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a1fbda  No.26031

Welcome to 8kun, where Ron has shut down /rand21/ until after the VA events are over in order to prevent anyone from posting a manifesto there.

The inconsistency and complete lack of logic is stunning. Not entirely surprising, but stunning nonetheless.

Moderation edit: /rand21/ discussion is taking place in thread >>25940

Stop making dozens of threads for the same topic. Christ, just because a board is active doesnt make it your meta board. We need /sudo/ back already

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16beb9  No.26041


If that was true, they would shut down /pnd/ first, retard.

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938b56  No.26056

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574a2c  No.26062



Are you retarded? Ron hates whites. He has hated whites since he stole the site. He put imkikey in charge of /pol/ and left him there on purpose. He singlehandedly took down the site after Christchurch. He has personally prevented /pol/ from existing ever since. And now he’s censoring whites even more. How is this inconsistent at all? You’re just not paying attention.

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000000  No.26063

/rand21/'s BO is a retarded shitskin who told people to post CP, forcing the admins to act

Take your fucking meds then hang yourself you retarded schizo

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000000  No.26078




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3805b6  No.26081


Manifestos get posted on /qresearch/, you dumb nigger. Why do you think it's not on the board list?

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57ddbe  No.26083


That was a troll caturday thread (cat pictures), you insufferable newfaggot. No actual cp was posted.

Lurk moar

sage negated

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574a2c  No.26087


Sage because this is a spam thread.

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57ddbe  No.26096


Oh, sorry then, have a sage too.

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d45c5e  No.26103

Indications from CM's twitter are that this site has been getting spammed to the teeth, causing at least one server to go down already, and that Rons is indeed going to leave /rand21/ down until after the rally in VA.

So OP isn't as big a dick as it first appears.

The first thing that pops into my head is that perhaps it was not a good idea to allow the guy who can barely run a website competently to create and run his own Ddos mitigation company.

Because clearly that isn't working out very well.

A week or so ago /rand21/ got spammed at a rate of about 800pph (one every 5 seconds or so), which is not really all that much, but the servers were flaking out even at that. So it isn't like they didn't have ample warning that the waters were being tested.

I am sorry folks, but the fact is that this site is extremely vulnerable, and until/unless Ron wakes up and tells the old man that he is in way over his head and needs a shit-ton of professional help, it is going to get worse and worse. Vanwatech is accomplishing NOTHING as far as mitigation goes.

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