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File: a41516626b8967e⋯.jpg (773.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, PioneerTunnelCoalMineAshla….jpg)

1e779b  No.22632

No, not the left-wing hippie bullshit, I mean something along the lines of deliberately setting abandoned coal mines on fire and potentially turning the location into another Centralia, PA. Especially since there is so many abandoned coal mines in the Western world, in particular underground coal mines.

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aead4b  No.22635


Yes that is a good idea, mr Fed. Afterwards we can bomb some federal buildings as well.

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486f1e  No.22645


Organize, plan, but pay for others (preferably shitskins) to execute it, so it will be harder for you to be tracked.


>muh fed

This meme is dead. Violence and terrorism always work.

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090295  No.22652

>set coal mine on fire

>implying you know what coal looks like and where to find it in a big mine

>people just fill it with water to put the fire out

You're not very bright.

Also, please don't.

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ab98fc  No.22655

File: 744bb2ec4efb457⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 620x861, 620:861, OKC_Kid.jpg)


>This meme is dead. Violence and terrorism always work.

Yes, they do generally work. But fedposters are still trying to set us up. This is a board of peace even though that won't protect us when they come down again

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65c596  No.22669


They are abandoned.

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d2296f  No.22679

How would adding pollution help the environment? I’m all for extremism but this seems mentally retarded tbqh.

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80e0c9  No.22684


Going by this guy's reasoning: If the fire would hit a coal seem, it'll be a self-sustaining fire.


Something tells me that is the point; environmental destruction, it's not meant to help the environment.

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d2296f  No.22685


Personally I hope anyone that tries this gets busted. It’s overall retarded. Better off keep killing high up people if you want real change. This just creates potential for more strict laws.

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654fef  No.22686


>Violence and terrorism always work.

Which explains why you haven't done either yet.

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665743  No.22706

File: b77ebee022f410a⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fbi hoe.jpg)

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859cf1  No.22778

File: bbbbd48ec04319f⋯.jpg (9.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mhuuu.jpg)

Soooooo, if you pour water down a burning coal mine, it'll produce steam. And if you put a turbine on the top you'll make energy.

Damn, I think OP is a retarded FBI setup-agent that might be onto something else.

Any coal mines for sale?

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bfd0e1  No.22783


so in order to save the environment

we must destroy the environment?

that's some legend of the phoenix shit right there nigger!

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17f09e  No.22794


Oh yeah, terrorism worked out so well for the people of New Zealand. Now they have less rights and muslims are even more integrated into that country.

Gotta keep accelerating the (((agenda))), right my fellow Marxist filth?

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0819d0  No.22805



t.5km from that psyop and there is more virtue signalling bullshit than ever before, in what is still predominantly white. More chinkroaches as usual. Fuck you kosher Tarrant and your kike masters.

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2783cb  No.23762


The world is a big place. You can't just burn coal mines and expect things to get much more fucked than they already are.

And people aren't going to care. Supermarkets sell 90% poison food and the 10% that is 'real' is mostly low quality shit full of hormones and antibiotics and pus. People eat it and they get all kinds of health problems but keep eating it cause they can save a few bucks and spend that on materialistic shit they are programmed to want.

As long as it doesn't outright KILL them, people will accept a life of diabetes. Your fucking coal mine pollution won't be enough to wake people up.

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000000  No.23827



WTF I hate doing things and love being submissive now!

Thanks rabbi! Good thing I didn't read the manifesto that answers everything!

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000000  No.23951

That's like stealing shit from garbage cans. You people take idiocy to the next level.

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ff8973  No.23977


This is "nuke the sun" levels of retardation.

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acdb6f  No.24803


Good idea.

Will flush out the actual fucking skinwalkers, Nephillim & howlers that nest in these places. Fuckem.

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