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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 6808960336220de⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ancapball.jpg)

4d83ff  No.2866

"Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism." – Murray Rothbard

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001d47  No.2869


Do you have any original thoughts to add? Low-effort thread.

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02ac85  No.2871

File: e59f48dc21c4a9f⋯.jpeg (7.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, trad.jpeg)



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396f9b  No.2897

I used to be an ancap before turning to national socialism/ecofasc(tarrantism), and the reason was that I eventually came to realize that even most whites are too dumb/lazy for ancapism to work, let alone subhumans, and understandably so. It can be hand waved away that every problem can be handled in the private sector and it will all come together and work, but eventually the stack of shit you have to handle piles up to the point that it would be easier on the mind and to just let the state handle it and the state could be used as an objective good where ordinary people might not be inclined to do themselves, like protect the environment, prohibit child/animal cruelty, ect. The cost for this ease of mind of not having to worry about who you have to pay to put out fires and help the injured is that it will always be at least somewhat less cost effective than micromanaging these things privately, but its more than worth it for the plebs peace of mind that things will be taken care of. Moreover, it would be atomizing to the individual to not have a nation state to belong to and have at least a tentative connection to others in his countrymen and his race.

tldr ancap could only work for >120 IQ whites, but even then, would they really want it?

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0cb2af  No.2899


Spam is the fullest expression of cuckchanism.

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f0fba6  No.2904


Those who don't want to put effort into a system must be killed. They have no right to be alive.

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57663e  No.2985


I bet you pay taxes cuck

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d2bae5  No.3163


In an anarchy, what stops people from becoming warlords and taxing (stealing) everyone's shit?

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99ae12  No.3172


other warlords

and maybe citizen's militias depending on the circumstances

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8c8b86  No.3192


i bet you do too

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d2bae5  No.5860


What if the other warlords collaborate?

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a63eab  No.5877


In any other type of system, what stops other states/countries from starting wars and conquering everyone's shit?


What if other states/countries collaborate?

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0794ee  No.5944

File: c00d2c34ab06b5a⋯.jpg (234.47 KB, 799x707, 799:707, Tzar.jpg)


McNuke™ yourself my man.

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744b8e  No.6167

File: 187c52828e01bc1⋯.png (38.14 KB, 1024x620, 256:155, Lolberg.png)

File: 131009705999775⋯.jpg (350.09 KB, 1899x1079, 1899:1079, Lolberg.jpg)

File: 713dd827a8fcb99⋯.jpg (114.25 KB, 402x482, 201:241, Lolbergs.jpg)

File: a1d111aa6c3e32a⋯.png (59.23 KB, 500x584, 125:146, Ayn Rand.png)

File: f7c1e39b307af45⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 500x457, 500:457, Ancapball.jpg)


Kill yourself, jewish pedophile.

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511a8f  No.6637

Just out of curiosity did the BO of /liberty/ try to reclaim it? I can't find it on the index.

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99ae12  No.6639


/liberty/ is operating its bunker on another site. Forget which. The BO is convinced 8kun is a honeypot and refuses to return. I think in stage 3 or whatever of site restoration you'll be able to claim /liberty/ and run it yourself

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511a8f  No.6658


Thanks dude, I remember there was a backup on some other image board but the site got nuked. I hope he was smart enough to have multiple backups.

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ce4bd5  No.6724


daughters sure would be a lot more obedient if you could sell them.

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250daa  No.7004



I'm the guy running /liberty/ on Julay. Just an FYI, I'm not the original BO (who was permissive cuck that never moderated anything), I just made the board so we'd have a place to post. And no, I don't think 8kun is a honeypot although you'd be retarded to assume the number of feds didn't increase 6 gorillion% after it made national news as that edgy website what were all them mass shooters post, just an assisted-living home for Qtards.

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6eb023  No.7007

If by anarchism Rothbard means absence of the State and not government then yes.

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99ae12  No.7025


I like the old BO better. Nobody appreciates freedom anymore. Not like they used to. He did. He stood by his principles until the end

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99ae12  No.7031


Rothbard never suggested that men would have no form of governance. If you leave men alone in the wilderness they will immediately form a hierarchy in order to divide labor if nothing else. It really is just a rejection of the state. Allowing a single entity a monopoly on violence and to a lesser extent, moral authority leads to infinite tyrannies. Human beings seem to have deluded themselves into believing that the state is a monolithic force that cannot be challenged. It is that delusion which strikes fear into their hearts and drives them into subservience. I miss the days of the French revolution, when authority was understood to be malleable

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18e54d  No.7038


>The BO is convinced 8kun is a honeypot and refuses to return

Hahaa so the idiots think that 8chan wasn't a honeypot? HAHAHAAAAA


>I miss the days of the French revolution, when authority was understood to be malleable

You miss the Idiotic masses being led by a few manipulative fucks, overthrowing a monarchy and then creating a dictatorship of their own that manages to be even worse, Only to be overthrown and replaced with a monarchy again (Napoleon).

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18e54d  No.7040


>"Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism." – Murray Rothbard

Rothbard was left-tard-Jew who gave himself away with misleading statements like these. Accumulating and obtaining capital is a feature of all peoples, governments and civilizations for over 10,000 years. Anarchism is a creation of the early communists as a philosophical tool designed to pull down any old authority, so that it can be replaced with communism.

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250daa  No.7092


If a vagrant wanders onto your lawn and starts shitting on it, no one's freedom is restricted by physically expelling him from the premises.

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