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File: 2274b29b34cfeb1⋯.png (454.97 KB, 841x702, 841:702, ClipboardImage.png)

439346  No.22050

With the Colleges corrupting children's minds, its our time to keep Generation Zyklon from getting corrupted by false promises and overwhelming debt.

College in general is just paying large centralized banks your parents earned money for a slip of paper that will allegedly give you a job. Private FOR-PROFIT college institutions do this well, but I believe that High School AP Classrooms along with non-(((Middle Eastern Military Service))) is how to truly raise offspring.

On that note. Lets make up our own AP Classes.

>AP Pre-Military Physical Training

This class trains the youth for future combat-ready scenarios through intense daily workouts, compassionate Junior drill sergeants, and a state-of-the-art P.E. facility.

On the first day of class, you will be tasked with completing 100 pushups. If a student completes 100 pushups, then you will be given a free protein bar. The first week will be mostly running starting at 4 miles per day. On the second week, students will participate in a open firing range where they can begin to learn how to operate a fully loaded assault rifle. The third and fourth week will comprise of mostly physical training in the boot camp. As a warmup, students will have to complete 100 pushups, 250 curl ups, and 1/2 mile in 5 minutes or less.

One month in, the student will then receive their first combat scenario. The class will be divided into 15 students in a large battleground field. The students will be armed with BB assault rifles and fake knives that go off if used. The students will then proceed to use battle strategy learned in huddles to win the game of removing at least 5 from the opposing team.

The final exam will be a copy and paste of the US Navy Seals test. Students will swim 250 yards in 12 minutes or less, complete 25 pushups in 2 minutes, 25 situps in 2 minutes, and a ½ mile sprint in full military attire. Given that a student gets an A, they will be given a special recommendation to the local recruiting armies. However, the students will also be given a waiver that protects them from serving in (((Middle Eastern warfare))).

If the student is above 180 lbs or shows signs of physical retardation, the student can’t join the class and must attend normal Team Sports classes.

>AP German Language and Hyperborean Culture

This class teaches the student effective deep understanding of German ethnicity.

We want students that understand that globalization is a goal of large capital money management corporations that want to accelerate Climate Change.

The students will effectively communicate fluently in German with vocabulary sheets containing at least 25 words biweekly. They will learn how to properly pronounce German locations on a map. They will learn geography like Rhineland, Sudetenland, Saxony, and Bavarian. They will also learn to embrace ethnic differences in Nordic and Hyperborean cultures.

The students will learn also all anti-fascist organizations in Germany as well the names of their corporate backers. The students will learn German foods, medieval kingdoms, industrial forces, Nazi’s vs. Kaiser Reich, and post-war Global Management.

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439346  No.22051

The class will end with each and every student flying to Germany for a final exam. They will film themselves using effective debate strategy against demonstrators in major EU or German Cities. They can debate all sorts of issues such as Feminism, Women’s Rights, Weight management, or even Automation of German industrial jobs. The debate should be entirely in German language and if the student is recognized as an American and called out for it, the student will lose as much as 20 points. The whole class will see the debate too, so the students must preform accordingly.

>AP Contemporary Women’s Studies

This class will be the most liberal out of the bunch because it is primarily geared towards women.

The class will mostly teach the students about how mainstream investment capital organizations on YouTube and Twitter are shilling the “modern woman” and how to counteract it with effective science-backed arguments.

The first week or so will focus on creating new dresses from old pre-1950s designs. It will focus on the industrial might of the empires that created the dresses and how dull modern fashion is without the impact of artistic, European individuals. The next week will start by going out on the track and running 2 miles with at least 85 squats to be completed in 15 minutes in between each mile. The third week will be to create a painting that sums up the origin story of the student like from where they were raised to what they will want to be in the future.

On the second month, it will get more in the nitty gritty where students will pick out a mainstream YouTube channel and deconstruct the several harmful messages they are directly promoting to the public such as: Overindulgence on Food, Harmful body modification, or Causing harm to animals. The third month will be spent on the importance of a Woman’s role in a family. In warm up’s they will be given scenarios pertaining to disciplining children. The lessons will focus mostly on childbearing, disciplining children, tax and financial management, and finally current marriage laws.

