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4c58ef  No.2463

Instead of Obamacare or another communist, socialized system of medicine, or government run replacement takeover of healthcare, which is designed to run the countries that implement them into the ground, why not privatize the doctors, nurses, and hospitals?

By privatize, I mean remove the gov't restrictions and regulations imposed on the medical industry, designed to monopolize the education, treatment courses and subsequent careers of the docs/nurses/staff and allow the 'market' to decide what works best to cure and maintain health. There would be far less prescription meds, and far more of an emphasis on nutrition, because, for example, over 900 chronic diseases are caused by malnutrition, but docs will get you spending $$ on pills every month to mask symptoms rather than curing with diet changes. Eating sugar, high fructose corn syrup, causes problems, etc. etc., but we are not informed by doctors because rea$on$.

Moreover, if the huge parasitic middle men that are known as health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, were NOT given a monopoly, and privatized hospitals were allowed to sell their own insurance, and allowed to prescribe without coercion, it would free up billions that would go directly to healthcare, rather than pure profit for insurance/pill companies AND the paperwork/regulation overhead that they impose.

There is already more than enough case law and precedent to protect people from malicious docs. The amount of money people would pay in insurance (to their local hospitals) would probably be HALF of what they pay now, and some sort of system, -docs and hospitals would come up with-, to distribute money to help the poor, fund research, and specialized institutions like the Mayo clinic could easily be set up.

We don't need government, or vestigial insurance companies with their actuarial tables and skyscrapers in every city getting in the way to provide health care, so why do we allow them to force that on us? Why let the communists make it even worse and impose another massive government bureaucracy along side the educational, insurance, and pharmaceutical ones already proven to be wasteful, ineffectual, and many times downright harmful?

Don't replace Obamacare, get rid of it, and get out of the way.

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e9c766  No.2523

Overthrow the government first. You can't expect those in power to approve laws or practices that would end their power.

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27b35e  No.2812

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>change healthcare policy

<oVerThR0w tH3 GOveRmEnt

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e97ff2  No.2875


No he's right, changing the policy of Medicaid and Medicare won't be easy, let alone reform on general healthcare without government reform.

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f4aed5  No.3160

Are there any working examples of this system?

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fe1ac0  No.3186



Maybe. Probably.

>Medicaid and Medicare

Funnel funds to these new types of privatized hospitals instead of the gov't/insurance bureaucracy, and phase it out all together for new clients in favor of them paying into the new system. About the only "benefit" insurance companies provided was in areas like keeping a lid on the amount of expensive testing done (some of it may actually be unnecessary in certain cases, experts know better than I.), and charging more for those deemed (perhaps dishonestly) higher risk clients. If hospital admins, easily replicating these insurance co. tasks, can keep corruption and spending to reasonable levels, there would be huge savings and an increase in the quality and quantity of care, as one would reasonably expect without middle men getting fat off of a government imposed monopoly, and having people by the short hairs when someone gets sick.

Of course, taxes should get cut…


The UK has been in the news pulling the plug on those, young and old, deemed too expensive by the proverbial "Death Panel", along with the huge waiting times for even simple procedures. I'm sure many problems go unreported. I don't see how that is good, or ends well.

I've heard nightmarish stories from the Soviet Union and Romania, where they are having to beg, borrow, steal and bribe doctors and nurses for basic life saving treatment or medicine. I hope you don't end up in that scenario.


Ironically, on a small scale this would happen with the rich and politically powerful in countries run by communists and/or with socialized medicine. They would simply pay for private doctors, who have their own equipment and medicine stocks, or fly to the USA for treatment, instead of using the public overworked, underpaid, understaffed, and under equipped system.

There may be some private groups that roll their own healthcare system like the Catholic Church used to, but I'm short on details, and how or if they avoid the gov't imposed legal issues, let alone the taxes and costs they have imposed on healthcare in general.

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0711e4  No.3224

The free market is not your friend.

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f4aed5  No.3308


>About the only "benefit" insurance companies provided was in areas like keeping a lid on the amount of expensive testing done (some of it may actually be unnecessary in certain cases, experts know better than I.), and charging more for those deemed (perhaps dishonestly) higher risk clients

What about paying for high cost care in the event something unlikely happens to me?

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fa7203  No.3327

File: 285e649dc633667⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ackshually.jpg)


Actually, (I forget the exact status of it - whether its awaiting signatures or if its approved) starting in 2021, all healthcare providers are to make available the prices of their services.

It has been practice not to give out prices prior to performing medical procedures, but now that they are supposed to be providing prices beforehand, smart shoppers can hunt around for the best deal, providing that they have more than one healthcare provider around.

This would drive prices down and create a competitive market.

I'm not a Trumpfag, but this is Trump's doing.

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f4aed5  No.3463


Sounds good, although its practical effect would be diluted by many providers not being part of the insurance company's network.

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cb36b6  No.3938


>Moreover, if the huge parasitic middle men that are known as health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, were NOT given a monopoly, and privatized hospitals were allowed to sell their own insurance, and allowed to prescribe without coercion, it would free up billions that would go directly to healthcare

What's that you say? The government Jews that are colluding with financial layer Jews should agree to let go of their stranglehold over healthcare? What a novel idea!

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80b664  No.4454


That'd be covered by the new system, where the hospitals/providers are the 'insurance companies', eliminating the middle men.


Prices will still be far higher than they need be because of the government and insurance co. overhead.

Additionally, and maybe this will help those currently stuck with large bills, you can -negotiate- and lower your costs, like medicare and medicaide does. Meaning, you don't have to pay the proverbial retail prices.


>agree to let go of their stranglehold over healthcare

Exposing their stranglehold would be step 1 in fixing the problem. Most people aren't aware of what's going on, I would guess.

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f4aed5  No.5345


>retail prices

What do you think about making them charge the same price for everyone?

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9e10a4  No.5351

File: ccae08b30dbc181⋯.png (757.35 KB, 1024x836, 256:209, adjustments.png)

All you have to do is make insurance "adjustments" illegal.

For those who don't know "adjustments" is where the fake charges go away. Usually about 2/3 to 3/4 of that huge medical bill are totally fake and nobody pays them. It's all a scam to make people think they need insurance because it would be affordable otherwise. The hospitals and insurance companies collude to fake your bill. It's likely already illegal, but never prosecuted.

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17b7c3  No.5357


>The free market is not your friend.

Bullshit. Have you even seen truly free markets? I don't think so. They whole world is over regulated by now. The free market is darwinian and therefore a good thing. It's basically a way our terribly virtualized world has a way to compete, it kind of has replaced man-to-man combat for large parts of the society.

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f4aed5  No.5592

Preventing collusion between businesses to jack up prices is necessary for a healthy market.

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