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1a6ddc  No.29429

An illegal caravan of Central American invaders was stopped in its tracks last week by the Mexican National Guard, which arrested illegal invaders as they crossed the river at the border town of Tecun Uman and hauled them off to a detention center in the nearby city of Tapachula.

"I can see that these caravans are no longer going to pass," said 56-year-old Mexican street merchant Miguel Ángel Vázquez, who has seen throngs of migrants stream past his front door while making the northbound journey to the United States southern border.

On Thursday, third world invaders and Mexican national guard troops faced off on a rural highway in the far-southern Mexican city of Frontera Hidalgo - across from the river border between Mexico and Guatemala that hundreds of mostly-Honduran invaders crossed before dawn.

After walking for hours before stopping at the crossroads where Vázquez's food stand lies, hundreds of national guard troops advanced their lines to within 100 yards of the illegal invaders.

The national guardsmen advanced on the group, banging their plastic shields with batons as they shoved and pepper sprayed the migrants in a massive round-up. In total, around 800 invaders were detained.

While Mexico had long-ignored caravan invasions heading towards the United States, pressure from President Trump - which included threats of tariffs, resulted in President Andrés Manuel López Obrador cracking down on the illegal invaders.

"I have information that the National Guard has acted well," said Obrador on Friday following a briefing by Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard. "He told us there had not been injured, had not been wounded, that the problem has been resolved well."

inb4 defeatists start kvetching to us Whites that us voting does "no good."


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f7a048  No.29437

Well that's good. Now all Mexico has to do shut down the cartels ha! and theyll be on their way to second world nation status

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29a1a2  No.29446

<still allows legal migration

<doesn't cut to the source of the problem

>the companies importing these migrants

If an illegal is found, the people who hired him illegally should face jail time (depending on repeated offenses or number) and the migrant thrown out and then jailed himself if he comes back.

That would be a soultion to part of the issue but of course:

<he has kike big buisness cock in his mouth

<so no actual soultions -like a wall- are happening

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14cf91  No.29464


>If an illegal is found, the people who hired him illegally should face jail time (depending on repeated offenses or number) and the migrant thrown out and then jailed himself if he comes back.

I agree, but at least these illegals are starting to be stopped from coming over in the first place. That is definitely a step in the right direction.

The reason we don't have the wall has nothing to do with Trump… it's congress and the courts who have stalled funding and have been blocking it legally as much as they get the chance. Remember: its the Democrats and the majority of Republicucks in Congress who don't want that wall funded either. So you can blame Trump, but if you were in his position the same would likely happen, you would be stalled by the federal bureaucracy too.

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36b80c  No.29465


>thanks to trump

Leave. You’re paid to post.

>oy vey goyim voting works

>vote for jewish shills who publicly support white genocide, deport no one, and do nothing whatsoever

Yeah, you’re just a shill.

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9005a2  No.29467


Ironically Trump told Andrés Obrador (the Mexican president) that the US would aid Mexico militarily to get rid of their drug cartels. Guess what happened? Obrador's administration said 'no thanks, we will deal with our own problems.' I would love nothing more to see the US send troops to fight off those drug cartels but the fact is the Mexican government is corrupted. BTW, the *only* reason Mexico is stopping these invaders right now is because they were threatened with tariffs.

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fe09fc  No.29469


Fuck you.

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29a1a2  No.29489


So either way it's not possible legally. They don't support a wall to stop illegals, what makes you think they would pass a law to stop legals to create a white ethnostate? Not even Trump wants a White ethnostate.

Just a Jewish one.

So yeah;

>voting really does do us no good

If anything Trump has hurt our cause by distracting retards into thinking their is a soultion to be found in the (((Republicans))) or (((Democrats))).

But ooh MIGA 2020!!! Give me a break.

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7a38de  No.29509


Well life isn't always fair unfortunately. Most people face a whole lot of shitty problems and this is the way it is all around the world. If you have no hope or faith in the system I don't blame you, I'd recommend preparing for social chaos and collapse in the near future, that seems to be the only logical solution because according to you, we are fucked either way anyway. Enjoy the fake fiat monetary ponzi scheme while it still lasts, once that ends all the luxuries we take for granted are over.

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0f0ada  No.31133

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