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File: 67be18fd7636785⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, illuminati.jpg)

c29fa1  No.22258[Last 50 Posts]

Some anon on halfchan translated this document from French that basically is a point-by-point rundown of what Soros has been doing, except it's from the 80s. "Find of All Finds" as a TD'er said. Very interdasting.


Next steps outlined:

- start a global race war to destabilize nations/eliminate nationalism

- eliminate all Judeo-Christian types from militaries

- use budget cuts during manufactured economic crisis to further destroy/weaken national militaries/governments

- use false flag international conflicts to show how everyone suddenly "needs" UN peacekeepers because national militaries are now useless

- install international tribunals, using files kept on everyone from Internet use (i.e. FB, twatter, etc) to sort out the undesirables (i.e. you)

- Long story short, they control the UN, UN controls everything else, and there'll be one world religion, culture, gov, etc.

It's way more detailed than that… but all the other stuff in there is pretty much point-by-point what's been happening globally since the 60s.

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9a76b0  No.22260

File: 8fadcc39ba94e39⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1431x1073, 1431:1073, Peter Novick - The Holocau….png)


>admitting to using /r/The_Donald




It's funny that you Qcumber's think you've stumbled onto "the find of all finds" in discovering Serge Monast. Believe it or not, but whole conspiracy "patriot movement" existed long before you found about Q, or Jonestein, or whichever other kosher fraud you like. In fact, 1985 is very late in the game, and all of these ideas had been fleshed out and discussed at length long before then. Nothing you mentioned would have been Earth-shattering then, and, aside from stating the obvious, Monast made a lot of ridiculous claims that obviously never came true.

If you really want a (mostly) authentic document laying out the agenda, just read The Protocols. Published ~117 years ago, and they still ring true.

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ffaaa7  No.22304


>what's been happening globally since the 60s.

I hope you don't mean 1960's?

Here's a hint

1st Reich started ~30 BC

This shits been going on a very long time. A very long time. ask yourself one question, with unlimited money, how much could you control and would you control just one side? "Trust the plan"?

What choice do we have?

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514710  No.22307


I will never 'trust the plan' because I don't want another mother fucker making MY PLANS FOR ME. I will make my own plans, thank you very fucking much!

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d17c42  No.22313


The secret (((Q))) doesn't want you to know: there is no plan

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ffaaa7  No.22317


>"there is no plan"

boy you're about as sharp as a leopards tail, huh?

Newflash: Rich people who control things, like controlling things. Yourself included.

The only thing that even gave us a sliver of a chance was the introduction of mass communication between us common-folk. It meant we could talk without a man-in-the-middle interpreting things for us. It meant we could organize, plan, come together and assemble in common.

Silencing us and preventing that is top priority.

Even ahead of disarmament, we are targeted human beings.

No plan? Then why are you here?

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7e04b7  No.22359


OP pumped and dumped

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d17c42  No.22360


>Rich people who control things, like controlling things. Yourself included.

I'm rich? Awesome! I don't have to worry about rent anymore! Thanks, anon!

>why are you here?

To shitpost, make fun of Trumptards, Qcultists, white nationalists, and LARPers. Why are you here?

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b819c7  No.22366


They'll lose because more and more of the population is waking up to all of this already, despite heavy psyops and disinfo campaigns and despite their control over the media. Just be prepared for the worst, do whatever you can to keep waking people up, remember they want to disarm America so they can rob us of our savings and property and microchip us like cattle, force relocate us into the dystopian mega-cities all part of UN Agenda 21/2030. Vote out political incumbents and vote for nationalists but don't rely on politics to save your ass. You must prepare for worst case scenarios like economic collapse, civil war. In the end there will be war because they're not going to give up, are you?

Best stock up on basic essentials (food, water, sanitation, clothing, gear, tools, solutions for off-grid emergencies) and have firearms/ammo for protection when SHTF. Get your defense strategy organized and planned out. Make sure you fortify all entry points if you bug-in during SHTF, the less populated the area you live in the safer you'll be. Do not trust the media or government to protect you, you must be ready to protect yourself and family!


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59c957  No.22368




I think this Q is a psyop to get well-intentioned people caught off-guard by "trusting a plan" which doesn't really exist at all. Therefore these good people think they're already protected when really they still face massive threats and crisis. To be fair, I don't think Trump was supposed to win, but Trump hasn't in any way stopped the corruption and treason against our nation regardless his intentions. People need to understand this and plan accordingly to defend themselves and loved ones.

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0ebedf  No.22369


>Important shit is going on but I'm going to just make fun of people to take the edge off of this depressing desperate poitical situation.


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d6a174  No.22376


This. But evolve "protect yourself" into "fully dominate every region or kill everyone if it can't be achieved" in the long run. Either we win, or nobody wins.

