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Please leave all Coronavirus news and theories in the dedicated thread that has been literally number one in the catalog for two months running

File: 3b9ab1b4eb236b6⋯.png (656.36 KB, 1546x1358, 773:679, DISCUGSTING.png)

File: ed0a929ce7c9f06⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1678x1304, 839:652, Holohoax Red Pill.png)

File: 3888c61ea9885ff⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1550x1400, 31:28, JudenRedPill.png)

File: 0cb9ad32a7a42a1⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2268x2431, 2268:2431, OPERATION RED PILL.png)

617f42  No.23480

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7d6874  No.23483


Operation go back to reddit.

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617f42  No.23484


blow me faggot

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02c6c1  No.23490


This is beautiful work, anon!

Planting that seed of doubt, using the jew rules directly in opposition to their agenda, it's poetic. A true symphany playing out that only a select few of us can be aware of.

May TRUTH be our guiding light!>>23480


and you, you stupid black nigger, what the fuck is your deal? You do nothing but shit on every topic and hit the SAGE button to let us all know your the same cocksucker who spits jizz all over everything he comes in contact with.

I seriously hope you are a different person when you go home at night because right now, you're finding the SMALLEST MINORITY on the PLANET, coming to their little circle and bullying them at the whim and behest of CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP.

You, you little "fight the right!" cocksucker, you ARE THE VERY THING YOU FIGHT!

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b700cd  No.23491

Good thread, already made one shill kvetch

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a590fd  No.23492



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b700cd  No.23496



Two shills and counting! Im convinced, operation is good. Also hilarious

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617f42  No.23509




cheers m8s! New one incoming: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/eqlq5a/pseudoscience/

Probs my last one for the day. Don't want to blow my cover by posting more than 7 in a day.

But yeah that sub always has around 2,000 viewers…every time you get something red-pilled up there and you're planting the first seeds of a RP in the minds of 2000 young people. Glorious!

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18c784  No.23515


i approve this

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7d6874  No.23516


Go back to reddit.


>what the fuck is your deal

>you do nothing but

Oh look, it’s yet another faggot who thinks that “everyone here is one person.” Go back to reddit.


>you’re a shill if you don’t want redditors here

Go back to reddit.


>you’re a shill because you don’t like my reddit spam

Go back to reddit.

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efe561  No.23534

File: 3796c6e045dcd6a⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1512x1858, 756:929, juden.png)


nice try, FBI. The cattle, they are awakening!

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742c87  No.23547


they’ll always make up baseless excuses to counteract even the strongest facts.

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7d6874  No.23551


>you’re FBI because you don’t like reddit spam

Go back to reddit.

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1d7cb7  No.23566

if you're gonna contribute to this stuff, then don't bump the thread in case leddit's goon moderators see it


if they don't wanna believe it and they want it to be wrong, then nothing will make them believe it

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50ef53  No.23575

Why should I spend my time trying to convince some random NPCs over the internet. Get out into your own neighborhood and do some good there? Is posting on reddit seriously the best way you can contribute. Is it a way to blow off steam while you train for five years? Seriously get real.

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aa10dc  No.23583

Shills hate this thread, bump!

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7d6874  No.23591


>shills hate reddit, goyim

Go back to reddit.

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12e9f3  No.23656

>not breaking the links

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413486  No.23665


God bless you.

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2f5148  No.23788

File: 8ea1d64c5c0444c⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 800x369, 800:369, 1579399377416.jpg)

File: 28414be1a88c0cb⋯.jpg (109.98 KB, 960x558, 160:93, 1579401820741.jpg)

File: ec33ec6273bf721⋯.jpg (64.33 KB, 750x768, 125:128, 1579403485002.jpg)

File: ef2c111390853fa⋯.jpg (396.71 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1579403969571.jpg)

File: 9487a9a5573476b⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 720x698, 360:349, 1579404227053.jpg)


This is a great idea. Here's some source material to work with. And I've also made a telegram gorup for sharing source material, links to upcuck on leddit. t.me/joinchat/ AAAAAFU_Bnaxsbr2dYUbMw

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1a1ba6  No.23913

Hahaha the kike handlers don't like when /pol/ fucks with normalfags on plebbit. All they can do is 'no u go back to plebbit'. Now that has failed, look for muh drumpf is a kike/christcuck derailing. Then when that fails they try /x/ shit, every fucking time.

