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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: 1d445166021b06b⋯.png (681.19 KB, 568x568, 1:1, Coomer.png)

82a1e1  No.26143

We're live streaming the rally


Come chill, im flicking through multiple streams

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77e069  No.26145


>come watch a bunch of fat people milling around stroking their penis guns with a bunch of fat people sitting at home stroking their penis egos

Nah. Call me when shooting starts. This shit's boring.

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11395c  No.26164

File: 03ab41e0ce4e47f⋯.jpg (19.25 KB, 257x257, 1:1, Jew_Alert_System.jpg)


Shoo shoo, evil Jew.

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dcaeb9  No.26424

File: 8d0fa9426c2d660⋯.jpeg (27.66 KB, 350x231, 50:33, D411C547-92E7-4662-AC39-0….jpeg)

No happening today, then why is the board still being spammed with a bunch of shit threads? Test Run?

Should be a happening soon , Election Year, Iowa Caucus’s, Dem Debates ….. I’m banking on the day after Trump beats his impeachment.

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77e069  No.26449


Because this board has always been spammed with shit threads, you fucking newfag.

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