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File: a7bd794f1807526⋯.jpg (160.58 KB, 1232x638, 56:29, Gun Grabber in Chief reali….jpg)

File: 240a3286d5da45e⋯.jpg (312.36 KB, 1024x1183, 1024:1183, lol.jpg)

File: 996b8b5f49eb990⋯.jpg (93.37 KB, 1211x686, 173:98, quick! the media is lookin….jpg)

File: 671798dfa62b197⋯.jpg (109.56 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, Man up.jpg)

File: bda7467fdbfbbe4⋯.jpg (239.22 KB, 1879x1263, 1879:1263, lol2.jpg)

0a6136  No.23247

Who else is ready to see redditsoys & trumpniggers deepthroating antifa trannies on the streets of Virginia in order to create "good optics" while the feds go to town on these retards and the media doxes all of them destroying their lives forever?

I know I am.

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a989b9  No.23249


>Man up and do it

I lost. This is too much cringe to take in.

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0a6136  No.23250

File: 252b7c2a593041d⋯.jpg (170.66 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, those goddamn meme loving ….jpg)

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9e0a08  No.23251

File: b9dc19e2ff60862⋯.png (274.13 KB, 622x582, 311:291, e692d87975350d55e6114448ea….png)


>2A groups marching with antifa

Holy fuck, this is going to end so, so fucking badly.

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b2179c  No.23252

It's the duty of every decent American to identify and kill all antifa terrorists and antifa terrorist supporters.

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0a6136  No.23254

File: ed1ac9bd1ab6af1⋯.jpg (194.97 KB, 1482x1153, 1482:1153, the absolute state.jpg)

File: afb5151111f3800⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 1283x311, 1283:311, fuggin nazeees.jpg)


Anon, please…you're suffering from internalized McCarthyism.

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0a6136  No.23259

File: 28c4f38b18e915b⋯.jpg (109.56 KB, 1336x508, 334:127, HAHA YASSSS.jpg)

You guys just don't understand good optics.

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9e0a08  No.23260

File: 42c9d27db7cd849⋯.jpg (52.43 KB, 341x290, 341:290, deathhonk.jpg)



These niggers glow brighter than an arcade at midnight. They are desperate for idiots to take the bait and show up to shake antifa's hand. They must have something really fucking nasty planned. If any of you have memeshitter little brothers or clinically retarded friends who might fall for this incredibly obvious trap, you better be setting their heads straight.

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8a5276  No.23261

File: 89bf06fe1ab3432⋯.jpg (86.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ted.jpg)


>This is the news story we want.

>Actually wanting this

>Caring about the news

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9e0a08  No.23262

File: 45c3238630a5c21⋯.png (866.82 KB, 588x919, 588:919, 45c3238630a5c2185647dec24c….png)

File: f4105975f0c90d7⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 425x350, 17:14, f4105975f0c90d7947c128f830….jpg)

File: 6ef93ddbab9184f⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 425x350, 17:14, 6ef93ddbab9184f7d50aaa213c….jpg)

File: 533abf30c5fdf37⋯.png (693.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 533abf30c5fdf378d921f874b0….png)

>March "hand in hand" with antifa

>Tensions begin rising immediately, portland-esqe bickering starts between 2A boomers and antifa faggots (with lots of help from agent provocateurs on both sides)

>Some mullato tranny in a mask bashes some 70yr old MIGAtard in the back of the head with some nigger jailhouse-tier improvised melee weapon

>Shit goes bananas

>#Shots fired

>Police now have an excuse to corral the mob wherever the fuck it wants

>Prod the newfag whites dumb enough to be there down an alleway

>Now the zogbots finally have a chance to whip out their new toy (pic related)

>Some dead commie gets paraded around like another martyr

>Jewdicial system starts slapping felony charges on everyone in a five mile radius of the shitstorm with a skintone lighter than wet shit

<See goy look what happens when you don't give us your guns

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8a5276  No.23263


>goy look what happens

Absolutely. All these 2A cucks on reddit are going to be snapping soy faced selfies as they turn over their weapons, because it'll be the "right thing to do" after the events of Virginia.

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b7b87a  No.23266





I don't even have words for how much of a cesspool leddit is. Jesus Christ.


That design smells of Pissrahell Palestinian killer machinery.

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0a6136  No.23268

File: d27a070a8285a7f⋯.jpg (124.02 KB, 1382x477, 1382:477, oh no not old white people….jpg)

File: 64f417c9efc45bd⋯.png (19.06 KB, 857x140, 857:140, based blacks will save us.png)


Not so fast, anon. You forgot to take into account the nu-right's ultimate weapon: the based black man.

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ec514d  No.23271

File: d53f81947fa93c9⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 3fed15b3eedbf3c731cbc0cfe5….jpg)


LOOOOOL. Fucking burger JOGbots are such a meme. I'm looking forward to the first video of this Hasbro-tier piece of shit getting flanked from 4 angles and the pigs getting roasted within seconds.

