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6b195a  No.28006

In what is gearing up to be the most-watched trial to take place in the absolute state of Oregon in modern history, Jeremy Christian will be going on trial for his infamous 2017 act of pest control on an Oregon train this coming Tuesday, according to communist propaganda outlet/Sensationalist liberal screech rag The Oregonian.

Christian's case gained national attention due to the fact that, shortly before being forced to defend himself from a group of virtue signaling subhumans, he was overheard expressing a doubleplus ungood badthought about stinking, thieving, raping, 80iq, lightbulb-headed Somali nigger immigrants, currently sacred cows in the rainbow-sturated clown metropolis/Kalegri Plan regional staging grounds of Portland. This of course, makes him free game for human sacrifice into the gaping maw of Moloch public opinion.

Or so people thought. To the wailing horror of shark-faced dykes and lumberjack-bearded twinks throughout the state, it turns out that white men still have a right to a trial in court for crimes they are accused of (despite their illegitimate marxist overlords working overtime for the past 80! Oy vey!) and Jeremy will be going to trial on January 28th, 2020.

The discontent continued to deepen, curdling the soy milk in many nine-dollar lattes, when the creeping realization began to take hold that despite the two year narrative of the Evil White Supremacist™ going on a knife rampage inspired solely by hatred, video games and the superb MDE: World Peace skit Knife School, full video of the events in question have never been released. Furthermore, witness accounts are starting to give credulance of Jeremy's argument of self defense

Whoopsie daisy.

Fears of the self loathing white populace and their mongrel fashion accessories allies were partially succored, however, due to the presiding megakike judge (((Cheryl Albrecht))) ruled that the case would remain in Multnomah county because she could totally find an impartial jury and "was in no way interested in giving Christian the James Fields treatment and scapegoating the living shit out of him to teach those fucking nazis a lesson, wink wink".

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6b195a  No.28007

File: 6d7fcf9644f6809⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x921, 1280:921, lolberg.png)

Despite these veiled promises of the usual kike meddling into the shambling corps of what was once the American justice system, the foreskin sucking vampires of the prosecution must deal with Christian's meddlesome lawyers, who will likely use the aggressive actions of Christian's so-called "victims" to try and challenge their kosher narrative. The actions of Micah Fletcher in particular, pictured above with the scar on his neck looking like the bitch he is, will be put under a microscope by the defense. Something he should have been expecting, considering he was the tryhard squeaker who started a 3 on 1 fight he couldn't finish.

The actions of Taliesin Namkai-Meche an absolute kike who got what he fucking deserved, will also be called into question, as it is alleged he did what every true portlander would do when faced with a man wielding a knife, taking out his cellphone and snidely mocking Christian that he "was going to be an internet sensation, hilariously throwing his life away in the quest for reddit upvotes.

The vulture faggot prosecutors problems are further exacerbated by the fact that Jeremy's psychological state will be taken into consideration, due to the fact that he suffers from PTSD (as in actual PTSD, not tumblr PTSD) and is on the autism spectrum, as evidenced by his lack of social intelligence and the fifteen fucking thousand comic books he has hoarded at his mother's house, proving once and for all that /co/ can actually do something right for once.

Prosecution is not completely without parlor tricks to play, and it is likely that they will use the fact that Christian is a enormous clearposting retard with a history of posting lolberg memes and happy merchants on faceberg against him (and also some uppity nigress claims he once threw a gatorade bottle at her, which totally makes him a murderer).

Jury selection is underway this week with a pool of 250 prospective jurors filling a 22 fucking page survey to weed out the bad goyim with obvious bait question such as:

>“Are you familiar with the term ‘White Nationalism’? …What does the term mean to you?”

>“Please name three people, living or dead, whom you hold in low esteem.”

>“What bumper stickers or signage do you and/or your family members have on your vehicles?”

>“Do you have an opinion about groups such as Antifa or Patriot Prayer?”

Questions of whether or not selecting a jury of peers is even possible for a white man in the multikult hellhole that is the portland Trimet area remains to be seen.

The demonic entity inhabiting the body of Governor Kate Brown took a break between lapping underage cunt and plotting the dowfall of western civilization to spout the following empty platitude:

>"What happened … is a crime of hate, and it is unacceptable in our Oregon, I implore Oregonians to come together at this time, so that our darkness may spread across the earth and that all may burn within the belly of Moloch. Hail. Hail. Hail.''

Court psychologists were unable to give a definitive answer on how Jeremy will react to 8chan's gay qtard rebrand or Ron failing to migrate his favorite boards but the prospects, should he be aquitted, are looking grim at this time.



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6b195a  No.28011

File: f0e21fc3ced3170⋯.jpg (138.6 KB, 960x651, 320:217, roof.jpg)

Posted without proofreading. Please forgive any typos.

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b83a28  No.28769


Wonder if there's any way to increase your odds to be picked for jury on something like this, if you are you of course need to give the goodest goy answers to the questionaire and express no knowledge of redpilling to appear to be exactly the kind of goy they want and after doing so completely fuck their shit up by refusing to convict

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df7ddc  No.29584


i'd guess a white male over the age of 23 that is not a full time student won't be on the jury

i do wonder if dressing and acting the part of a buzzfeed journo, or similar caliber person, could allow someone to fly under the radar

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df7ddc  No.29596


though this is standard practice for any chase touching on such themes.

Jeremy will be convicted. I don't see why not - violently sperging on a train isn't a move toward improvement.

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433273  No.29605

File: 2b6b06cff8488ad⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 340x506, 170:253, 2b6b06cff8488ad4dce6487b85….jpg)


Can you just say what happened instead of spilling noodles all over your keyboard?

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320094  No.29610


OK, so a man goes to jail for going on a stabbing spree? Well what else is to be expected in a civilized society?

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3473d3  No.29620


>killing niggers



Why are you here.

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2d876b  No.29770


That's exactly what niggers do though, they get easily triggered, chimp out and start killing random people for whatever reason they conjure in their low IQ skull. It is ghetto slum mentality. It is extreme radicalization (as is anything Antifa does). This nigger deserves to be behind bars if he can't behave civilized.

Why am I here? Because 8kun is not supposed to be a safe space and /pnd/ advertises politics/news/discussion which is all I'm engaging in.

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144c35  No.30158


Seriously, OP is the same 'literary genious' that used to make threads on 8ch before it got nuked. you could tell buy his pretentious writing style and terrible failed attempts at humor, all while saying nothing of relevance. Some people (idiots) loved it and encouraged him to keep making threads instead of telling him to stfu and gtfo.

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f77ee4  No.30167


hes an ex felon who killed a couple white knights, he's not some hero nigger slayer

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2b31ab  No.30453



It's such a refreshing change to read objective, unbiased, disinterested news coverage.

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3473d3  No.30456


>That's exactly what niggers do though, they get easily triggered, chimp out and start killing random people for whatever reason they conjure in their low IQ skull.

Guess what didn’t happen here.


Okay. And?

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2b31ab  No.30459


> Your sentences have too many clauses. Please just cut and paste the official narrative in its original, sixth-grade reading level.

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6b195a  No.30500

File: 7a23fb14e1f7763⋯.png (164.91 KB, 1147x311, 1147:311, Thou art a saracen.png)



Well I just made this thread on a whim, and I'm not the anon you're thinking of, but if my writing style gives you such an unbearable diaper rash I will make a point to continue making threads. Thanks for the feedback :^)


>You can't use violence, antifa uses violence. You don't want to be like antifa, do you?

Pic related.

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880252  No.30646


Just put a tl;dr in there with the fancy prose and it will even out

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