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96bd3d  No.2364

I live in a very liberal area, and was myself initially a liberal, but over time I've become more and more conservative. I now find that I can hardly tolerate the attitudes of my liberal colleagues, what with their whinging about how people with large families are contributing to climate change and how hate speech isn't free speech and how whites are evil and racist. I used to fight back, but I've decided to keep quiet so I don't get hurt and move away from them when I am able.

How do you deal with living and working next to these people, anon? How do you hold your tongue?

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5759da  No.2365

>I live by people I don't like

>what do

Kill yourself, because you're too low-IQ to move.

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4df299  No.2366

You gotta do what all successful people do. Change things by degrees. Start with a meme that everyone can agree is funny like, "ok boomer" or epstein. Wait for someone to bring up that joke and then when the laughing dies down say, "But for real, these boomers are sucking up all our social security while we pay the bill". I started doing crap like that at work and now when I go in all I hear is "America for Americans" and "We cant let anyone else in". It's because I water down my ideas and fed it to people in pieces, and that's what you have to do. You probably wont change the politics in your entire town it you can at least condition your classmates and coworkers to be a little less insufferable

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33e292  No.2368

File: f408db84339aec3⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 408x600, 17:25, Badass_karate_dude.jpg)


>I used to fight back, but I've decided to keep quiet so I don't get hurt and move away from them when I am able.

Don't be a pussy. Learn some martial arts and arm yourself with whatever weapons you can find. I live in a liberal place and I'm doing OK.

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f323f2  No.2374


libs are too cowardly to straight up attack you for what you say, but nigs arent, which is why you just need to have a 9mm with you at all times anywhere theres a chance of finding them. if worse comes to worse, you can just leave the scene, the caliber will be a common round and it will be likely summed up to gang violence

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000000  No.2384


Are you sure you are not in college? I used to live in Jew York but no one there talks too much about politics in public. You could shitpost back, usually they will just turn their heads the other way. including other nigs or spics but carry a glock encase something out of the ordinary

>I've decided to keep quiet

learn to banter and stick up for yourself, no body respects a pushover

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998014  No.2394


I cannot move, and even if I were to do so, I would end up in another liberal area on account of my profession.


How political were your coworkers before you began redpilling them? I'm not around a core group of people, so even if I were to attempt something of that sort, I would have to start all over again with new people within a year.


Great joke.


Hello, FBI


I am, but I will be going to graduate school. I'm stuck with people like this.

>learn to banter and stick up for yourself, no body respects a pushover

I do stick up for myself, but why expose myself in the first place, especially when that could hurt my career prospects?

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33e292  No.2395


>Great joke.

The only joke here is you, OP.

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32d650  No.2396


No he's actually right. Depends on your area. A high nig infestation is never good for the unarmed. That's why I stay home most of the time

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000000  No.2401


>I do stick up for myself

If that was the case then why did make this thread?

>why expose myself in the first place

You are allowing your emeny to win, silence implies complicity and surrenderance

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000000  No.2402


>silence implies complicity

compliancy is a better term

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f323f2  No.2404


yes, conservative ideas are stupid, its all about national socialist ideas

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4df299  No.2406


Fuck that. We're doing ancap baybee

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e47ed8  No.2409

>being so much of a pussy that you're willing to buy a new house just so you don't have to be around people who politically disagree with you

Lmao pussy

Just BTFO them

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503419  No.2414


my speakers blew out

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2462e2  No.2482

You never ever back down from telling your truth. Ever. That’s how

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