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File: 7adec6964288923⋯.png (116.45 KB, 957x711, 319:237, Fags_4_Ginsburg.png)

aaa379  No.27296

The 87-year-old Justice credits medical science, human sacrifice for her success

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, notable for her pernicious resistance to death, has again cheated the hangman by completely beating the pancreatic cancer that briefly carried the hopes of the nation.

>“I’m completely cancer free,” she said while extracting stem cells from an aborted fetus with her sucker-like proboscis. “That’s good,” she said, meaning the exact opposite.

The five-year survival rate for isolated pancreatic cancer is 37%, according to human doctors astonished the old bitch is still alive. Moreover, over 50% of pancreatic cancers aren’t found until they’ve spread to other organs, reducing the overall survival rate to less than 5%.

American liberals have hailed Justice Ginsburg’s apparent recovery, which they attribute to the kindly graces of Moloch, who still has work for Ginsburg to perform on this earthly plane. Feminist legal scholars, taking a break from deep-throating Satan’s scaly cock, have praised the liberal justice’s lifelong devotion to advancing the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from the highest court in the nation.

Journalists for the New York Times took the opportunity to frig their clits in public about how awesome it is to still have such a powerful agent of the devil on the court, even working in a brief oblique slap at the corpse of the late Senator John McCain:

>"There was a senator, I think it was after my pancreatic cancer, who announced with great glee that I was going to be dead within six months,” she said. “That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now himself dead, and I am very much alive."

Okay, so they’re not all bad.

Veteran court watchers predict that Justice Ginsburg, who has already been treated for various cancers four fucking times, will continue to tease America’s cock with the prospect of her own mortality, only to spitefully live to 120 and cast the deciding vote in the landmark People of Martian Colony v. Bleepglorp Hu-man Slavers, Inc.




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aaa379  No.27297

File: 57f5e905c79ea25⋯.png (53.49 KB, 1005x456, 335:152, Ginsburg_Odds.png)

Lest we forget. . .

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cf2208  No.27302


tick tock goes the clock

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8de8c8  No.27307


She is only alive because we don’t give a fuck…if anyone cared about the future of the USA she would not have recovered.

OP: I wanted to laugh but the thought of that fuck crypt keeper as SCJ is as funny as finding a putrid human finger in your cereal mid bite.

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aaa379  No.27310

File: f4796d5ed096983⋯.jpg (21.37 KB, 314x474, 157:237, Jewish_Suicide.jpg)


She's 87 and had cancer over and over. What mad lad would throw it all away to allahu akbar her, when she's sicker than Mr. Burns? If you're thinking about walking the short-but-glorious path, pick a target who won't keel over if the cat pees on her leg, for God's sake. Make it count.

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c2cc21  No.27324

If only she would day and be replaced by a BASED Republikike, then the White race would be saved.

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aaa379  No.27328

File: 766c70f4d046ed9⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 255x226, 255:226, Three_Impure_Spirits.jpg)


What know you of esoteric warfare, heretic? This is a spiritual battle against the yid shock front.

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ecc90d  No.27337


GAYS! She's 87.

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000000  No.27523

>the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural

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213b00  No.27531

File: 5336f377405db7d⋯.jpg (380.35 KB, 2158x1209, 166:93, rbg-o.jpg)


low effort paintshop

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89e900  No.27537


This writing style is so familiar. Is this who I think it is?

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856991  No.27639

File: 42a6e6dd27ac6e2⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 480x462, 80:77, 42a6e6dd27ac6e2b8d02b9dae3….jpg)


>Surviving pancreatic cancer at 87

Jokes aside, I refuse to believe that the dark arts are not involved in this rancid cunt's survival.

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9421ab  No.27663


If you don't kill jews, they will keep doing the same things over and over again.

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0b5ab5  No.27667


Illegal speech. You will be banned.

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aaa379  No.27689

File: a661e631e80bff4⋯.jpg (420.1 KB, 1836x1377, 4:3, Anime_Chad.jpg)


There is only one.

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f93b15  No.27846


that or she died and now has a body double

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5788cd  No.28054


How is this old evil jewish fuck live so long and more over how does her evil old body is able to fight cancer at 87? I mean what the fuck man, i know people who are now dead at much much younger age because of cancer. Does her longevity on an equal part correlate with her jewish evil intentions and an ability to sacrifice born and unborn children to moloch?

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fcb3fe  No.28056


>Does her longevity on an equal part correlate with her jewish evil intentions and an ability to sacrifice born and unborn children to moloch?


I think it's a possibility that she's not as well as they keep trying to tell everybody she is, and she may be desperately holding on until Trump gets out of office. I'm not sucking Zion Don's cock, but from the democrats perspective, another supreme court justice pick could be a devastating blow. If he would get reelected for 4 more years, she doesn't stand a chance of lasting that long. She, and the rest of them, don't want conservative judges to undo all the Wonderful Progressive degeneracy she has legalized

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aaa379  No.28236


She is a high priestess of the Synagogue of Satan. Probably no public figure has spent a longer time being a better avatar of Huitzilopotchli. Long life and great power have been her rewards for such loyal service.

She isn't immortal though. And I'm hoping there's still enough magic left over to stop her heart after Trump wins in 2020. Even if just for the salt threads, it would be worth the wait.

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31f55a  No.28343

File: 639a5df87876b19⋯.gif (463.2 KB, 287x323, 287:323, jew schumer the tumor.gif)


She beat Pancreatic Cancer.

Isn't that the incurable one?

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e5ecb0  No.28356

>Free of cancer

>A Jew

Ha, ha.

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0fd055  No.28382

Juan McAmnest was ever bit as evil as Jew Bader Ginsburg if not moreso.

Yet since he was not one of the "chosen" its highly probable medical technologies were withheld that could've prolonged the old traitor's life.

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000000  No.28388

Older people have a higher chance to survive many cancers because their cells don't split as quickly as young people's you idiots

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8800a5  No.28397



No it's because they eat lots of steak.

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004439  No.28453


Pretty sure all cancer is incurable, at best it goes into remission.

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