Don't bite the bait faggets and keep on topic and keep up the glorious work.

Sieg Heil!

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a4e163  No.24004



I'd like to see people simply stop using reddit, because the way it's used most often is something like this:

1) Company/NGO/Government promotes an ideology

2) Company/NGO/Government buys upvotes to upvote their own post

3) The site becomes basically a huge advertisement for kikethink.

There's little hope for an individual to break through on reddit in an organic fashion. You'll get maybe a few, but the way to get through to redditors is to make them simply stop being redditors.

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ef63f1  No.24047


If you want to do this then go to cuckchan and do it there, if you actually appreciate our board leave this contamination out of it.


>cuckchan filenames

>join my telegram group goy, its safe I assure you goy.


>muh drumpf is a kike/christcuck derailing

Go back, it doesn't matter if it's the donald or whatever else you came here from just go back.

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b6e03a  No.25733

File: 5c8ecd98c6ef493⋯.jpg (115.2 KB, 597x897, 199:299, 1352.jpg)

Take the stealth pill.

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c0e8ff  No.26238

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7d6874  No.26256


Go back to reddit. You're not fooling anyone.

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30503e  No.26422

File: 1c92a7e4b40f826⋯.png (13.69 KB, 661x137, 661:137, Screenshot_2020-01-20_23-4….png)

Great work anon, gave me a good laugh.

The absolute state of these reddit bugmen though

>Everyone must consoom 24/7 like me, there's literally nothing else you could possibly do instead

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95afc2  No.26425


Good work anon!! Keep it


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46819c  No.26426

File: 046551800b30996⋯.jpg (344.31 KB, 1200x1799, 1200:1799, Signs_of_Spirituality.jpg)

>>26422 Checked.

I swear to God, fucking reddit. . .

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456796  No.26624

File: 5b5cd4a3d131ce4⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 452x346, 226:173, 1579197278614.jpg)

Hey op you stole my idea

I've been doing this for a while now and my throwaway has a shit ton of karma

Thinking of selling it to a chink at some point

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ef63f1  No.26641


>my throwaway has a shit ton of karma

You have to go back.

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7d6874  No.26649


Go back to reddit.

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092f17  No.26664


good work. post more.


>doge meme

>"throwaway" that you dont throw away after using.

thats just a reddit acocunt.. you have a reddit account, anon.



what are you trying to accomplish, exactly?

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ef63f1  No.26678


I don't know about that other anon but I myself would rather not have reddit threads and redditors going around this board as if it was theirs

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ef63f1  No.26679

>>26678meant for >>26664

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092f17  No.26682


theres nothing wrong with threads about raids and psyops on shitty places. we've had them on faceberg, twitter, jewgle, worldstarniggerhop, youtube, wikipedia, holocaust museums, and yes leddit in the past.

no reason to suddenly attack them now unless youre a shill trying to stop this place from having any impact.

or unless youre a complete fucking newfag and trying to fit in

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7d6874  No.26694


Go back to reddit.

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7d6874  No.26695


Raid threads have been forbidden for quite some time. Explain why we should waste our time and effort on something that will be instantly banned and deleted and get an IP blacklisted forever. Explain why we should waste our time and effort on a website owned by jews where only jew shills can post. Go back to reddit.

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ef63f1  No.26706


This is not a raid because a raid implies people are coming to a site from another one, OP and most of the people ITT aren't going to reddit from here but rather from reddit to here.

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8d98d0  No.26722

I've actually been subtly posting on there and other leftist subreddits for maybe two years in an attempt shift their perspectives. It's rather easy, they quickly come over at least partially when a well known "anti-facist" "explains" I just spew buzzwords in a nice sounding way that appeals to them how something they think is good is actually bad or vice versa. The benefit of an account system with a lot of worthless karma I guess.

You should probably make a new account though, once they find this they'll ban you. Unless you already have a stealth account which would be better.

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e9d2e8  No.26975

File: 8879268b931c7bf⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 300x212, 75:53, 300px-Oi_vey.jpg)


>Raid threads have been forbidden for quite some time.

