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File: d9e1c6369c11fff⋯.jpg (185.95 KB, 1140x797, 1140:797, American_College_Girls.jpg)

2eaa20  No.27199

Pissed off faggot judge has to admit he can’t do anything now that the future economist is gone.

The U.S. government took a break from being completely useless last month to deport a fighting-age Iranian man from his comfy college spot in Boston, and the liberal faggot judge apparently can’t do anything about it now that he’s gone.

The student, identified as Ali Mohammed Salman Solemechi al-Andalus al-Maliki al-Goatfuckeree Hasan, was reportedly chillin’ with his crew back in Iran back in December, when the U.S. and Iran started playing missile tag with each other. The Iranian government’s practice of shooting down departing flights kept the young man trapped past the highly ironic Christmas break and into the 2020 term.

When the haji-nigger managed to get back to America, his ass was reportedly nabbed at Logan International Airport when he tried to come back on an expired (but still valid) F1 student visa.

(((Somehow))), the detained student managed to whistle up over 100 fellow Iranian students and (((fellow white))) lawyers by making a few calls in the detention area, and an impromptu demonstration began at the airport. Nearly 100 Northeastern students, all of them some variety of nigger, held up signs reading: “DON’T DEPORT STUDENTS” and “STUDENTS’ DREAMS MATTER!” The fucking ACLU also managed to file for an injunction with one of the kike judges it keeps on speed dial.

Hilariously, ICE only unlocked and consented to a hearing at 9:27 p.m., which was exactly 7 minutes after the stink’s plane had lifted off. The judge hearing the motion seemed pissed, but there he sat with his laws, and here ICE stood with its ability to shove enemy niggers onto airplanes. . .

<Also, he was deported to France, which will probably fuck up his travel plans for a few weeks while he gets sorted in a language he doesn’t speak, kek.

Naturally, the Jews are pissed. Actual quote from the ALCU jewess:

>"What we don’t know is whether this is coming from the Trump administration, from the top, or whether this is a rogue Customs and Border Patrol agent working at Logan Airport who has decided that they’re going to take the law into their own hands"

Northeastern University is reportedly “looking into” ways to get their darling brown invader back, if only for long enough to get some white girls pregnant.

Q: What have we learned today?

A: Don’t ask; Act.



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2eaa20  No.27202

File: 12b961954c7020e⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 504x379, 504:379, Leo_Frank_ADL.jpg)

Just noticed this:

Those ACLU signs look like they were professionally printed blank, so that you could write in the slogan of the day in the field. Any chance we could get a few of those? I can think of half a dozen things I'd like to send out under their letterhead, mostly about Leo Frank and dancing Israelis.

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69298e  No.27373

Good we need a salt thread up

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702e13  No.27387

File: 64951240abbbdf9⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 64951240abbbdf90dc3f13b776….jpg)


I like your writing style. Keep it up.

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ba39f4  No.27391

>>27387 >>27199

You took the words out of my mouth. Great post OP, a refreshing read compared to the doomer-pill posts we usually get. Now hopefully ICE has figured out how this works so they can start booting out all the talpiot kikes in the tech center. How do you think Israeli companies like Cellebrite (((magically))) have iPhone backdoors?

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4783d8  No.27538


Yes the style is familiar. Are you the based anon so popular on the old 8site? Either way please keep it up.

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c8caef  No.27612

Iran is our greatest ally.

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18905b  No.27618


>Ali Mohammed Salman Solemechi al-Andalus al-Maliki al-Goatfuckeree Hasan

God damn, that's a fuckin' name!

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