Short summary:
>Syrian War started because 2006 happened and >>3492 just to name a few, but it's ultimately because Syrian territory can be used as a central platform to do all sorts of evil shit should (((they))) prevail, and so they want it gone while israel can grab everything of value for free, including unrestricted air superiority; sadly for them Assad is not a pushover.
>2015 is when Putin decided to pay a visit, things started quickly going south for (((them))) from then on.
>2016 is when things took a turn for the worse in (((their))) point of view, Trump basically cut off any and all forms of support they're getting for free while blowing them with tomohawks but (((they))) are too angry at him shitposting on twitter to do anything else. (muh airfield, muh tax returns, etc.)
>2017 is when King Salmon quietly switched sides when that incident in Las Vegas happened. Pic related soon after.
>2018 is when things started to quiet down because almost all of Syria is free; isis remnants running around the desert like tumbleweed; commie kurds posting 'smexy hawt kurd womyn' on facebook, and moderate headchoppers squatting and destroying things in Idlib like the subhumans they are.
>2019 is when the Syrian Army is slowly turning them into fertilizer, Turks genociding the kurds (in cooperation with Trump, Assad and Putin), whatever mercenaries/rogue soldiers the deep state had down there along with the large drug smuggling network the glowniggers control.
To quote soros himself;
>everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.