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f44ceb  No.26737[Last 50 Posts]

According to Renegade, Anton Szandor LaVey was Jewish.


But despite that, he still had deep ties to the white nationalist scene of the time.


> The NRP also maintained good relations with a number of far-out mystical groups, such as the Church of Satan, whose founder, Anton LaVey, was a personal friend of Madole's.


> Bougas directed the mondo film Death Scenes, hosted by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey. The film was followed by Death Scenes 2 in 1992, and Death Scenes 3 in 1993.

>In 1993, he directed the documentary Speak of the Devil: The Canon of Anton LaVey, a profile of LaVey.

Here’s further reading.





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f44ceb  No.26743


Here’s some excerpts from the previous article:

>Anton LaVey, editor of a book he entitled “The Satanic Bible,” embraced social darwinism as the scientific counterpoint to what he saw as Christianity’s imposition of a deleterious illusion of altruism. While traditional social darwinists arbitrarily categorized people into groups and races, often as means for justifying colonialism and racism, LaVey focused solely on the merits of the individual, judged upon talent, intelligence, and contribution, rather than pedigree. To LaVey, the post-Nazi era renunciation of social darwinist ideals was an example of “throwing out the baby with the bathwater.” Each individual, according to LaVey, is a self-interested animal.

> Tone Deaf: The Church of Satan began marketing an anti-equality polo shirt in March 2015, just 3 months before the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage (https://www.churchofsatan.com/inequality-polo-shirt-asp-apparel-satanic/)

> While LaVey did not endorse the racialization of social darwinist theory, he did differentiate the individual against the never-very-clearly-defined “masses” — the dehumanized herd against whom an “alien elite” of Satanic superiors must fight to maintain their distinction. LaVey endorsed stratification — the first of his five-point program of “goals/guidelines that are clear, concrete, and that will effect significant changes” and “[t]he point on which all the others ultimately rest” — though he never set any clear delineations upon which his stratification would be premised, only stating, “No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity.” Equality, LaVey proclaimed, “only translates to ‘mediocrity’ and supports the weak at the expense of the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without interference from apologists for incompetence.”

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f44ceb  No.26744


> Given his convictions regarding a necessity for population control and human quality control, it is perhaps unsurprising that Anton LaVey supported eugenics, though the Church of Satan is often quick to point out that LaVey’s conception of eugenics was merely a matter of advocating informed genetic decision-making between breeding couples, not a mandatory social policy. However, this claim is belied in his posthumously published 1998 book Satan Speaks!, where LaVey made clear that he does, in fact, advocate for “compulsory birth control” and sterilization:

> “I am against abortion,” he wrote in an essay entitled, The Third Side: The Uncomfortable Alternative, “Yet I do consider a problem of overpopulation. Therefore, I advocate compulsory birth control. Unborn babies did not ask to be conceived. Once conceived, they should have loving, responsible parents, even if adoptive. A stupid, irresponsible woman should not have the right to ‘decide’ what she does with her own body when in all other things, her mind is being controlled by impersonal vested interests. An unborn child’s father should influence the outcome of a pregnancy if it can be determined that he is more responsible than the mother. If he is stupid, insensitive and irresponsible, he should be sterilized. Irresponsible parents, male or female, should simply be kept from conceiving children.” [6]

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db7226  No.26746

>Posts thumbnails

First day on the job?

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4d826a  No.26748

File: d9a023fabf24707⋯.png (60.37 KB, 350x325, 14:13, gary.png)


It's literally a joke "religion" if you're stupid enough to believe it that's your problem. Dressing up as the Christian archetype of devil by virtue of a snake and a goatee and pointy eyebrows is really very funny.