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98cefc  No.22381


Well you do recognize this is what Israel has been doing in the Middle East, right? Building Empires doesn't exactly solve problems within them, they tend to become corrupted and subverted, and you end up having the same old problems all over again.

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e166bd  No.22382

File: b9e741877a560ed⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

And then, as it turns out, when technology discovered huge oil and gas reserves under the US after Communism fell.. the US no longer gives two shits about anyone other than a limited number of trade partners and the entire global system collapses unless the nations that would've supplied the UN with their troops instead start paying for their own armed forces.


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f001f7  No.22383

File: a8728d69c8af70b⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 350x447, 350:447, Qcumber euthanasia.jpg)


Regardless of how "well-intentioned" they are, anyone gullible enough to believe in Q, even only for a second, is too much of a retard to be any kind of asset to the movement. They're the kind of people who would be sterilized (if not euthanized) in a healthy society.

>I don't think Trump was supposed to win

If the jews didn't want Trump to win, he wouldn't have. Compare the coverage he got to that of someone who actually posed a threat to the establishment, like Ron Paul, and just look at how different it was. They also could have reported on things like his decades-long friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, instead of Stormy Daniels.

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6b8f29  No.22390


>They're the kind of people who would be sterilized (if not euthanized) in a healthy society.

So you're actually calling to kill off a lot of white conservatives who are sucked into a conspiracy? That doesn't sound productive towards getting rid of the real threat at all, in fact its absolutely counter-productive and just creates more enemies and division for the good guys in general. Something I'm sure a lot of commies would love to see happen because it would only weaken the citizenry.

I think the best bet would be to wake some of them up and try getting them to prepare to fight on our side when in need. Those that sit back and follow Q be damned by natural law if they aren't prepared.

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f001f7  No.22398

File: ee9f29c9ea44b79⋯.jpeg (58.78 KB, 625x614, 625:614, political parties.jpeg)


Do you think people so mentally deficient that they believe the most obvious farce in recent history should be reproducing, and passing on those bad genes? If you believe in eugenics, the answer should be "no".

>That doesn't sound productive towards getting rid of the real threat at all

The "real threat" is the jewish system which conservatives prop up just as much as liberals. This whole "big tent" "no enemies on the right" mentality must be abandoned.

>I think the best bet would be to wake some of them up and try getting them to prepare to fight on our side when in need.

There's no waking them up. Anyone who ever seriously thought the ZOG Emperor was sending them secret messages on cuckchan about how Hitler was Angela Merkel's real father and that all the democrats are going to be arrested is a lost cause with no potential whatsoever.

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8e5e66  No.22457

File: cf0aef60daa2297⋯.pdf (2.73 MB, Protocols of Zion.pdf)


>just read The Protocols.

A spoonfeed for the newfags.

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862db0  No.22467


I don't see how creating unnecessary enemies who pose no real threat will do any good for the cause, all that will do is cause collateral damage during a real fight. This is the same kind of mistakes many nations have made fighting wars, by creating more enemies that were not worthy of losing resources fighting against. It is important to pick your battles wisely and to focus on the root of the threat, not to create more threats that could cost enormous blowback. If you are fighting one threat, but creating more than one enemy this will reduce the likelihood of your side winning the war because you will have an increasing number of groups fighting back against your side.

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eab466  No.22471


Nigger, are you going to pretend the boomer occupation of imageboards has been a good thing? Take a look at 4chan.

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4a78d0  No.22489


I wasn't talking about the image boards anon, I was referring to a hot civil war or when shit does HTF. My point is Q larp is not a threat to us what-so-ever. Q anons are stuck in their own ways addicted to whatever it is Q tells them next. Picking a fight with these people in real life conflict will do no good for any cause when shit gets hot. You need to focus on the root of the evil and pick your battles wisely is what I'm trying to say. No need to stir up unnecessary 'enemies' that will only drain your rations and resources when war comes.

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514710  No.22584




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c015f5  No.22600



Ah yes, like my based and red-pilled Ben Shapiro and Bill Kristol.

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93ce9b  No.22602

Can't find it right now lads, but one of these (((international))) organizations is very clearly a Jewish plot, it can be deduced just from the opening of the Wikipedia article. Based in Jew York, operating at 33 Rockefeller place, and so on. Anyone know which one I'm thinking of?

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eab466  No.22606


Are you sure you aren't thinking of the UN, which was built on a plot of land belonging to the Rockfellers, which used to house a kosher slaughterhouse.

But, the thing with the UN is that it's one of those golems that isn't quite under as much jewish control as it used to be, and now serves primarily as a distraction.

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419e98  No.22608

File: 2985409e14b986a⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 625x346, 625:346, 2985409e14b986ad9dd997fb1b….jpg)



Satanism and Christianity are mutually exclusive anon.

