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File: a9236467fe083b7⋯.webm (14.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tucker_6_Dec_2019_HR_5038.webm)

File: 14e948985e3d52c⋯.pdf (667.3 KB, BILLS-116hr5038ih.pdf)

File: 5de4b07e3da8515⋯.png (223.16 KB, 1196x2431, 92:187, CoSponsors HR 5038 screens….png)

9678e1  No.2930

> HR 5038

> Introduced in House (11/12/2019)

> Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019

> This bill contains provisions related to alien farmworkers, including provisions establishing a certified agricultural worker (CAW) status and changing the H-2A temporary worker program.

> The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may grant CAW status to an applying alien who (1) performed at least 1,035 hours of agricultural labor during the two-year period prior to October 30, 2019, (2) was inadmissible or deportable on that date, and (3) has been continuously present in the United States from that date until receiving CAW status. The bill imposes additional crime-related inadmissibility grounds on CAW applicants and makes some other grounds inapplicable.

(basically giving them complete amnesty and complete dismissal of all illegal actions, like being an illegal immigrant - I wonder if this will give them amnesty for criminal charges, such as murder, rape, and the like too…Kind of makes me scratch my head.)

> CAW status shall be valid for 5.5 years and may be extended. DHS may grant dependent status to the spouse or children of a principal alien.

> An alien with a pending application may not be detained or removed by DHS and shall be authorized for employment until DHS makes a final decision on the application.

> A CAW alien (and dependents) may apply for lawful permanent resident status after meeting various requirements, including performing a certain amount of agricultural labor for a number of years.

> DHS shall create an electronic platform for (1) filing H-2A petitions, (2) facilitating the processing of H-2A cases, and (3) providing agencies a single tool for obtaining H-2A-related case information.

> The bill makes various changes to the H-2A program, such as (1) modifying the method for calculating and making adjustments to the H-2A worker minimum wage, (2) specifying how an employer may satisfy requirements that it attempted to recruit U.S. workers, (3) requiring H-2A employers to guarantee certain minimum work hours, and (4) making the program available for year-round agricultural work and reserving a visa allocation for the dairy industry.

> DHS shall establish a pilot program allowing certain H-2A workers to apply for portable status, which gives the worker 60 days after leaving a position to secure new employment with a registered H-2A employer.

> DHS shall establish an electronic system patterned on the E-Verify Program for employers to verify an individual's identity and employment authorization. Employers hiring individuals for agricultural employment must use the system.

> This bill permanently establishes the Housing Preservation and Revitalization Program, which provides financing assistance for rural rental housing and off-farm labor housing and rental assistance for qualified tenants of such housing. It also authorizes the Department of Agriculture to provide various assistance, including funding for insuring loans and grants for new farmworker housing.


1.) https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5038/

2.) YouTube Video (Starts at 32:23) - https://youtu.be/OHzWfThTMak?t=1943 - (not embedding, providing the webm)

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9678e1  No.2931

File: 5cea9720948b0eb⋯.pdf (666.91 KB, BILLS-116hr4916ih.pdf)

File: de60850f7c58aee⋯.png (108.47 KB, 1192x838, 596:419, HR 4916 a screenshot-www.c….png)

File: a753bf6bc344f16⋯.png (265.77 KB, 1198x2607, 1198:2607, HR 4916 b CoSponsors scree….png)

Related Bill (VERY RELATED - the wording is almost identical)


Screenshots also provided

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9678e1  No.2956

File: 435d585a9837b0a⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 236x380, 59:95, white.jpg)


> I don't get what your point is.

The Browning of America

> Republicans want slavery.

and do you want to permit it?

> Nobody enjoys working farmlands.

I would also assume that is correct

> These spics are all farmers.


there are also construction workers, for example.

They are everywhere building homes, cutting corners, making substandard housing.

but the spics referenced in the bill are not really farmers at all, are they? Aren't they just strawberry pickers and the like? Not actual farmers?

> Put two and two together retard.

Ad Hominem Attack

> We allow the spics to stay and work the fields for little pay=basically slavery.

and the wallets of big business grow further, while the middle class shrinks. Basically the gap between poverty and "wealth" grows. (eg. the wealthy)


Don't you see the shrinking of the middle class?

The browning of America?

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530852  No.2960


Yeah, and the problem with using foreigners as slaves is that it leads to your country being filled with resentful foreigners. If it wasn't for slavery, niggers wouldn't be raping their way through White countries right now. Using spics as cheap labor will backfire, and in fact has already begun to backfire. It's wiser to just force the agrocorps to pay enough money to attract White workers, even if it does mean higher prices in the short term.

