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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: d77ccd877ca9e58⋯.jpeg (290.49 KB, 559x767, 43:59, A2BF28AC-AD23-46B6-8054-E….jpeg)

a91495  No.2325

Let’s catalog the kikes of both sides of impeachment. The kike to the left is only the latest kike to join a parade of kikes in the impeachment drive. His name is Feldman.

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867e8f  No.2336

Impeachment is dead. You dont have to watch it to know that. So why would I subject myself to hours of dry political theater just to play "spot the jew"?

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fd4c8e  No.2338

File: 4f20bac3887c71c⋯.png (20.52 KB, 446x597, 446:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c0ae4bfc87497⋯.png (276.33 KB, 1897x943, 1897:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32b93436a9f2680⋯.png (512.33 KB, 672x900, 56:75, ClipboardImage.png)

Who cares? It's bread and circuses anyway. It's the WWE of politics, fake and gay.

Does anyone legitimately buy the left's charade of "upholding justice" after they demand to free child rapists like Rodney Reed, convicted murders like Tyrone Abraham, and terrorists like Usman Khan? Not fringe as they are recent incidents. It's their entire political platform to grant rights to non-white criminals that refuse to follow the law, spare me the bullshit lmao



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867e8f  No.2340

File: 808b93b72f328f6⋯.png (4.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6576556.png)


>nigger goes to jail for murder

>gets out 25 years later


Fucking lmao

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2cffce  No.2345

File: 5309ae84937efe6⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 468x426, 78:71, 5309ae84937efe6d6d91ba4ca2….jpg)

I honestly haven't had the stomach to watch a single minute of this garbage circus. Did I miss anything funny?

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bc9f5b  No.2347



Schiff, Nadler, Zelensky, Windman, Yovanovitch, Sondland, and that's just off the top of my head.

This is one of the best things for red-pilling MAGA/boomer types

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9cb14d  No.2362

testing in epically shit thread

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2e03c2  No.2367

File: 8d1c2957c617a87⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 462x204, 77:34, 8d1c2957c617a878a710a26517….jpg)


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b97f61  No.2422



lol… some of this stuff is catchy.

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be9592  No.2423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You see the crazy Jewish dyke?


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b97f61  No.2424


lol, tucker carlson said she was a frontrunner for supreme court under obama. they are all crazy.

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278424  No.2434





Never tire of doing good work, anons. While you may have become tired of the whole affairl, it's been on grand display. Many angry boomers have heard the names, and hate those people. Now is a really great time to liste all the kikes. Then you can point out they hate kikes too, they just didn't know it.

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25b4a4  No.3036

File: 8919411a4d8b2a4⋯.jpg (145.89 KB, 750x562, 375:281, garbage.jpg)

Karlan, who attacked Barron intentionally, not accidentally, and with her testimony pre-vetted by other kikes like kike Schiff.

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25b4a4  No.3062


Wrong. Trump is not a kike, however he is surrounded by kikes. Your image is a shill image and uninteresting, since his tweets are sent out by staffers. I notice you don't attack actual kikes. Says a lot.

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b97f61  No.3092


surrounded by kikes…..lol

Kike came from circle. Is it a Kikes nature to surround everything because it was derived from the word circle?

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edcbb1  No.3107


>entire family married jews

>dad was a literal friend of Netanyahu and NYC rabbis, donating land to jews in Jerusalem

<totally not a jew.txt

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b97f61  No.3121


right. all his kids are shitting out heebs. And i read only a jew woman can shit out a recognized jew.

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b97f61  No.3122


not that there's anything wrong with that…..

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