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Please leave all Coronavirus news and theories in the dedicated thread that has been literally number one in the catalog for two months running

File: 4d0aa6eb5c9ec5c⋯.png (11.88 KB, 613x633, 613:633, EVERY FUCKING TIME.png)

b923af  No.2611

What did Jim mean by this?

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33a05e  No.2615

File: b0c7484583798db⋯.png (78.79 KB, 974x626, 487:313, vanwatech.png)


yeah, I noticed that before too.

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33a05e  No.2623

File: c86af4073d00188⋯.png (142.92 KB, 1237x866, 1237:866, tshirt design.png)




say it isn't true

where can I not get one of those t-shirts?

As a matter of fact, I was thinking about doing some silkscreening myself

red Pocket t-shirt with this on the pocket

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33a05e  No.2624


nobody would really know what it meant except anons, and feds of course

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64affb  No.2631

File: 5e1b328bea994b1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.48 MB, 2268x3019, 2268:3019, 20171020_153409.jpg)


I made my own 8chan shirt once. It's got the logo on the back and ponies on the front. No back photo though because Im at work

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1dd2c8  No.2650

File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 480x264, 20:11, that really sizzles my sol….gif)



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3a2fe8  No.2652


>Everyone who has sent a pic has either been some grey haired old lady or a toothless meth head

>It's hilarious seeing the people who actually use this site

I think that is just the only demographic that would

A) Buy such a shirt online

B) Have twitter

C) Post such photos online

Nobody else among the vast amount of people who use this site are dumb enough to dox themselves like that. Also I have personally met one of the methheads who uses this site. He would regularly come into my job at 7/11 and tell me conspiracy theories at 3am and ask me if I had heard of Q. I wanted to tell him to fuck off to Reddit but I also didnt want to reveal my power level or get stabbed

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b923af  No.2685

File: 166bda18d4ba0eb⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)


>among the vast amount of people who use this site

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b6ac04  No.2690


>literal racemixing cuckold takes over the site

>puts imkikey in charge for three years

>pro-white speech censored and banned

>takes entire site down because white nationalist discussion still couldn’t be stopped

>brings it back without /pol/

>literally pays jews to moderate boards and ban all pro-white content


Fuck off, idiot.

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b923af  No.2708


All my posts on 8kun total are all ITT bruh.

Can you say the same?

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b6ac04  No.2725


Why do you think anyone cares or that you did anything but prove my point?

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b923af  No.2851


What WAS your 'point'?

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88acec  No.2852




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88acec  No.2853

test 2



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be01f7  No.2876

File: 3e5d427ccaa496d⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 3e5d427ccaa496dd099209f8bb….jpg)



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33a05e  No.3352


I know multiple q-tards myself.

I constantly tell them f2f that they are being retarded and that the whole thing is bullshit then start telling them about kikes who instigated the larp in the first place

funny to see their faces sometimes

I also tell them why Hitler did nothing wrong in tiny little redpills and they say things like, "I didn't know that."


(((They))) are going to find me and everyone else soon enough and will lock me up for wrongthink, then march me off to a pit and shoot me in the back of the head anyway.

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92249c  No.3410


>believes in dressing up as a nazi

>calls others larpers


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27fe38  No.3414

File: a16f0d8a492e881⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 1575227873104.jpg)


Imagine not wanting to dress up as ubermenschen..

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6af2e7  No.3423


You mistranslated losers.

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4b9ae0  No.3433


Ok boomer.

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92249c  No.3444


typical soycialist response

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b40d5f  No.3475

File: 93f7a032f78a7d8⋯.png (120.97 KB, 247x275, 247:275, pikapoketoro.png)


>sufferer of KDS

Show us on the doll where the turkroach touched you, anon.

>pro-white speech banned

You sure about that nigger? /sig/ and all the others were never taken down. Or are you whining because your spam wasn't left up in particular?

>literally pays jews to moderate-

None of the vols are paid. That tells me right there you never posted on 8chan, or spent any meaningful amount of time on /pol/; or any other image board for that matter.

>takes entire site down because-

The site went down because 8chan's hosting service took it down of their own volition. Jim wasn't the one who decided that, and even pointed out that the premise behind it was false as the excuse was over the second manifesto.

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c90ba9  No.3477


I dress up as Joseph Tommasi

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6af2e7  No.3486


Mark, the BO of /v/, is paid by Watkins.

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6af2e7  No.3628


not unexpected from people who think Q is real

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c943fb  No.26734

File: 94880d7f839835d⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Every_Nigger_is_a_Star.mp4)


It's a 6-pointed star rotated by 30 degrees. It doesn't contain the same message as the "up-down version" you may be familiar with

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aab1eb  No.26761


>defending imkikey


>you sure about that

100%, commit suicide.

>none of the

Defending the paid jewish moderator now. You’re exactly who we know you are.

>hosting service took it down

Nope, Jim took it down. This is public knowledge.

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bef1b5  No.26842



Why the fuck would the mods care about someone defending imkampfy? Are you really that triggered?

>Defending the paid jewish moderator now. You’re exactly who we know you are.

Mark was not appointed as the board owner as /v/. How new are you?

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cf02af  No.33483


>It's a 6-pointed star rotated by 30 degrees. It doesn't contain the same message as the "up-down version" you may be familiar with

This is true.

It means that Jim is only 70% Jewish.

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cf02af  No.33484


Q is real

Q isreal

Q Israel

Don't know why anons haven't figured that out yet.

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a64668  No.33486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This is what he meant.

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91d2ff  No.33630

File: 2c07482d3401a9d⋯.png (250.43 KB, 360x270, 4:3, Screenshot_2020-01-31 pnd….png)


God's chosen made in God's image.

Why are they so hideous?

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5e955c  No.33692

No, it's run by a bugman Nick Lim.

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ebbf0a  No.33759


Take your meds, schizo. /pol/ ownerhsip was the same as it was when cripplekike owned the site. Everything else is nothing but your own delusions.




All boomers deserve death.

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2cfadd  No.33777


>says things only jews have ever said

Okay, jew. You’ve confirmed everything I said is fact.

>the ownership was the same

No one will ever believe you.

>lol u insane i say so lol this is an argument

You’ve confirmed everything I said is fact.

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811203  No.33780


That's the biggest WTF since I saw Mr. Spock singing about Bilbo Baggins

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ebbf0a  No.33813


Take your meds, Jamal. Take your meds.

>hurrrrrrrrr heil wasn't heil after things I didn't like happened

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2cfadd  No.33830


>says things only jews have ever said

>literally pretends imkikey didn’t exist

Okay, jew. You’ve confirmed everything I said is fact.

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