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File: 74c7da156e30827⋯.png (62.19 KB, 600x461, 600:461, march.png)

3597e6  No.21687

7th democratic debate live


9pm est.

in 30 minutes

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3597e6  No.21699

File: 91bf128e2042733⋯.png (8.82 KB, 608x489, 608:489, 6million.png)

starting in 9 minutes

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3597e6  No.21704

starting now

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832624  No.21721

I hope bernie wins and kicks off the fucking race war.

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c8e349  No.21739

Yawn. Fuck watching 3 hours of this horse shit.

Hopefully they all do a big shitflinging meltdown like usual though but seems they been coached away from that now to hide their true colours lol

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c79510  No.21751

I'm surprised they're even televising it after the previous disasters.

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317cc6  No.21755

OP's pic even in its edited version for those of you newfags it was a meme from the old /pol/ to call the original caricatures made by Ben as the edited version is Zyklon Ben's best work, really. It neatly sums up everything you need to know about how America works.

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e9f348  No.21756

All of the candidates agree with each other offering minor differences in policy. They're not even trying any more.

I want to see the inevitable bernie/b/ro clash with the trump /n/iggers. It should be a legendary shitshow that will rival the 2016 primaries.

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b62bdf  No.21762


> it was a meme from the old /pol/ to call the original caricatures made by Ben as the edited version.

That was so gay. I hope we can put that practice to rest. ZB doesn't need us to protect his reputation by hiding all his antisemitic imagery and denying that he's a one-man holocaust machine.

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60e16e  No.21763

File: dae83790e5819f8⋯.png (101.7 KB, 989x605, 989:605, map.png)


most Trump supporters (other than boomers that don't know how to internet) don't give a damn anymore 'cause Trump hasn't kept any of his promises. he's all about Iran War for Israel and H1B visas for cheap indian IT workers for GDP now, doesn't give a damn about the middle class white people that elected him

bernie would win easily because all non-whites will always vote (D), probably high turnout because they hate bad orange man that they incorrectly perceive as representing white male interests. and instead of the white vote being firmy behind Trump, it would be split

also Trump barely won 2016, small margins, he needs to win Wisconsin again which he won by 0.77% and Florida which was 1.6% or so

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b74641  No.21927

File: f5ba409dd89141d⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 600x809, 600:809, bawwww.jpg)


>bawwww I want to spend the next 5 years kvetching and whining about a dead event D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

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5f65e2  No.22472

Hmm …

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7f5f34  No.26463


Anyone offhand have the screencap where a jew admitted he's the one who makes all of those edits?

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54f47a  No.26478

File: 2d1b2f61a5e4a74⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2027x1509, 2027:1509, 0B1C93F6-FAE5-4429-813B-4….jpeg)


Here’s 2020 as of right now, plus the forthcoming Virginia vote on the NPVIC (which is going to pass). Trump lied about everything he said. Zero deportations whatsoever. 2 million additional nonwhites have also been allowed to come in, and who knows how many spiclets have been shat out by illegals (et. al.) No wall, no arrests of any government officials for anything, anywhere, no voter ID laws, and even more gun restrictions.

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54f47a  No.26479


Oh, whoops. Colorado is part of the NPVIC, so it’s also hard blue for all eternity. Add it to the democrat numbers.

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902f9d  No.26490

File: fe751030e9262d5⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 600x437, 600:437, Based_Jeb.jpg)


There is another. . .

sage for response to demoralizing fag-kun shill

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