google search should provide you what you're after.

Would post to cuckchan but my VPN is blocked so boo to them.

Everyone is asleep at the moment so I'll post a pic with a timestamp a bit later in the day.

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766c12  No.29710

Take a quick walk around the streets outsides and film it, thanks

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118191  No.29749

File: a6adf44a4355c4e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, china 3.png)


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118191  No.29751

File: bb2142b72b4b037⋯.jpg (178.55 KB, 1200x1129, 1200:1129, china 2.jpg)

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7c6dcb  No.29755

Are there any questions we could ask you about the CCP without you getting gassed?

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118191  No.29756

File: f199e707217e188⋯.png (106.07 KB, 1700x210, 170:21, china.png)

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3ab0e1  No.29757


>I'm based in Beijing so thought I'd share a few pics. Won't be as exciting as anything going on in Wuhan but I guess it could provide some insight into how the rest of China is reacting?

So go ahead and share instead of telling us to go look on cancerous reddit.

> Would post to cuckchan but my VPN is blocked so boo to them.

This insinuates you used to post on cuckchan. Although they blocked almost every vpn around a few years ago. Try to actually make a post telling something.

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7291b2  No.29764

i got a question for chink OP, are chinese citizens supporters of the CCP or is most of the population pretending because it's the socially acceptable thing to do? i might sound a bit too obvious but i still don't know how people can be full of pride with your third world shithole.

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7c6dcb  No.29767

Xinghu Residental district close to Tianzuchun?

Somewhere on the north side, there is way to much info in that picture anon. Some CCP man could triangulate your location, be carefull anon.

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