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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 4e75b8657319de5⋯.png (529.43 KB, 1136x669, 1136:669, elites.png)

758ac0  No.28374

Nigger mods banned me yesterday for asking why elites are so into kid-fucking and kid-killing, to promote a general conversation on the topic, since objectively these types of things so very obviously exist, and have existed throughout the ages, probably because they believe it gives them occult power, etc. So they ban me for that, but leave up "Stop masterbating". I appealed the ban by basically saying hey, you fucking mods are niggers, I didn't break any rules, and stop your fucking niggardly behavior, and I guess they unbanned me. So thanks mods, for not being niggers. Can we have a discussion about evidence and fact based child rape, kidnapping and murder rings now or should I fuck off to a place that would actually have such a discussion?

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e8f983  No.28377

I saw your thread, you were defending jews.

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220a67  No.28380


I wasnt defending, I said that saying its the jews is disingenious, because yes it is some jews, but its also non-jews…


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02b7c6  No.28393

File: e884435a7bb1e98⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 495x400, 99:80, larp_knight_negated.jpg)


Gotcha bitch!

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b4167a  No.28724

Thread isn't deleted, It's polluting the catalog.

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2d5dfc  No.29041

File: b30472c6c91dc9d⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 433x619, 433:619, Bnai-Brith-ADL-thruth-is-h….jpg)

Hey don't you realize that there are important topics to be discussed on this "political" board?, such as Drugs…

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a7f136  No.30310

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a7f136  No.30318


yr right lets talk about more on topic to politics stuff >>12037

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