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419e98  No.22610

File: a736d60ee38dad8⋯.jpg (128.58 KB, 728x500, 182:125, 1578778812950.jpg)


Boy are you gonna feel stupid in when Sessions unseals the indictments and John McCain is arrested.

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d17c42  No.22614


>John McCain is arrested - 2 years after he died

I would pay $1,000 to watch that happen.

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419e98  No.22615

File: cc9afec3ce8d3ac⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 1093x385, 1093:385, q larp 1.jpg)


My favorite part was when Hillary was arrested on the Berenstein timeline.

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8e18ad  No.22627


>decades long

Kek, you fags always ignore the fact he kicked him out of his properties after a relatively short period of time.

Fuck you are shit shills, always same lame points and no substance or ability to debate.

You also only ever select kike propaganda that suits you while ignoring the rest that contradicts it.

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fd7f00  No.22638

File: 1f7cc50c5825f1f⋯.jpg (297.64 KB, 710x440, 71:44, Epstein Banned from Mar-a-….jpg)

File: 9e512e446f5f60d⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1287x890, 1287:890, Trump Epstein Maximum Golf.jpg)

File: 4d0c0a9066b14c2⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 540x557, 540:557, Trump on Robert Maxwell's ….jpg)

File: d3ade0f9a758eaa⋯.jpg (965.12 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, Trump Maxwell 2.jpg)

File: b6d2eea33ce7aa8⋯.png (200.83 KB, 495x524, 495:524, Trump and Maxwell.png)


>Kek, you fags always ignore the fact he kicked him out of his properties after a relatively short period of time.

False. They were friends since '90s. The alleged ban took place in 2007, after he appraoched the wrong person's daughter. MIGApedos like to pretend that it was "as soon as" Trump found out about Epstein's proclivities, but it was 5 years after Trump's "girls on the younger side" comment, where he compared hims to himself, and over a year after Epstein's initial arrest (and the media coverage of it), which Trump surely would have been aware of.

>You also only ever select kike propaganda that suits you while ignoring the rest that contradicts it.


That's the exactly how Talmudic Trumpniggers operate, finding articles in jewish newspapers that attack Trump and Netanyahu, and then pretending they're proof that world jewry is against the new Queen Esther.

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9108ca  No.22696

File: 47a7ea0b8a71f1d⋯.jpg (216.51 KB, 496x496, 1:1, serge.jpg)

>Serge Monast

I hate to encourage the qoomers, but I have some rare English audio of Serge in my files. Maybe I should tack the audiobook of the Protocols to the end of it and upload it bitchute?

For the record, I think he was either a fraud or extremely misled. William Guy Carr's awful books were apparently a big influence on him. But he did name the jew, in a book called "Le gouvernement mondial de l'antéchrist", which was never translated into English as far as I know. He was also friendly with the late, and very jew-wise, Texe Marrs, apparently traveling to the US to meet with him.

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fe0303  No.22719


Dude this is one of the saddest posts i've ever read.

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6f97fb  No.22773


>Why are you here?

I'm just here to point out that when someone called you dense, you solidified their argument by not understanding that they meant you were controlled, not that you were rich.

The period (.) at the end of the prior statement means that statement had concluded and a new one was being made subsequent to it. That's how reading is done.

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9105c6  No.22777


Anyone that displays an inert visceral response to any variable, be it "White Male", "Orange Man", or "Q-Anon", the difference between each is null. The underlying brainwashing mechanism is still the same and those that react spontaneously without thought or consideration of the topic are not worth arguing with. You cannot undo brainwashing in a matter of a single online conversation. I find it best to dismiss them as non-people as they aren't a person with their own thoughts for consideration and I don't care to argue by proxy.

What we, those of us that can consider a thought as true without accepting it as fact, must do is think of the "why" and "what agenda does this serve" when seeing certain objects, such as Qanon, placed within our periphery. >>22489

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d17c42  No.22800


Even when a sentence ends, it doesn't mean the idea itself has ended. Using the word "yourself" implies that the reader (yourself) is part of the subject of the previous sentence (Rich people). To separate the ideas an entirely new subject must be introduced, which would mean the proper word would have been "You" instead of "Yourself". That's how English works.


You should lurk more.

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bc2b9e  No.22801


Christians are the real satanists

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03003b  No.22903

File: 12eb9de423f38c1⋯.png (773.86 KB, 1242x1275, 414:425, Podesta Huma.png)

File: 1a4e90a467176b1⋯.jpg (172.5 KB, 1077x562, 1077:562, Oct 30 - 2.jpg)


Were you actually White, you would have a strong reaction to anti-White traitors like Trump, as well as jewish frauds, whether it's the Holocaust myth or the Qanon fantasy.

>I find it best to dismiss them as non-people as they aren't a person with their own thoughts for consideration and I don't care to argue by proxy.

