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File: 6b58f26a3c71c8c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 800x766, 400:383, lotta-eriksson-2.png)

a80381  No.20899


>A MOTHER in eastern Sweden who fought off six violent left-wing extremists who tried to break into her home has been awarded the Nordic Resistance Movement’s civil courage prize for her exemplary bravery.

>Lotta Eriksson, 47, single-handedly defended herself and her family against six armed anti-fascists who attempted to force their way into her home in Nyköping earlier this month.

>The incident occurred on Wednesday 18th December at Lotta’s apartment, where she lives with her 16-year-old son.

>Lotta has been a nationalist since her teenage years and most recently has been involved in the organisation Right Wing Resistance. Earlier on Wednesday, Lotta’s ex-husband was doxed for being a “Nazi” on an anti-White, left-wing-extremist website.

>Just a few hours later, a man rang her doorbell. Sensing nothing amiss, Lotta answered the door to see what he wanted. But upon opening the door, the man suddenly grabbed hold of it and put his foot between the door and the frame so Lotta couldn’t shut it. Five other men then rushed down from the floor above towards the apartment.

>Lotta saw that several of the Antifa wore protective vests and had melee weapons in their hands. She realized they intended to attack her and her son, who was in his room playing video games with his headphones on, and tried in vain to close the door.

>Instinctively Lotta then reached for the baseball bat that stood behind the door. As the first red forced his way into her hallway, she struck a powerful blow against his head with the bat. The man fell to his knees and tried to protect himself, but Lotta continued to strike him with the bat.

>Eventually the pitiful anti-fascist fell back out through the doorway and tumbled down the staircase outside. The other five reds then fled down the stairs and dragged their unconscious companion out of the building.

>Since the publication of the original news article about the incident on Nordfront, there has been an outpouring of both admiration and appreciation for Lotta’s brave actions, with many people saying she is a fantastic example for Nordic women, both young and old.

I hope the guy that took a tumble down the stairs broke his neck.

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000000  No.20919

>Six adults (presumably men)

>Against one elderly woman



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c5aa7f  No.20926

File: 64dc4bab8e2cd29⋯.gif (76.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Smash Alunya.gif)


Good that a commie got smashed.

However, a women doing more to fight the communist problem is kind of sad. Where's the father of the her son? In Sweden she's lucky it wasn't her own government trying to break in and drag her off to prison for voicing illegal opinions.

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000000  No.20927


>In Sweden she's lucky it wasn't her own government trying to break in and drag her off to prison for voicing illegal opinions.

She's in Sweden, not best goyim america where

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizen per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

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7372c0  No.20929

File: 7f7e9d15d800055⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 225x225, 1:1, antifa cuck.jpg)


Gee I wonder…

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3f632e  No.20933

Brave Woman. She's like Babushka with rolling pin when you try and steal the lemon bread.

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c5aa7f  No.20937

File: b6e3ec9ecc85fb7⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 608x538, 304:269, let me guess berg witz ste….jpg)


That has literally nothing to do with anything in my post, kike.

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d74616  No.20941


>And still, she will vote to bring shitskins to her country to let them fuck her until her 90s

>And still, she is a woman, meaning that she will still go to heel when she dies, no matter what she does in her life

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669044  No.20943


She's a Swedish nationalist. Did you read the article?

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64abde  No.20947

Any bit of positive news is always welcomed, especially in the Nordic countries.

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5eebbd  No.20949


the power of soy.

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c9df24  No.20951


When a mother is concerned for the welfare of her child, she becomes superhuman.

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3f632e  No.20957


Double Es, Double Bs there are dubs in your ID.

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0c7b3e  No.20959


Probably a subhuman. Europeans do not hate the other sex like subhumans do…but no, I doubt it can read.

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40b70f  No.20960


It enrages me that the only think between the right and curbstomping these faggots is fucking zogbots being constantly threatened and shitted on by the very faggots they defend the very moment they defend them.

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9befb4  No.20964

File: 9eea39b03b9b9b6⋯.jpg (26.19 KB, 264x377, 264:377, Little_lotta.JPG)


Well she is built like a tank. Those emaciated antifa soyniggers never stood a chance, really.

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82dfdb  No.20989

Daily reminder that Antifa are commie jewish terrorists and they need to be killed.

