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File: 1daab36ad57fad7⋯.png (3.96 KB, 360x388, 90:97, oaths void.png)

90699f  No.23066

Does anyone remember the Oaths Void meme and everything that surrounded it? It seems like all reference ot it has disappeared from the net, it really riled up some freemasons and shit when it was posted.

Basically, it was something kinda like pic reelated and it meant that if yolu saw it, it deprogrammed you instantly and rendered all oaths and vows you've ever made (such as the Pledge of Allegiance or the pledge the military is forced to make at recruitment) void, they would have to be remade to be valid. Supposedly, by the principles of magick, this makes this literally true and so it flusteres secret society chumps by eliminating their vows of silence holding them in bondage.

Now, as a random NEET on 8kun, you might not believe in the power of vows and oaths. But keep in mind, to those swearing them, they DO have power. And that's all that matters.

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90699f  No.23068

File: dfa0c5cf193d27c⋯.png (4.59 KB, 241x90, 241:90, captcha.png)

File: 3073deef73d0241⋯.webm (7.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, oaths_voided.webm)

Captcha: jQ. Nice.

This webm is the only example of it I have saved. Nothing else seems to exist that I can find.

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a8356c  No.23072


It's because memes die, nigger. Get used to it.

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afbbd4  No.23079

File: 4a79f46c514917a⋯.png (122.58 KB, 500x412, 125:103, 4a79f46c514917a0802b21306f….png)


> forced meme dies when it's no longer being forced

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5e61a9  No.23086

I miss the memecircles sperg. I hope he finds his way back soon.

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15abfe  No.23088


They would only have power if you were God. Are you God anon?

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4f699a  No.23092

File: b22fb9f98ed810a⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, dc,750x,twin,bed-pad,750x1….jpg)


>he thinks magick works

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24a1e6  No.23107

File: 6b051836c368011⋯.png (8.52 KB, 526x487, 526:487, muh circles.png)

I'm not saying the meme circle guy wasn't nuts, but I'm looking around here lately and I'm seeing a lot of unbroken oaths.

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ade91c  No.23117


White people are living Gods walking this planet.

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15abfe  No.23119


God's kill. Whites don't kill.

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15abfe  No.23120


>a lot of unbroken oaths

I confuse. Good or bad IYO?

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14eabe  No.23125


>white people are gods

So if I stop believing in white people, they will stop existing?

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15abfe  No.23129

File: 9c25b3265fbedea⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, shia labeouf just do it.jpg)


You will stop existing first…then we will cold chill without your horrid mongrel and disgusting presence to waft in our noses…

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11f390  No.23132

File: aafd168366d6b4c⋯.png (183.38 KB, 771x804, 257:268, yes.png)

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15abfe  No.23135

File: eebc07d891c6a63⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 736x769, 736:769, knight vanquish painting.jpg)


Ok, now what? I think we need to have a round table to decide what to do with humanity. I am voting complete extermination of everything non-European. What say you others?

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efc868  No.23138



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15abfe  No.23139

File: 593433321fe4a3c⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 884x440, 221:110, BlackSunEclipse.jpg)


haha SAGE!fag…it is Friday. Live a little.

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8e95d8  No.23177


15 Million Germans Murdered



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90699f  No.23223

File: cdfe50b84c268d9⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1821x920, 1821:920, Capture.PNG)


Ofc it works. You'd know if you did any.



That's bullshit, there's still people posting over 9000 and all your base memes, and that doesn't explain why the shit doesn't show up on a basic search on any search engine. It was posted extremely frequently for about three months on several different imageboards, yet it's impossible to find online now. If you can't see the slightest bit of suspicion in that, you're obviously a glowkike.


In lak'ech ala k'in nigger, I am Thou and Thou art I and Thou art God.

Short answer yes. Pretty much all the secret societies know this, it's the special 33rd degree OTO whatever bullshit that they act like it's so special, you've got an immortal enduring self because you're a piece of all cration, the bloodline illuminati are afraid of normies getting this knowledge for some gary reason but it coming into prominence is literally what ushers in the Golden Age at the end of the Kali Yuga so tough titties Sam Rothschild.


The entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."


I say shove them all to africa and then ultimately ship them to Mars. I kinda feel like we could split the earth with the asians and eventually give them venus or pluto or something. Ethnoglobes are the future.

Let's be honest, when niggers are left with each other, they have a savage society but they have a society, bug people have a culture too. Let them have it and evolve separately, asians would probably be pretty 🔥 with some good eugenics implemented to reverse what Mao and Pol Pot did. I think the USA, EU and UN have done a lot of damage to Africa by giving them so much foreign aid and disincentivizing infrastructure, our niggers are smarter than theirs anyway, so send ours back and let them rule over the chimps in their home territory. Wakanda forever or whatever.

The only reason to really exterminate the niggers is… Africa is pretty resource rich. It'd be nice to have it to ourselves.

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90699f  No.23224


*all creation

FYI 223 is the frequency of my legal name's vibration in gematria, Kek, Thoth and Anupet bless my every action.

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90699f  No.23226


Here's the real reason I'm against exterminating non-whites.