That might be true at your home of reddit, but here, the criticisms of Yael Kushner's abba and the related LARPs almost always tend to be based in facts, facts that Trumpniggers and Qcumbers never, ever address.

The whole point of the Q LARP was supposed to be that the mass arrests were coming in October/November of 2017. It's 2020 now. From the first post, it should have been obvious they were never coming, but now? Over 2 years after the initial deadline?

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03003b  No.22935

File: 6899b1ad9f8d68a⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 1140x815, 228:163, Epstein-Dershowitz.jpg)

File: ad5c85365071647⋯.jpg (204.08 KB, 1131x931, 1131:931, Dershowitz Statutory Rape.jpg)

File: ad4f2bf44293c87⋯.mp4 (9.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alan Dershowitz Never Apo….mp4)


If Trump is this anti-pedophile crusader, why does he share 2 of his impeachment lawyers (Dershowtiz and Starr) with Epstein, at least one of whom (Dershowitz) is a confirmed pedophile?

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edb6d8  No.23776


Goes back further than that. Satan is the great adversary. He's always been here. We are trapped here with him.

But this is just a test for us and a prison for him.

John 4:4

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."

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a8ac55  No.23802

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7f8ac0  No.23813


1. Kill yourself, Q-LARPer.

2. The plan is the Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, as outlined in the Talmud.

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000000  No.23841


>start a global race war to destabilize nations/eliminate nationalism

Wouldn't the exact opposite happen?


Fuck off

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580276  No.24152


>1st Reich started ~30 BC

how the hell did the holy roman empire exist before jesus?

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384e18  No.24229


that link didnt work

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a8ac55  No.25890


wtf happened here

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00f983  No.25948

Go read the protocols of the learned elders of Zion and practical idealism Qboomer. They literally say in their own words they want to destroy the White race by promoting mass nonwhite immigration, WW3 with Islam to destroy both the West and the Islamic world both of which had a history of getting tired of Jews shit. Implementing state enforced Racemixing which is the reason why you literally see ALL men that are “refugees” so when most able bodied white men are drafted for said war they WILL implement it either during the war or after. Once the west is racially mongrelized and the Islamic world is ethnically cleansed from the natives there, Israel will will take as much space as they possibly can. Than the Jewish “messiah” or for your Christians out there the antichrist which IS Jared Kushner will rule over a racially mixed brown underclass slave race while the Jews and the traitorous WASP elites rule over while they subvert China and India next. If you STILL haven’t figured this out you got a problem. You liberals WILL lose because you don’t believe in the sense of struggle itself. More and more people especially the youth are becoming more receptive to OUR beliefs. The New Zealand shooting whatever your thoughts on it being a false flag or not quite literally made many people sympathetic too our ideals. Either embrace the idea of being called a racist or get run over by the Jews and their brown hordes.

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dd4c5b  No.25972

File: 1d95fb075bbf9e2⋯.png (17.57 KB, 1024x847, 1024:847, draining.png)

File: 59be5fcbe2c8748⋯.png (506.6 KB, 763x612, 763:612, swamp.png)


The swamp has been drained.

Everything is done and ok now.

Go home and relax.

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e2acdc  No.26014


you think any of this is news? how much a new fag are you?

>since the 60's

rofl reading Hitler's speeches can give you more detailed info than you are on about and as anon said here >>22260 the protocols are 117 years old and The Secret Powers Behind Revolution and Stoddards trail of the serpent I will wager ius better than the infowars tier shit you think is some revelation

Have copies of each on me



Also learn about the treaty of Verona from 1822 older than the protocols even. Try shinola 101


and stop posting chan screens like a retard

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e2acdc  No.26016


The sentence would have actually made more sense with a comma instead of a period either way it was bad structure like grade school level bad.

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63bf13  No.26017

Qresearch board is where?

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e2acdc  No.26018


shoot yourself in the face you stupid cunt

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7f8ac0  No.26028






Reported for supporting Q-LARP. Never post on this website again.

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51eb34  No.26118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because it's a way to make "conspiracy theorists" look like retards. It's the same reason Morgan Reynolds was allowed to go on Fox and claim no planes were used on 9/11 and that Netflix (and countless others) have given the flat-Earthers so much attention. But, to be fair, as retarded as they are, no planes and flat-Earth are both more plausible than the Q LARP.

If Q is real, why haven't the arrests that were supposed to take place in 2017 (with exact dates given) taken place yet? Why is the whole thing so blatantly plagiarized from David Wilcock's phony insider Drake Bailey?

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8b9d9a  No.26224


The rules of writing and syntax aside, the sentence was fine if you look at it as conversational. Not that anon is a great author, but you'd be hard pressed to find any of those who follow the rules to the letter.

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67ff8e  No.26732


>Judeo-Christian types

What homosexual faggotry is this?

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