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f44ceb  No.26750


>Despite the consistent reference to late 19th – early 20th century proto-fascist philosophy, LaVey’s Church of Satan attracted membership from across the political spectrum, and the organization adamantly insists that Satanism, like the Church of Satan itself, is apolitical, a personal tool for self-betterment. Left-leaning members view the assertions regarding Social Darwinism not as political policy positions, but as mere facts of Nature that inform their understanding of interpersonal relationships and power dynamics. They find the Church of Satan’s early equal acceptance of gay, female, and minority membership undeniably progressive, while boiling the finer points of the philosophy down to generalized statements about self-empowerment, sexual liberation, and rational indulgence. Much of LaVey’s more controversial rhetoric was tempered by contradictory declarations and caveats — he was for individual liberty, but authoritarian; against supernaturalism, but endorsed magic; for eugenics, but as a personal act of responsibility — rendering the philosophy malleable to diametrically opposed viewpoints.

> Soon after the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president in 2016, an entertainment and lifestyle magazine, Rooster, covered the story of The Satanic Temple’s sudden resultant boom in membership — within hours of the election results [8] — presumably in response to a rising concern that Evangelical theocrats had managed to overtake the Executive Branch. In contrast, Rooster reported, the Church of Satan seemed to embrace the new administration: “Raul Antony, a reverend in the Church of Satan, says that the Church of Satan believes in Trump positions like lex talionis — law and order — and capital punishment. The church’s official policy is to never endorse candidates. But it does stand for the Trumpian beliefs that might makes right, that great men should rule lesser men, and that love is not all you need. ‘You have to hate,’ Antony said.

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f44ceb  No.26751


>‘There’s probably a lot of Trump voters within the Church of Satan,’ Antony said. He refused to say who he voted for. But says, ‘I could definitely understand why a satanist would vote for Trump.’”

> And in regards to the Church of Satan’s “apolitical” stance, Gilmore reaffirms that Satanism is a personal tool, however, he elaborates the societal effects that the “practical application” of the Church of Satan’s philosophy would entail:

>”Satanists see the social structure of humanity as being stratified, thus each person reaches a level commensurate with the development (or lack thereof) of their natural talents. The principle of the survival of the strong is advocated on all levels of society, from allowing an individual to stand or fall, to even letting those nations that cannot handle themselves take the consequences of this inability. Any assistance on all levels will be on a ‘quid pro quo’ basis. There would be a concommitant [sic] reduction in the world’s population as the weak are allowed to experience the consequences of social Darwinism. Thus has nature always acted to cleanse and strengthen her children. This is harsh, but that is the way of the world. We embrace reality and do not try to transform it into some utopia that is contrary to the very fabric of existence. Practical application of this doctrine would see the complete cessation of the welfare system, an end to no-strings attached foreign aid and new programs to award and encourage gifted individuals in all fields to pursue personal excellence. A meritocracy will replace the practice of such injustices as affirmative action and other programs designed to punish the able and reward the undeserving.”

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536136  No.26795



Opinion discarded. I literally do not give a fuck because that site is intrinsically tainted and pushes shit in bad faith. Not only does Sinead push patently retarded shit like Treespiracy and flat earth, she also picks fights for no apparent reason other than just promoting herself. She should be seen as a pariah like Harold Covington.

Yes, there were lots of edgy satanic goths into NS in the late 80s and early 90s. No, that subculture doesn't exist anymore and lots of those people have gone their separate ways. The influence these people have on the pro-white movement has waned.

LaVey and Parfrey are both deceased.

Zeena LaVey is now a Buddhist.

Boyd Rice isn't making music anymore. Word has it he even married a Jew on condition he give up the Fascist imagery.

Nick Bougas has gone into retirement.

James Mason doesn't even use the internet, but has whoever's in Asswaffle put out articles for him.

No idea what Bob Heick and Nikolas Schreck are up to these days.

Everyone else on that chart is now a literally who.

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ea641b  No.26800


>Nick Bougas has gone into retirement.

Isn't he still posting on the Daily Stormer forum?

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536136  No.26813


Is he? I don't read TDS or browse the hidden forum, so I wouldn't know.

