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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: c3784104b56e7f3⋯.jpg (247.86 KB, 600x1062, 100:177, The Basement Tapes přelep….jpg)

fdd466  No.28271

I seem to attract a certain missed, uneducated, inept subsection of a populous so clouded by thier disbelief that they seem to allude to THIER own trappings within this self preserving disgrace known as feminism…

There seems no tract that these insane wrenches have yet to corrupt like a single soiling of a rotten fruit in the bushel hence thier propensity to gaggle on about an injustice brewed I THIER pot of dog shit…

A liberated group whose views only pertain on anyine that isnt a nigger

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b05e5e  No.28277

>I seem to attract

The common denominator is you, Anon. If you want to attract a different type, then fix yourself.

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045f4a  No.28283

why did you sage your own post? are you one of those mystical retards the Internet talks so disparagingly about?

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a63c09  No.28319


Cognizant enough to realize his thread is spam but not smart enough to just not post it entirely.

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