Despite these veiled promises of the usual kike meddling into the shambling corps of what was once the American justice system, the foreskin sucking vampires of the prosecution must deal with Christian's meddlesome lawyers, who will likely use the aggressive actions of Christian's so-called "victims" to try and challenge their kosher narrative. The actions of Micah Fletcher in particular, pictured above with the scar on his neck looking like the bitch he is, will be put under a microscope by the defense. Something he should have been expecting, considering he was the tryhard squeaker who started a 3 on 1 fight he couldn't finish.
The actions of Taliesin Namkai-Meche an absolute kike who got what he fucking deserved, will also be called into question, as it is alleged he did what every true portlander would do when faced with a man wielding a knife, taking out his cellphone and snidely mocking Christian that he "was going to be an internet sensation, hilariously throwing his life away in the quest for reddit upvotes.
The vulture faggot prosecutors problems are further exacerbated by the fact that Jeremy's psychological state will be taken into consideration, due to the fact that he suffers from PTSD (as in actual PTSD, not tumblr PTSD) and is on the autism spectrum, as evidenced by his lack of social intelligence and the fifteen fucking thousand comic books he has hoarded at his mother's house, proving once and for all that /co/ can actually do something right for once.
Prosecution is not completely without parlor tricks to play, and it is likely that they will use the fact that Christian is a enormous clearposting retard with a history of posting lolberg memes and happy merchants on faceberg against him (and also some uppity nigress claims he once threw a gatorade bottle at her, which totally makes him a murderer).
Jury selection is underway this week with a pool of 250 prospective jurors filling a 22 fucking page survey to weed out the bad goyim with obvious bait question such as:
>“Are you familiar with the term ‘White Nationalism’? …What does the term mean to you?”
>“Please name three people, living or dead, whom you hold in low esteem.”
>“What bumper stickers or signage do you and/or your family members have on your vehicles?”
>“Do you have an opinion about groups such as Antifa or Patriot Prayer?”
Questions of whether or not selecting a jury of peers is even possible for a white man in the multikult hellhole that is the portland Trimet area remains to be seen.
The demonic entity inhabiting the body of Governor Kate Brown took a break between lapping underage cunt and plotting the dowfall of western civilization to spout the following empty platitude:
>"What happened … is a crime of hate, and it is unacceptable in our Oregon, I implore Oregonians to come together at this time, so that our darkness may spread across the earth and that all may burn within the belly of Moloch. Hail. Hail. Hail.''
Court psychologists were unable to give a definitive answer on how Jeremy will react to 8chan's gay qtard rebrand or Ron failing to migrate his favorite boards but the prospects, should he be aquitted, are looking grim at this time.