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03042d  No.26818

They aren't far right, they are jewish agents that create honeypot groups and subvert ie take over real groups, you dumb nigger. People have been exposing this for decades.

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aa09d1  No.26828

File: 1347869bde2b5e0⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 749x749, 1:1, Satanism_is_empowering_the….jpg)

File: 1fbf2e98d424edc⋯.jpg (215.49 KB, 1757x1286, 1757:1286, satanist.jpg)

>ties to the far right

Its a tranny faggot religion now.

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536136  No.26830


Pretty much. People like James Mason or Boyd Rice would never be welcome into what passes for today's "Satanist." Honestly, Satanism even then was a joke, but it served a brief purpose by bringing Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard to a broader audience.

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d6f4f5  No.26834

File: 6a528bca3aca692⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1536x1536, 1:1, COS_Vs_TST_Infographic_1.png)

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d6f4f5  No.26835

File: b871c5f04d35b9a⋯.png (673.04 KB, 629x693, 629:693, mason an all.png)

File: fb321863a6c98d6⋯.jpg (25.66 KB, 287x384, 287:384, JohnPope-NaziOccultist.jpg)

File: 413ea3d432392d2⋯.mp4 (9.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LaVey_Cursing_Niggers_kike….mp4)

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d6f4f5  No.26836

File: d6ce5c41557feb9⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 1080x530, 108:53, no_u.jpg)


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026724  No.26838


>muh (((superiority)))

I think if we dumped LeVey and a white goy in the forest only one would come out alive.

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536136  No.26841


Jesus, that chart gave me douchechills reading it. Fuck them all with a Saguaro.

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c940dd  No.26850

File: fb0cb3df977a4ce⋯.jpg (172.23 KB, 777x1000, 777:1000, 01c28a6eb65f682a4b6c71f4f6….jpg)



Absolute fucking cringe.

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ff3855  No.26861

File: 9be23de9334b6f2⋯.jpg (120.96 KB, 440x500, 22:25, Eris 058.jpg)


>It's literally a joke "religion

Hey, you were just literate enough to read the Satanic Bible and take it's "Ayn Rand with Pentagrams and Calliope Music" message at face value. Good for you.

Discordia is a "joke" religion too. The punchline is that everyone involved at it's core was an OTO shill or a CIANigger (Looking at you, R.A.W.). Scratch the surface of the LaVey family and who knows what you'll find.

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d6da83  No.26907


All religion is a joke. It is nothing but a fake OUTWARD manifestation of a process that should take place between the individual and God alone.

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d6da83  No.26908

The 'alt-kike' is a bunch of homosexual faggots DESPERATELY wishing that they could control the planet through there 'so far right that it is left' movement.


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26cd0c  No.26926


I’d be very interested to hear more on this matter. The OTO link is obvious (everyone I knew into RAW etc was connected to the OTO) - but glowies? Didn’t RAW die impoverished whilst New Falcon Publications were asking people to send him money?

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254501  No.26943


funny that you mentioned Discordia.

I was approached some time ago, and asked if I would consider becoming a Discordia Priest.

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d1a087  No.26949

File: ea03f0b0dfdbd33⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 960x644, 240:161, hail-satan-not-heil-hitler.jpg)

File: 54d81debd5f2d8a⋯.png (502.25 KB, 620x372, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33981eaef52ae5f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 940x627, 940:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2693c3842a3575⋯.png (1.06 MB, 641x642, 641:642, ClipboardImage.png)


LaVey and his edgelord brigade are only associated with William Luther Pierce… They were both militant atheists and are extremely fringe.

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2ad00e  No.26951


But how will you know which god to worship if the man in the dress doesnt tell you? And how will you know how much money to give and to whom and which livestock you need to sacrifice? Religious authority provides essential functions, you know.

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536136  No.26989



Christ, this reeks of desperately trying to rebrand the 2000s Skeptic community and failing just as hard. Anyone remember the Rational Response Squad?

