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File: 4da8c32af4be6d8⋯.png (956.78 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_2020-01-12_14-5….png)

176842  No.20801


>Police stood by and watched while a conservative reporter was assaulted by Antifa members at a Seattle protest, reported The Blaze.

>Elijah Schaffer, a BlazeTV contributor and host of the show “Slightly Offens*ve,” was roughed up as he tried to prevent an Antifa member from grabbing the camera of one of his producers.

>Video footage shows police standing by without intervening.

When is Trump going to impose a federal law to ban masks at protests? I heard this is how Norway curtailed antifa activity back in the 90s. Antifa are not nearly as brave without their masks.

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a1a9f9  No.20804

better make lists of those antifa faggots

when shtf, you wanna cleanse your neighbourhood

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8d9c03  No.20806



Zionist trash.

>Elijah Schaffer

Sounds jewish. I hope he dies.

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ed2211  No.20807


Every city with Antifa problems has banned masks at protests, and the Antifa have vanished. Berkely did it after 2016, and haven't had a major protest since. The last two big cities without a mask ban are Portland and Seattle and suprise suprise they have all the Antifa rich kids flying in to commit consequence-free violence on the streets.

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035194  No.20827


Kill the leftists that come from rich families. Violence is always the solution to anything. Terrorism does work. You kill them, and they stop.

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3489ea  No.20828


Preach on!

It's fucking refreshing to hear someone else say this for once.

So many people live in fairy tale land and think so shallow. The business model is all ads! That's all guys! They couldn't and wouldn't possibly have anything to gain by manipulating the truth.

So many people cannot imagine possibilities they themselves do not fully understand.

Fear, pride, ignorance…all of the above…

And these people are everywhere now in low and high places because we build a system that punishes honesty and morality and rewards willing decievers.

We created an adaptive pressure to select for useless people and that I precisely what we have now.

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dced15  No.20835


are you the nigger to my roddy piper, anon?!

How are we the only ones that can see this shit?

if I could have you and 3 more like us, I could bring the whole system down inside of 2yrs.

(((they))) aren't some uber-intelligent beings, they just bogarted the communications and kept lying about what everyone was saying about each other and planting seeds of doubt in everyones mind. Now they're overplaying their hand in a desperate attempt to put the lid back on the comms because of the internet.

for the first time in thousands of years, the people have a legitimate chance to break free.

the real shit-kicker of it all is the ones truly standing in the way of this is the people themselves.

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dced15  No.20836

File: a7d8790d8a8863f⋯.jpeg (247.09 KB, 1420x799, 1420:799, roddypiper.jpeg)

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1a35bd  No.20837


Conservatives don't protest with masks, antifa faggot

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2aa87a  No.20841

File: 970eeb53be07600⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 612x606, 102:101, 1578421020321.jpg)

These outrage farming conservatard threads are a waste of digital space.

>waaaahhhh someone participating in the system got beat up by the system

Like just dab on pharma execs and stop crying. Your "2A protest" is a blow-off valve for anger that might turn into something that actually threatens the system.

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9a8a3e  No.20850


steve irwin looks good there

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82262c  No.20856


At least you could have mentioned Ray Charles.

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3cc77e  No.20863


So a reporter working for Glenn Beck got beat up by a bunch of masked meth addicts in Portland? Gee, whats new?

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53c175  No.20871

File: 4d3378534e034e5⋯.jpg (152.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Beck Israel.jpg)

The neo-cohens from The Blaze are no more our allies than antifa.


Who cares about "conservatives", you reddit-spacing nigger?

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8d9c03  No.20894

Antuffa must be worried about threads like this to uselessly sage replies.

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ca5acf  No.21000

Clearly the mod is a leftypol toaster leaving.

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e6c2c4  No.21596


>Conservatives don't protest with masks

No, but they should and probably need to.

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9ccd5e  No.22009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Who new how much truth that movie expressed while we watched, asleep.

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25e780  No.22271


Convoluted maelstrom of syntax.

Clear as twatting mud.

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