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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: afc122777ef5ca0⋯.png (102.81 KB, 413x528, 413:528, 20191205_225921.png)

fe376d  No.2439

Here's something you won't hear on the news. It turns out, teen preganancy has been on the decline since 2010. Why's that? I believe the reason is restrictions on abortion that various states put into action in 2010.

>Since 2010, 32 states have restricted abortions


Risk-taking behavior doesn't take into account one's future self correctly, among teens. When you're a teen, you tend to think how you feel right now is not only how everyone else feels all the time, but also how you feel all the time. It makes it simply impossible for most teens to make good decisions about what they'll want in the future. Abortion offers humanity nothing. It's meaningless cruelty.

(Declines aren't seen as much in adults, who have much more autonomy and freedom of movement. Women at about 30 suddenly decide they might want kids. I believe it's the first scientific chart to show evidence of "hitting the wall"in terms of looks.)

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bfa178  No.2442

It's just so…

so tempting

(abortion, that is - its just an easy way to avoid responsibility)

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fe376d  No.2443


fuck off whore*. loooool

* or homo

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fe376d  No.2446

In case you didn't realize this, it's a testable hypothesis, and that's why I reacted to the stupid whore that way. Since it can be tested, it's no rebuttal to complain that an assertion has been made. All things which are thought are at first assertions.

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5a75bb  No.2450


exactly my point.


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fe376d  No.2451

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eb7e5f  No.2493


teen pregnancy is unironically a good thing

only if the man can provide though

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b07b85  No.2528


While women have rights, everything else will fail. One of the top priorities is to reinstitute enslavement of women and for them to be used as tools for reproduction and nothing else, as it was done before.

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754a78  No.2529

File: 6991d968f37832c⋯.jpg (40.97 KB, 618x349, 618:349, scheming thot.jpg)


Women are going to learn their place again soon, be it by dirndl or by burka. Bitches best choose wisely.

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0555b3  No.2535



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2c5411  No.2997

99 percent of you ancestors had children before they were 18. Back in the old days a female would conceive 100 times and 2 of them would live long enough to reproduce. Today the average female conceives 13 time for 2 of them to live long enough to reproduce. Most babies are aborted with out the female ever being aware she was pregnant. It is the invention of modern technology that reduced the infant mortality to such a degree that made voluntary abortion necessary. As for those 11 babies that didn't survive most of them were victims of toxic waste. The bible says obey the laws of the country you live in. These countries all have laws prohibiting the disposal of toxic waste into the environment. The bible also says you will be judged by your own standards. I can't do all of the math but I expect God will tell each one of you how many toxic abortions you are responsible for. It is us scientists that reduced the number of abortions not any religion.

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a07a80  No.3039

File: 479daf5cab18b0e⋯.jpg (760.88 KB, 1280x2096, 80:131, leftists don't breed.jpg)


Why do you christcucks want degenerates to not be weeded out of the gene pool?

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754a78  No.3078

File: 125bc53d2bda321⋯.png (224 KB, 500x521, 500:521, choice.png)

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5a75bb  No.3133

File: c21fb95cd3e4d46⋯.png (31.52 KB, 640x494, 320:247, img0.png)

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839844  No.3167


There are plenty of white people who ought to have been aborted.

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839844  No.3312

>x happened at the same time as y once, therefore x caused y

This is a weak argument.

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