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58784b  No.26996


>jews infiltrate white groups

Wow, so surprising.

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61e4a5  No.26998


>2000s Skeptic community

Back when they were just atheists who believed anything the government said, like accused rapist Michael Shermer?

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fa321a  No.27117

>believing a "religion" that 99.999 percent of the world despises will save the white race

>formatting the post like a 10th grade journalism project

I can't tell if you are glowing or have a sub-human IQ

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fa321a  No.27118


this looks extremely biased

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c5c1b1  No.27124

A. Wyatt Mann married a jewess he made a satanic movie with. He's certainly not a White man. The National Socialist Freedom Movement was another satanist front and their sites joyofsatan and exposinchristianity and exposingcommunism are probably still around. I has been posted before but you can find the old NSFM po box address was the same as joyofsatan until it was later changed and the high priestess of JOS is the widow of the old NSFM commander Clifford Harrington. They're all fucking jews. Not White. The group photo you posted are all jews and just like these jewish actors are misrepresenting Whites, this post is probably intended to make Whites look bad as anybody here should alread be aware that NS isn't right wing and satanist kikes aren't White.

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61e4a5  No.27131


I don't remember which page it was on, but on one of the anti-Christian pages on JoS, they changed the spelling of a kike author's name to make it eem like they were a gentile.

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a4dce8  No.27144

File: 8f8fb76d1bf67ca⋯.jpeg (60.65 KB, 558x762, 93:127, weev.jpeg)

The're as right wing as weev is not jewish lol. If you don't think jews will do anything to show what baddass "Nazi's" they are, check out this faggots sweet swazi tat.

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290c63  No.27168

Lavey was Jewish at least in the ethnic sense but from what i have remembered his family had converted to some form of "evangelical Roman Catholicism" at some point prior to his birth and his witnessing of the apparent "Hypocrisy" of said faith served as a catalyst for him writing the S.B and creating the CoS as an inversion of Roman Catholicism (See: The Eleven Satanic Rules)

I dont know anything about Crowley being linked to "Far-Right Groups" Im not saying you're lying or anything ive just simply never looked into the subject


That depends on what you define a "Joke religion" as. Is it because the Satan of Lavey'ism is a purely literary device instead of a literally existing revered deity? then yes. But other spiritual and religious movements like Thelema also make use of heavy literary allusion instead of actual deity but Thelema simultaneously takes itself very seriously compared to Laveyism

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eb7404  No.27196

The jewish infiltrators/provocateurs exist to create a false impression for the public and simultaneously shit all over every efforts whites make to free themselves.

They deserve to be kept alive and tortured in the most fucked up ways imaginable.

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61e4a5  No.27244


>I dont know anything about Crowley being linked to "Far-Right Groups" Im not saying you're lying or anything ive just simply never looked into the subject

I wonder if "The Base" could be linked to Crowleyism? According to the reports, the informant who was involved witnessed a goat sacrifice. Anglin tried to link that to the O9A, but they're totally against animal sacrifices, and on top of that, the Autismwaffles are big Savitri Devi fans, who would also be against that kind of thing. On the other hand, Augustus Sol Invictus is a Thelemite, who has admittedly done goat sacrifices, and, coincidentally, he was arrested before all those guys were rounded up.

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ff3855  No.27382

File: 4bcb5b684315a0d⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 1026x512, 513:256, 20f7a9542597f66c2e0feeaaa5….jpg)


RAW and Christopher Hyatt were the OTO shills, Omar Ravenhurst birth name Kerry W. Thornley was the glownigger. It's probably the white pathological altruism talking here but I feel bad for RAW, he could have been a hell of a force for good if he didn't grow up on peak boomer memes and "denazification" propaganda.


>I was approached some time ago, and asked if I would consider becoming a Discordia Priest.

Then they were definitely trying to bamboozle you, because according to Discordian dogma (such as it is), you are already a Pope. They probably wanted to wrangle you into some kind of crowley buttsex magic.


