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File: 64f25c7b1f83456⋯.jpg (299.06 KB, 640x521, 640:521, 32fw25.jpg)

0acfdd  No.2427

Its clear there are some jews or friends of Jews at least who are against the Islamification of Europe

Tommy Robinson, BPS, Renaud Camus, to name a few. Salvini is also friends with Bibi.

Is there an actual subset of Jews against the invasion of Europe or is this just some Jewish mitosis bullshit to have a stable political axis to jump to in case nationalists win?

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d1405b  No.2436


The only good ones are those who use their political power to attack leftism and Islam like the current prime minister of Poland.

The problem that I have with people like Robinson, and with any other establishment conservative in general, is how they act as gatekeepers that kick out the anti-immigration types that would solve the issue. Their main purpose is to only state good takes while obtaining donations and doing nothing to solve them. Kind of like a WWE match. Issues that would be easy to solve are extended for $$$.

You want your money to be funneled into those that can solve the issue.

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3680c5  No.2438

File: a624bbbf3ee1428⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 900x563, 900:563, 64917-brad-pitt-fight-club….jpg)

we're a generation raised by jews

you think men acting like women will solve anything?

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a0700d  No.2461


Very few kikes are against the Islamification of Europe because they know how the golem story goes - it goes badly for the kike. These are the wisest kikes, and they're not exactly common. They want nothing more than to survive, and for their culture to survive. There was even an article out there that basically said, "OK Jews, we need to stop with this Golem shit, it's going to totally fuck us up in the end." He identifies that if the kikes just keep making golems, then the winner isn't the jew - it's the golem who finally kills every last jew.

Most kikes are all for fucking up other civilizations and gloating about it, because they can't plan ahead more than a few steps. Part of it probably is the Jewish Mitosis bullshit, but there's probably a small fragment that isn't.

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46b819  No.2480

File: 4b41329fb28fde6⋯.jpg (165.91 KB, 800x1224, 100:153, 800px-WernerGoldberg.jpg)


The Reich did issue Deutschblütigkeitserklärung to the worthy. Werner Goldberg is the most popular example.

But who would deserve those papers today? No names come to mind.

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dc36b5  No.2499


there may be jews on "europe's side" in so far as europeans are mostly pacified and servile.

there has been a documentary on how more and more jews are compelled to vote Afd in Germany because of the rise in antisemitism caused my islamification.

the rising anger against globalism will be funneled into a harmless democratic exhaust pipe, in the form of kosher right-wing, civnat populism, pro israel, judeo-servile yet anti-islam.

I wouldn't see anything other than de-accelerationism to keep the goyim pacified during their demographic replacement.

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0acfdd  No.2555

File: f3fa2907bc4cc89⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, grw.jpg)


>the rising anger against globalism will be funneled into a harmless democratic exhaust pipe, in the form of kosher right-wing, civnat populism, pro israel, judeo-servile yet anti-islam.

This is exactly what I am seeing.

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0d6884  No.2557

File: bf9f8b13ed3c96c⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 600x450, 4:3, stan_laurel_head_scratch.jpg)


Well who are the ones that can actually solve the problem?

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46d8b2  No.2573

Robinson's job is to safety net goyim that wake up. Anti-immigration sentiment can quickly lead to nationalism and finding out who is behind the agenda to destroy all of the races. Robinson, Shapiro and many more are there to stop whitey from waking up too much. "Islam is the only problem, not based Jews and blacks. We love the gays and feminism, not like those backward Muslims." The few good Jews, if any, are probably just normal people that renounce their Judaism and try to fit in.

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d1405b  No.2610


Those that advance the interests of the Native population, like the prime minister of Poland.

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213062  No.2612


>I don't know what a jew is

Congratulations on falling for their simplest trick.

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27d6e5  No.2640



Well Gilad Atzmon might be if David Duke is right about him being a "good Jew".

Jack Bernstein probably would be…

Well if his fellow Jews hadn't put a bullet in his head for speaking out against their racist apartheid terror state.

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8eeae2  No.23816

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8eeae2  No.23817

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000000  No.23824


Despite what /pol/tards will try to claim jews aren't some strange bugmen joined by the Khala

There are plenty of jews who are against jews, like the jew who named the jew when it came to circumcision calling it a barbaric blood sacrifice during a presentation at Harvard and got fired over it

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197dfc  No.23826

It's all a planned dialectic, just like Fascism vs. Communism (vs. classic Libertarian Capitalism) 'synthesized' the Neoliberalism we have today.

Zionist Jews brought in the waves of refugees to build up the controlled alt-right - leading to the rise of 'nationalist' leaders that all happen to be big fans of Israel too. This created the 'pressure valve' effect that the Brexit vote and Trump caused - deradicalizing some, turning others into Trump/Q worshippers, and demoralizing the rest into doomer, nazbol SIEGEtards.

But the waves of muslims and rise of the alt-right was also, in part, done to force the diaspora of liberal 'atheist' jews to rekindle their religious roots, and inevitably flee to Israel, where their tech-economic-middleman etc. skills (which, say whatever else you want about jews, they do have - see: Silicon Valley, and S.V. jobs subsequently being shipped off to Israel these last couple years) could be utilized.

There are no doubt a minority of individual liberal jews that want to stay comfy in the West and don't want to live in bumfuck/'fascist' Israel, but they themselves are being shilled nonstop into joining the ranks of the Zionists.

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238e17  No.23848


Those so-called "good jews" only oppose leftism and Islam to promote Israel. They're no better than the "bad" jews, and they all have the same goals.


Neturei Karta are devotees of the Talmud who have a theological disagreement about when the jews get Israel and to kill the goyim.


>Well if his fellow Jews hadn't put a bullet in his head for speaking out against their racist apartheid terror state.

They didn't. He died from some kind of cancer he caught traveling, I believe in the orient. During his lifetime, he was pretty much a nobody, and only really reached his iconic status when his book was put online. There was no real reason for him to be assassinated.

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238e17  No.23851



At about 1:50 in this, Michael Collins Piper reads a Christmas card from Bernstein (who he knew), and explains how he died.


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b7c7ee  No.23852



Will you ever learn

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5c589c  No.23864

File: b69a9693824cfab⋯.jpg (69.59 KB, 580x322, 290:161, Jewish childhood.jpg)

File: 74343c71a33fdb7⋯.jpg (278.44 KB, 1516x810, 758:405, Jews hate you .jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Kike (2).jpg)

File: 83fc394ba2a93d4⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 500x344, 125:86, Kike (11).jpg)

File: dcbf10bc7344a5c⋯.jpg (1008.76 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Jews hate you.jpg)


There aren't "plenty".

There are a couple that aren't complete scumbags, but they mostly don't matter and they're just the exception that proves the rule.

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f87fb7  No.25991

File: 10f36b31694416c⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1000x3840, 25:96, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf266f55f055839⋯.png (406.94 KB, 661x684, 661:684, jew-nuke-germany.PNG)

The only good jews are dead jews.

Zionist kikes are as bad non-Zionist.

See this for "baste" right-wing money stealers.

A person who steals my money and pretends to be my friend in order so I could die for his people is not good by any means.


Also many of them still think Germans should all killed.

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