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40b70f  No.20991


Give her a break! No matter how hard she swinged these faggots are more dense headed than niggers.

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bb4f6c  No.20996

File: 26b76b66a46fefa⋯.jpg (15.77 KB, 265x493, 265:493, 31369.jpg)

The only thing that could have made this situation any funnier is if she cracked him over the head with a Swedish rolling pin.

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ff1529  No.20997

File: 6ff250b41dfadd5⋯.jpg (158.5 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, z22964995IER,Marsz-ONR-w-k….jpg)


>Where's the father of the her son?

Probably at work.

This is why you should take your wives to the range, anons.

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a5bc50  No.20999

File: ee12b09f8ad3d41⋯.png (197 KB, 614x568, 307:284, wasp mind control.png)


>six armed anti-fascists

Fake publication detected

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ff1529  No.21001


Nice trips, Himey.

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a29af9  No.21002


Soy goy detected.

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08a7dd  No.21003

File: 888881e1f995c98⋯.webm (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Commies BTFO.webm)

File: abac4fd1ce06508⋯.webm (2.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Exploding commies.webm)

>be antifaggot

>gets beaten by grandmother

The absolute state of globohomo storm troopers. So much money, so little talent.

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7b22db  No.21016


This. Which is also why ((they)) are so focused on subverting women and destroying traditional motherhood.

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ac5399  No.21018

File: d9c86a29219775a⋯.gif (982.77 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Smug Stroheim.gif)



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52993f  No.21028

File: 0d89d9b64904fb0⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 0d89d9b64904fb02a03033ae87….jpg)


the issue is sometimes mothers could be overconcerned and overbearing with their child, seeing that that the father is not there and her son is playing vydia games in separate room this likely. It reminds me of my childhood

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988aa4  No.21096


Mothers are the scariest among animals. They have strong will to beat the ever-living shit out of you if you are a threat to their offspring.

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86463f  No.21098


How is Helmet man not a meme already? Way better than 'based stick man'

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86463f  No.21104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full video of helmet man.

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36ea62  No.21113


Based nanny could take on Euro antifa herself.

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5b6946  No.21264

File: 418814ff66b378a⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 612x408, 3:2, good_job_boomer.jpg)



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96af3b  No.21284

File: 149c4c0e763d5b5⋯.png (106.68 KB, 230x199, 230:199, 1412404693334.png)


>The other five reds then fled down the stairs and dragged their unconscious companion out of the building.

God fucking bless you, Lotta Eriksson. You've made my week.

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1aba9f  No.21294

Lol they got beat up by an old lady. How can they take over when they can’t even beat up a granny? What plebs.

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625be9  No.21363

I wish there were more real news like this on /pnd/ instead of a bunch of ranting about muh niggers!

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45c035  No.21370


Don't laugh. That granny would wreck your shit too.

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bc913e  No.21574


I'm surprise the typical crowd hasn't shown up to tell us all how she's a secret jew.

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11b30f  No.21794


What the fuck is that supposed to roll out? Nightmares?

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aa75e1  No.21813


Niggers really are pretty awful though, I suppose those unfortunate enough to live near them just need to vent.

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f0ef7a  No.21814


Faggots and trannies, that's who.

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3f6fad  No.21820

File: 3f708a1a1453956⋯.jpeg (34.06 KB, 474x278, 237:139, th.jpeg)


A very dry Swedish flat bread. Its old school survival food. The embossed texture it creates helps keep the bread from rising during baking.

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d4de39  No.21827

File: 24a4a6b8baec47f⋯.png (171.77 KB, 315x603, 35:67, 24a4a6b8baec47f93aa46a17dd….png)


Anon kun do not underestimate the sheer power of mother instinct and an instinct of self defence especialy when one is afraid for the lives of their loved ones and one self.those two instincts when combined may prove leathal for any threat that may arise. My regards go for this brave woman for striking those animals down and defending her right to live, her property and family, even in the shitholes like sweeden.

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ee55ad  No.21978


The same reason serial rapists don't use a weapon.

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54e9d0  No.26163

File: 294b398f2fb1507⋯.png (79.84 KB, 272x199, 272:199, 1540904372928.png)


It's antifa man didn't you read the Post?

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