The fourth month will be deeply studying the biology of a Woman. In this unit, the students will learn the primary differences between a man and woman with the goal of recognizing and accepting phases of life. It will also push the general idea that 2016 transgenders live relatively short lives and become quickly unattractive throughout Middle Age.

For a final exam, the students will be given a 150 multiple choice exam that goes over all topics learned in the class. Then the student will be bussed to the Local Community church to talk about contemporary issues. Upon completion, the student will make a one-page essay about how Community Churches involuntarily push for the demoralization of women and forced HRT gender conversion through non-structured sermons and a lack of biblical references other than John 3:16.

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c1084c  No.22069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFK pushed a similar routine OP. Clearly the yids fear this, as it never surfaced again. Can you imagine Trump promoting fitness?

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de4cef  No.22087


>Lets make up our own AP Classes.

"AP", standing for Advanced Placement, is actually a trademarked term, by the (((College Board))).

The sentiment is still correct. We need to develop a curriculum for our children, and we need to do this in a way that's doesn't subject them to the current education system. The way to achieve this in our own homes is homeschooling, but a standard curriculum for our children is a good idea. Moreover, starting WELL BELOW the high-school level is important.

You can find a decent homeschooling curriculum on line which matches that of the high schools. That said, you should consider making the following amendments to a normal curriculum:

1) History and Foreign Languages should be emphasized more than math in the early developmental years. Math shouldn't be outright neglected, but it shouldn't be pushed hard. Math should be taught in a fashion that builds the student towards mastering elementary Algebra - asking them questions like "fill in the questionmark to make the equation true" is a good thing to do in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. For a lot of children, 4th-6th grade math is "review," and they'll get bored with it fast. Feel free to emphasize the topic less for them during those years in particular if they have a mastery of the topic. Children also absorb things like History and Foreign Languages better during early developmental years, so this is the time to give those things to them.

2) It is very uniform that elementary Algebra is taken in the equivalent of 6th or 7th grade. Even if your child is extremely smart, do not introduce this material to them before the 5th grade - this is THE key developmental milestone, but there's been a lot of research justifying that this is the time when your child will learn about abstractions best. Trying to rush this might cripple them later. That said, if your child can't learn this material by the end of 8th grade, they're a lost cause intellectually.

3) Once your child knows Algebra, you can emphasize STEM type classes a lot more. This opens up a huge world of possible topics - Physics, Chemistry, and Programming. (Note that even if Algebra isn't strictly necessary for programming, the ability to understand some basic abstractions is - don't put this before an Algebra course.)

4) Once your child understands Algebra, it's reasonable to try to make a beeline for having them understanding Calculus. Calculus will enable them to do a lot more advanced stuff, but it's also worth teaching them the basics of those advanced things first.

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f0393b  No.22089


>If the student is above 180 lbs

not entirely fair to the >6" crowd

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be4952  No.22099


Trade schools. Cheap. Not subverted by Marxists commies. Train students on a need-to-know basis, for the industry they intend to work. You learn productive skills and can make a decent living utilizing those skills, plus the connections between the trades are plentiful, you'll be able to find work fast, many will even assist you with finding a job.

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9011e3  No.22100


>Lets make up our own AP Classes

Master Level Shitposting is all you need in life.

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19bf8e  No.22105

We don't need academia. The pinnacle of human achievement is putting a ball in a hoop. We must organize our society to produce those that are greatest at this, and then cater to all of their needs. All technological progress should focus on improving the performance of hoop scorers, and maximizing both the audience and pixel count of videos of this activity.

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cbb49d  No.22153


yeah this thread was made by a manlet lmao

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ec33b1  No.22160

File: 0ba659dfd5f44fe⋯.jpg (799.21 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, smug of smugs.jpg)

>No AP Smugology class


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ba3cdd  No.22395


he was also the first to pimp the 1965 immigration act that permanently destroyed this place. fucking papist scum

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423ccb  No.22414


This is cringe as fuck and would never pass. Nice LARP though.

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fb9dc5  No.23751


>If the student is above 180lb

Ok midget

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df9256  No.23867


>If the student is above 180 pounds or shows of physical retardation, the student can't join the class and must attend normal Team sport classes

what about the tall kids and bear mode people? It should be determined by BMI

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