>I dont know anything about Crowley being linked to "Far-Right Groups"

That Egyptian LARPing pignigger was straight up buddy-buddy with Winston fucking Churchill. The only thing far right about Crowley is the angle of the bent cock in his ass.

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6758b6  No.27418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>h-he only was ethnically jewish n-not by choise

>h-his kike family had reverted to Christianity

Do you know where we are?

The whole fucking story is a prominent example of subversion and defamation through edgyness. If >>26949 is true I am dumbfounded over how uncle Bill fell for such a blatant ruse when he was constantly criticizing "1488ers".

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e3f7eb  No.27562


That's an exaggeration. Pierce was friends with James Mason, whose life he pretty much saved (we all know that story), and there might have been some other loos associations, but that's about it. The National Alliance were hardly "edgelords", and they had their own religion: Cosmotheism.

>constantly criticizing "1488ers".

That isn't exactly true either. He was critical of the degenerate skinheads attracted to groups like the WCoTC and Aryan Nations - both of which have their merits and were led by good men - and would be chanting "1488", not with the 14 words themselves, especially considering that Bob Matthews spoke at at least one National Alliance event, and they're known to have gotten money from The Order. And by today's definition, "1488er" is just someone who unironically hates jews (and their spouses) and doesn't approve of sodomy.

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cae9d0  No.27597


you cunt you're makin me blind with all that glowing

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0ed4bb  No.27657


>According to Renegade

The world is flat.

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7fcd49  No.27684

"I give people Ayn Rand with trappings"

Lolbertaranism made into a religion. I'll pass.

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ff3855  No.27691

File: 302a192ea698d58⋯.jpg (422.31 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, twyman.jpg)


>We don't really believe in satan or witchcraft

>We just do a lot of "social justice" work and shieeit

So it's literally just another globalist NGO. Why even bother with the occult trappings?

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4735af  No.27933

Sage anti-White propaganda threads like this. it should be obvious what the jew trolls are doing here.

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acafdc  No.28073


Charles Giuliani is the only decent host on Renegade Broadcasting. He did three or four episodes devoted exclusively to disproving the flat earth BS, much to Kyle and Sinead's chagrin. The deranged vegan couple know that Charlie is the only reason most people still visit the site, so they don't burn bridges with him like everyone else who has tried to work with them.

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41ee0a  No.28193


This is pre-Renegade, but my favorite Charles Giuliani moment is when he interviewed one of the lawyers for Trayboon's family and he asked them if Zimmerman (who he wrongly believed to be jewish) ever accused them of antisemitism.

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0a0f70  No.28200


Literally doesn’t matter. All spam is allowed to stay here forever. Only when someone says whites should fight back is anyone ever banned, and the posts are deleted.

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6eb4b9  No.28318


> It's literally a joke "religion"

So is scientology, and look how far they've gotten in not very long.

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ff3855  No.28483

File: 0cc0a450907c8d3⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 759x847, 69:77, 0cc0a450907c8d3a5f884339ac….jpg)


>Literally doesn’t matter. All spam is allowed to stay here forever.

As evidenced by your jewish demoralization spam staying up.

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d9f31b  No.28701


>like everyone else who has tried to work with them

Why do Kyle and Sinead keep picking fights with everyone? What's their endgame?

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23dc53  No.28703


>you’re against the continued existence of the jews

>therefore you’re a jew

Is it even possible for someone to be more stupid than you?

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ff3855  No.28744

File: 1d3af9bc358959a⋯.png (357.64 KB, 652x361, 652:361, 1d3af9bc358959a00569bb8178….png)


>you’re against the continued existence of the jews

<How do you do, fellow goyim

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a00e02  No.29068

Death to all jews.

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8516b5  No.29124


peak irony bro.

everyone take note. this is a well known jewish anarchist that was jailed and then mysteriously let out early only to become the worlds #1 neo-nazi. you didn't fall for it did you??

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