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695ce3  No.23273


Is that metal gear?

Can someone explain the point of this thing?

I can see it working if the purpose is to destroy Palestinian houses, otherwise I'm at a loss.

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0a6136  No.23275

File: 5b1eb0ca5b152e5⋯.jpg (165.24 KB, 1490x1307, 1490:1307, DAS RITE.jpg)

File: bfe71619277f30f⋯.jpg (206.51 KB, 1893x646, 1893:646, pozz.jpg)

File: 8c15ebe177376e3⋯.jpg (454.8 KB, 1844x1354, 922:677, pozz2.jpg)

File: c2179367e8dee63⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 1597x190, 1597:190, meanwhile on the antifa su….jpg)

File: d0a73a209a3d6b3⋯.jpg (28.18 KB, 1076x198, 538:99, meanwhile on the antifa su….jpg)

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b7b87a  No.23276




Ain't thiose twinks mostly "white" college lanklets?

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285816  No.23277


So let me get this straight. The bolsheviks and the conservatives are going to join up in order to beg the government to let them keep their weapons with which they are going to fight each other later…

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7f2e18  No.23279


Antifa are mostly SJW types. They love gun control.

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07a151  No.23284

File: c4a449fa449d7be⋯.png (122.95 KB, 1084x1162, 542:581, European_Parliament_resolu….png)

Here's an idea: for everybody who is indeed dumb enough to go down there, on either side, have them carry HUGE posters / signs about Operation Gladio and similar topics, like the FBI infiltration of Occupy Wall Street, the recent Douma OPCW leaks and the planting of snipers to fire upon both sides of the Euromaidan protests by the network of the former Georgian president.

Let them know we still sit directly in the midst of the post-Iraq invasion domestic psyops that outlets like NYT gleefully promoted. Have every single person there record everything, and have so many of those signs that no single camera could miss them. Don't give the media spin an inch to budge.

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2cb44c  No.23287

File: 4b4244ab7b73feb⋯.jpg (1004.19 KB, 2048x1417, 2048:1417, oswaldmosleyblackshirts.jpg)

>pro-gun people dressed in black

what a tease

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000000  No.23301

dodally fuggen elegdrig

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a6a2dc  No.23303

File: 918057fe8229cb3⋯.jpg (157.7 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, serveimage.jpg)


Literally the turner diaries, the conservatives begging The Organization to stop attacking The System so they can beg to keep their rights like good little goyim and get killed by deputized niggers anyway as a reward.

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fd9393  No.23305

This is gonna be funny as fuck seeing a bunch of old fat 3%er cucks start approaching masked soyboy faggots asking for a handshake.

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e4a5c7  No.23330


Be such a pity if one of those tracks were damaged.

This shit is going to be hilarious. CIAniggers doing God's work getting soyim and boomers so close like this. Could go off really quick.

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1b8a70  No.23335

File: 58c286addfe6b35⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1078x1298, 49:59, freedom of speach cage.png)

File: 6152f79d2397512⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 383x680, 383:680, EOasP_0WkAEmnoI.jpg)

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8afa56  No.23336

File: 8d3b4ee84112a84⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 400x538, 200:269, axisposter.jpg)

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5fb302  No.23337


We already have a virginia thread.

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5fb302  No.23338


I vaguely remember those being used at Ferguson and the other chimpouts under King Nigger. Anyone have any archive footage?

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5ab00b  No.23348


am I technically antifa since i'm antifaggot?

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5ab00b  No.23350

File: 3cd36fe62975d49⋯.jpeg (23.53 KB, 474x246, 79:41, keksocialsim.jpeg)


MFW children in 2220 will be in history class reading about The Great American Boogaloo of 2020.

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0c02db  No.23352

Good video:


The way to fight the Leviathan is not by standing in front of it in broad daylight and hoping it doesn't eat you. The way is to sneak next to its face and shoot it in the eye.

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278b39  No.23359

File: effd07a45c9ca88⋯.png (6.26 KB, 264x232, 33:29, QRSTU HAS SPOKEN.png)


>and the media doxes all of them destroying their lives forever


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fd9393  No.23372

File: 8d63e637deccf23⋯.png (68.34 KB, 679x240, 679:240, EOkrcHbWAAENTN6.png)

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278b39  No.23376

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)


Amazing how much that Cohnhead looks like LBJ TBPFH

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0953f0  No.23378


Never, ever, ever meet the enemy on their ‘chosen’ battlefield. If battle is not spontaneous or better yet, planned by YOU, then you are totally fucked.

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0953f0  No.23379


It is not that amazing since they are all related, all foreigners (not our people but aliens here) and all kikes.

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d839b8  No.23404

* * * WARNING * * *

* * * WARNING * * *



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d839b8  No.23406


what I just said up there

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a081ff  No.23418


> 5th pic

< Fuck nationalists with a certain color skin because their beliefs are based on skin color.

Irony overload.

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