As majority irish-blooded, I'm 100 years away from being a nigger myself. It's literally just temporal distance making me a real White. I gotta have some empathy, and like, northern Iranians are the real aryans so they gotta have some right to life as well at a minimum.

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a71633  No.23238

File: c2732aaa55a66b3⋯.jpg (77.38 KB, 501x684, 167:228, the irish question.jpg)


Damn, and I thought those Hibernian Question memes were just banter this whole time.

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a71633  No.23242

File: 9e27280cf0d3a34⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 402x402, 1:1, Tfw the propaganda is dank.jpg)


At first it pissed everyone off for being a forced meme. Then it sorta became funny when it mutated into an anti-masonic thing, and if I recall it disappeared after the guy spamming it got doxxed and he turned out to be this really dorky ginger kid, but I might be misremembering that part.

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fbee96  No.23257

File: ddd9d3f42056c9b⋯.png (6 KB, 512x496, 32:31, 09846780536.png)


Oaths bind people. A good man would not fear broken oaths, because it would free him. An evil man fears broken oaths, because it undoes his primary means of leverage over others.

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a8356c  No.23288

File: 38d2777d8405bdb⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Fringe Wizard.jpg)


Yeah … we know who he is.

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cf7d99  No.23290

File: ae7b61971557752⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 500x488, 125:122, simple.jpg)


>I'm not saying the meme circle guy wasn't nuts

He wasn't.

It was a meme to get anons to get that oaths only bind good men.

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7b612e  No.23370


>Oaths only bind good men.

That is profound.

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0f28c8  No.23381


are you talking about Kol Nidre?

thats when jews rinse themselves of any and all vows they ahve taken

they do it every year so they can re-fuck the world again the next year.

'what is confession, anon?"

gee, I wonder if the two are somehow associated…………

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a8356c  No.23407


The Kol Nidre is a hoot. Have you actually read the prayers/ceremony around it? Hilarious.

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7b612e  No.23420


I will put it on my list of ‘things to do’…

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4625a8  No.23520

File: 6f636ab8d153fea⋯.png (644.33 KB, 511x750, 511:750, vivaldi_OH3H2UubOy.png)


flat earth is also a topic where massive amount of shills spawn

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90699f  No.23565

File: ab34e2a7c09430f⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, dukes.jpg)



THANK YOU FOR understanding IT.

Here is your reward! Congratulations!@

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90699f  No.23570

File: 7d8d8397bfe255f⋯.gif (692.8 KB, 472x360, 59:45, a105147f94f1503421a3925e08….gif)

File: d2c7ba157de87ff⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 51617014_1035463169997853_….jpg)

File: 0f7a5a74192706a⋯.jpg (7.47 KB, 216x192, 9:8, 8307.jpg)

File: d2b45e6f4e59f38⋯.jpg (247.53 KB, 1024x784, 64:49, 1566158578464.jpg)

File: 5aee11fe2195665⋯.png (11.86 KB, 499x308, 499:308, a separate place for every….PNG)


I love eris and your \dubs btw.

I waw an Erisian disciple as early as twelve eyars old.

The principia discordia is the next level book.

But the last best level book was the fortuona, have thou red it?

Oh god I logve this thread so much.

God bless you /pnd/

Pol sucked so much and so did all the other donky dick forums

Like voat? Poal? What the fuck is that gay shit oh god.

/pnd/ is tiny compared to a lot of communities but we are so big in value and the glowkikes are so obvious these days i love you lads.

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90699f  No.23576

btwfyi guys tinfoil hats work but not for the reasons you think

for occult illuminati reasons i cannot share why just yet

but i ain't bound by no oaths i just don't feel like it haha

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90699f  No.23577


what i can share is that it needs to be at least 6-7 layers thick. 12 might be better.

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90699f  No.23596

File: 24c2180d65e52a6⋯.png (939.81 KB, 798x891, 266:297, experience duality vs plur….png)

File: 91993acd8a0ea3a⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 3328x1872, 16:9, IMG_20190325_232331 - Copy.jpg)


The thing about flat earth is that it's pushed around when other conspiracies are live, like the Vegas shooting. There were around 10x as many flat earth posters during the Vegas shooting compared to other shit. There are real flat earth posters, and the fact that shill flat earth posters are so prominent when other obvious bullshit is getting pulled ought to make them suspicious.

The earth is actually a multidimensional hypertorus. The five dimensional model of it is plentyf or a mundane to struggle with but obviously it scales up to at least the 7-dimensional brane, beyond that it's pretty theoreticall because you're getting into regions of existence with different fundamental laws & constants. As far as how big it is, there's probablya lot of stuff past antarctica because it's always approached from the same two directions when heading towards the South Pole. I came across a guy who was scheduling an expedition to it privately, including a NatSoc flag and an AnCap one, planning to push through whatever opposition they met. He believed they have the portal to Agartha there, I've seen a few maps with different "puddles" surrounded by an ice plane, it's hard to say but globe earth is obvious satanic bullshit.

Also let's just rip the band-aid off, good and evil exist but also don't exist at the same time because there's gradiation within good and evil, still, it's way mopre satisfying to pick good over evil so be a good guy trust me wink wonk.

Btw self-dox cuz i love u all.

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