Instead of Obamacare or another communist, socialized system of medicine, or government run replacement takeover of healthcare, which is designed to run the countries that implement them into the ground, why not privatize the doctors, nurses, and hospitals?
By privatize, I mean remove the gov't restrictions and regulations imposed on the medical industry, designed to monopolize the education, treatment courses and subsequent careers of the docs/nurses/staff and allow the 'market' to decide what works best to cure and maintain health. There would be far less prescription meds, and far more of an emphasis on nutrition, because, for example, over 900 chronic diseases are caused by malnutrition, but docs will get you spending $$ on pills every month to mask symptoms rather than curing with diet changes. Eating sugar, high fructose corn syrup, causes problems, etc. etc., but we are not informed by doctors because rea$on$.
Moreover, if the huge parasitic middle men that are known as health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, were NOT given a monopoly, and privatized hospitals were allowed to sell their own insurance, and allowed to prescribe without coercion, it would free up billions that would go directly to healthcare, rather than pure profit for insurance/pill companies AND the paperwork/regulation overhead that they impose.
There is already more than enough case law and precedent to protect people from malicious docs. The amount of money people would pay in insurance (to their local hospitals) would probably be HALF of what they pay now, and some sort of system, -docs and hospitals would come up with-, to distribute money to help the poor, fund research, and specialized institutions like the Mayo clinic could easily be set up.
We don't need government, or vestigial insurance companies with their actuarial tables and skyscrapers in every city getting in the way to provide health care, so why do we allow them to force that on us? Why let the communists make it even worse and impose another massive government bureaucracy along side the educational, insurance, and pharmaceutical ones already proven to be wasteful, ineffectual, and many times downright harmful?
Don't replace Obamacare, get rid of it, and get out of the way.