<implying raid bread is against board rules

<being this new

>don't do anything outside of /pol/, goyim

The state of the paranoid, newfag shills in this thread is absolutely hilarious. Reddit-teir shilling, holy fuck.

Do you faggots know where you are when you take these assignments, you worthless kikes?

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7d6874  No.26976


… And attempting to INVOKE a raid, OF US, to them. Are you even white? That shouldn’t have had to be explained to you. Go back to reddit.


<implying raid bread is against board rules

Congrats on being wrong.

>don't do anything outside of /pol/, goyim

Strawman because you can’t refute what I actually said. Go back to reddit.

>The state of the paranoid, newfag shills

The OP, you mean?

>Reddit-teir shilling

Yes, that’s explicitly what OP is.

<you’re a jew because you don’t want to do what jews tell you to do

Go back to reddit.

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8159fc  No.26978


>getting triggered over the mention of reddit

God forbid we think flexibly and have tactics. Go swallow some more black pills.

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e9d2e8  No.26980

File: f63e60f665ad0f4⋯.png (456.65 KB, 581x720, 581:720, f63e60f665ad0f4e188e26e736….png)


>Shalom my fellow fashy goyim

>Do nothing, goyim

>if you do ops on reddit, you are reddit


Current Rules for /pnd/:

<1. Follow the Global Rule.

<2. No spamming. Doing so will result in a ban.

<3. Duplicate threads will be deleted. Check the Catalog.

<4. Non-politics related threads are frowned upon and may result in ban and deletion. Bans will be up to the Board Owner or Board Volunteer's discretion.

If you don't get what /pnd/ is about, lurk more. That includes newfags.

You might want to pay attention to the last part, newfag kike.

Operations with sockpuppets on almost all social media and places normalfags assemble on the internet has happened since the dawn of imageboards.

You are obviously not from here, your absolute shit-tier imageboard manual gives you away. You're trying way, way too hard.

>d..d.don't do raids goyim, it's against the rules!

Fucking kek this is hilarious.


Kek it's as if /pol/ and fore-boards and protooldfags before them have not done this for decades.

They honestly think they are not standing out like a sore thumb by saying this, at least the JIDF of old days actually were a bit better at this shit.

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7d6874  No.26984



Go back to reddit.


<you’re a jew because you don’t want to do what jews tell you to do

<watch as I post things only jews post

Go back to reddit.

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e9d2e8  No.26988

File: 2f9725a82ebe722⋯.jpg (149.65 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, generation_zyklon_is_wakin….jpg)

File: f9cd04a6dc66304⋯.jpg (70.62 KB, 720x685, 144:137, jews pretending to be whit….jpg)

>When Hasbarafags get assrekt, resort to one liners and then filtered, ITT

Oh no, more racist right wing rhetoric!

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e9d2e8  No.26990

File: f07e293c1df7e3c⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 477x518, 477:518, LiveLeak-dot-com-155379309….jpg)

File: dbd332e4459df09⋯.png (735.16 KB, 1317x1060, 1317:1060, race_iq_rape_homozide_map.png)

File: 2ce599fe49c107c⋯.jpg (490.31 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, holohoax facts.jpg)

File: fbe4178d4022cf4⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 640x471, 640:471, holohoax 1.jpg)

File: 5f2b9606c3fdef7⋯.jpg (138.83 KB, 836x1233, 836:1233, holohoax 2.jpg)

Look at this disgusting denial of the holohoax, how dare those evil right wing nadzees do that!


>how right wingers associate rape with IQ, that's disgusting!!

Enjoy, sockpuppet anons.

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7d6874  No.26995


The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.


>just more spam images totally off topic because his reddit thread has been decimated

Go back to reddit.

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e9d2e8  No.27036

File: b632789b6ee0072⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 494x587, 494:587, oy vey da gas holohoax.jpg)

>The right resorts to using sex to push their hate-filled antisemitism

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e9d2e8  No.27046

>It stops

>It's getting late in Tel Aviv.

When they send in a kike to shit the thread up you know they don't want you doing ops anywhere.

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76b5df  No.28086


One of our boys goes down. It’s sad.

Notice they say:

Mathews, 27, was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome as a child, faced bullying and was a “loner,”

I don’t like how the leftist fag news paints us like this!

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