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733733  No.2961


absolutely this

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75ef58  No.2962

File: 49f099df5245cec⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 220x296, 55:74, 220px-Sam_Houston_c1850-cr….jpg)


>Using spics as cheap labor will backfire, and in fact has already begun to backfire

You do not even know the half of it. As you probably recall, Texas used to be part of Mexico. What you probably didnt know, was that Mexico had a labor shortage, too. They had the bright idea to import Americans into Texas to use as cheap labor and catholic converts. And guess what the fuck happened? Cultural tensions skyrocketed and after whites became a significant polulation, they seceded which was understandable, it was a literal dictatorship. And now the Americans seem to have forgotten the basic lesson there and are importing Mexicans to do cheap labor like history wont repeat itself. Honestly, I would be fine if bread prices rose because we deported all the illegals and had to pay native farmers a higher wage. At least that way, the money would stay inside the country and would go to benefit Americans. Plus, we're going to replace those jobs with machines in a few short years anyways.

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d47418  No.3476


How about paying people a decent wage to do that non-enjoyable work?

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75ef58  No.3481


Nah. Let's just strangulate the economy to force people to prostrate themselves for the jews. We make the choice between that and abject poverty.

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d47418  No.3619


I think America could withstand higher food prices, perhaps by eating a bit less.

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c13b85  No.20115

Top down government has failed. These people do not comprehend the damage they are causing with demographic change.

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113a1b  No.20119

Reminder that they've no lawful right to grant illegals amnesty. The country is for us and our posterity.

How did the agrobusiness get to the point of being able to displace and ruin the lives of millions of natives?

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bb6ae4  No.20122

File: 15982ec671f1b56⋯.jpg (239.34 KB, 500x700, 5:7, jews40.jpg)

File: dc6c83bc656a79e⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 236x298, 118:149, Can_I_Interest_You_In_Some….jpg)

The eternal jewpublocrats strike again. Fucks sake you burgers need a revolution, Hitler or a 4 year term limits on all public official positions and no cushy retirement sheckels for public employees. And to kick the rothskikes and their shitty banking system out to the sea.

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000000  No.20142


>Tucker "Don't remind people I'm a millionaire owned by billionaires' Carlson

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000000  No.20143


When Europeans invaded the Americas :^)

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e9f8c0  No.20199

File: eb1a7e4aa0ef575⋯.jpg (124.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Complete Lack of Surprise.jpg)


So the noecohens are finally dropping the mask once and for all, huh?

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e9f8c0  No.20200

File: 44d2d253808a1e8⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 461x461, 1:1, inspection day.jpg)


If the buffalo-shitters wanted to keep their land, they should have considered building something on it. :^)

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bfc92b  No.20231

It's the right move.

Democrats want illegals to vote, and they also want the illegals to stay illegal.

As long as mexicans fear deportation they will always vote left.

But if they are citizens you can bet your ass that pedro is not going to vote for a democrat that promises more food stamps for the negroes. There's a lot of animosity between the two groups.

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a15bb1  No.20242



your post is shit and i'm too lazy to explain why. you think 80 iq pacos possess critical thought, for a start, and won't just be brainwashed lobotomites programmed through jewish public education to be wage slaves and cannon fodder. that's all i feel like writing right now

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477ebb  No.20249


Except spics who are citizens are, almost without exception, even more liberal than spics who aren't. They're dependent on gibs themselves, and they hate White people far more than they hate niggers. Make no mistake, the myth of the spic being a "natural born conservative" is just that, a myth.

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8d74d9  No.20255


This is purely cohenincidence

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f3b8af  No.20258


What a dumb faggot.

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c1bdc5  No.20260


>It's wiser to just force the agrocorps to pay enough money to attract White workers

The real solution is much more radical than that. You have to leverage hydroponics, LEDs, urban/suburban homesteading, microfarms, etc. to basically destroy large landholding farmers in this country. The early revolutionaries in colonial times understood the dangers posed by entrenched planters.

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b10162  No.20289


>1,035 hours of agricultural labor

So less than seven months of regular work.


Remember him?

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b51d1b  No.20390


Checked, it was always two sides of the same shekel…

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310cd6  No.20425


We are primaly republicans, right goyim?

Whiteness does not matter, you got to be a republican, all that matter is the party, not the ideology or the people who live in the country, right goyim?

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e9f8c0  No.20427


Underrated post.

History is full of these little ironies.

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e60e13  No.20446


If white people don't unite to kill all enemies, they will keep doing this.

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864e20  No.20455


Fuck Republicans, key suckers of Zionist schloschlong

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052d5f  No.20457


And fuck Democrats, by far an even more rabid corrupt Zionist party.

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